. | PAGE |
PelopÆus on Nest, Group of Finished Cells, and Tube opened to show Spiders (page 266) | Frontispiece |
Wasp Eating | 3 |
Paper Nest with Side removed to show Construction of Combs | 11 |
Ammophila Urnaria carrying Caterpillar to Nest | 19 |
Ammophila Urnaria stinging Caterpillar | 27 |
Caterpillar with Egg of Ammophila Urnaria | 29 |
Nest of Ammophila | 31 |
Ammophila Urnaria using Stone to pound down Earth over Nest | 39 |
Thorough Locality Study by Sphex | 59 |
Hasty Locality Study by Sphex | 61 |
Sphex dragging Grasshopper to her Nest | 63 |
Nest of Sphex | 69 |
Oxybelus Quadrinotatus | 75 |
Nest of Oxybelus | 79 |
Aporus Fasciatus | 81 |
Wasp Homes in the Log Cabin | 85 |
Nest of Perennis | 89 |
Nest of Anormis | 91 |
Sexmaculatus in the Linden Roots | 99 |
Crabro and her White Moths | 103 |
Crabro Stirpicola | 106 |
Bottle on Stem to measure Work of Crabro | 107 |
Nest of C. Stirpicola | 113 |
Ammophila sleeping in the Grass (after Banks) | 115 |
Nest of Bembex | 125 |
Bembex SpinolÆ looking out of Nest | 131 |
Bembex | 136 |
A Corner of the Bembex Colony | 137 |
Nest of Cerceris Nigrescens | 142 |
Cerceris Clypeata | 143 |
Cerceris Deserta: Locality Study before leaving Nest | 153 |
Philanthus Punctatus | 157 |
Nest of Philanthus Punctatus | 163 |
Aphilanthops gathering Ants | 169 |
Trypoxylon Rubrocinctum | 185 |
Male Trypoxylon awaiting the Female | 191 |
Tornado Wasp (Pompilus Quinquenotatus) digging Nest | 197 |
Pompilus Quinquenotatus | 199 |
Epeira Strix paralyzed and hung up on Bean Plant by Pompilus Quinquenotatus, out of the Way of Ants | [xii] [xiii] |