¯¯¯¯¯¯ This game may be played by any number of persons up to thirteen, if a full pack of cards be used; or by any number up to eight with the smaller pack of thirty-two cards. Apool is formed by each player contributing a counter or coin, the dealer paying one extra. Four cards are then dealt to each player, and all have the right to look at their hands. The object of the players is to secure a flush, four cards of one suit; or four cards of different suits; and when either of these combinations is secured, the player says: “MyBird sings,” and he becomes the winner, and thereby entitled to the amount in the pool. There are two methods of conducting the game: either by each player in turn throwing out a card from his hand, or by allowing the opponent on his left-hand side to take one. The competitor on the dealer’s left is the first to play, and, supposing his “Bird” does not already “sing,” and the first-named method is adopted, he throws out one of his cards, face downwards, on the table. The player on his left adds this card to his own four, and if his “Bird” does not “sing,” he in like manner throws one of his cards out for the next player; the same plan being adopted round and round, until one of the players secures the four cards necessary. If the second method is adopted the player does not [102] himself reject a card, but turns his hand, without exposing it, to the next player, who selects whichever card he chooses, and proceeds with the game as in the other variation. After going completely round among the players three times, the original leader may exchange one of his cards for the top card of the undealt portion of the pack, and if it should happen to be of the same suit as the one he threw out, he rejects it, and takes the next or following one, until he gets a different suit; but before introducing a new card into the game he must throw out one of those in hand. This introduction of new cards may be made each round, after the first three of a hand, until one of the players secures a winning set of cards, otherwise it may be a tedious matter to get a winning combination. VARIATIONS. The game is sometimes played for flushes only; that is, the four cards must be of one suit before a player’s “Bird sings,” and sometimes only three cards are dealt to each player, in which latter case flushes alone are recognised. The game may also be continued until the whole pack of cards is exhausted; in which case, whenever a player’s bird sings, he turns the four cards over and regards them as one trick. Four other cards are then given him from the top of the undealt portion of the pack, and the game proceeds as before. The ultimate winner is he who secures the greatest number of tricks. Inthe case of a tie the stakes are divided between the two or more players who have an equal number. [103] |