PelopÆus on Nest, Group of Finished Cells, and Tube opened to show Spiders (page 266) Frontispiece
Wasp Eating 3
Paper Nest with Side removed to show Construction of Combs 11
Ammophila Urnaria carrying Caterpillar to Nest 19
Ammophila Urnaria stinging Caterpillar 27
Caterpillar with Egg of Ammophila Urnaria 29
Nest of Ammophila 31
Ammophila Urnaria using Stone to pound down Earth over Nest 39
Thorough Locality Study by Sphex 59
Hasty Locality Study by Sphex 61
Sphex dragging Grasshopper to her Nest 63
Nest of Sphex 69
Oxybelus Quadrinotatus 75
Nest of Oxybelus 79
Aporus Fasciatus 81
Wasp Homes in the Log Cabin 85
Nest of Perennis 89
Nest of Anormis 91
Sexmaculatus in the Linden Roots 99
Crabro and her White Moths 103
Crabro Stirpicola 106
Bottle on Stem to measure Work of Crabro 107
Nest of C. Stirpicola 113
Ammophila sleeping in the Grass (after Banks) 115
Nest of Bembex 125
Bembex SpinolÆ looking out of Nest 131
Bembex 136
A Corner of the Bembex Colony 137
Nest of Cerceris Nigrescens 142
Cerceris Clypeata 143
Cerceris Deserta: Locality Study before leaving Nest 153
Philanthus Punctatus 157
Nest of Philanthus Punctatus 163
Aphilanthops gathering Ants 169
Trypoxylon Rubrocinctum 185
Male Trypoxylon awaiting the Female 191
Tornado Wasp (Pompilus Quinquenotatus) digging Nest 197
Pompilus Quinquenotatus 199
Epeira Strix paralyzed and hung up on Bean Plant by Pompilus Quinquenotatus, out of the Way of Ants [xii]


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