
Agenia, mutilation of spiders, 243, 247.

—— bombycina, 244.

Ammophila, 15;

stinging habits of American and French species, 28;

Fabre’s conclusions contrasted with ours, 52;

sleeping habits noted by Banks, 117.

—— gracilis, great distance over which prey is carried, 46;

failure of instinct, 46.

—— polita, 50.

—— urnaria, 18;

sense of locality, 20;

individuality, 22;

using a pebble as a tool, 38.

—— vulgaris, losing her way, 46.

—— yarrowii, Williston’s notes on habits, 40.

Aphilanthops frigidus, 167;

losing her way, 171;

method of capturing queen ants uncertain, 174.

Aporus fasciatus, 80;

habit of filling up partly made nests, 82;

depends upon close packing to keep spider quiet, 83;

contrast between two individuals, 84.

Ashmead, W. H., on European species of Oxybelus, 78.

Astata bicolor, locality study, 288.

—— unicolor, locality study, 290.

Banks, Nathan, observation on sleeping habits of Ammophila, 117.

Bates, H. W., on habits of Monedula signata, 136.

Belt, Thomas, on locality study of Polistes carnifex, 60.

Bembex labiatus, note on locality sense by Bouvier, 124.

—— rostrata, account of habits by Wesenberg, 139;

note on locality sense by Marchand, 125.

—— spinolÆ, 119;

less numerous progeny than other wasps, 120;

habit of feeding young from day to day, 120;

quarrelsome habits, 129;

tolerance of parasites, 132;

number of parasitic larvÆ found in nests, 133;

experiment to determine number of nests visited by female at one time, 139;

teasing Tachysphex, 262.

Bouvier, note on locality sense of Bembex labiatus, 124.

Brehm, on mutilation of spiders by Agenia punctata, 243.

Brues, on sleeping habits of Priononyx atrata, 118.

Cerceris clypeata, 147;

locality study, 149;

experiments on stinging habits, 151.

—— deserta, 152;

locality study, 153.

—— fumipennis, 142.

—— nigrescens, 142.

Ceropales, following Pompilus scelestus, 231.

Chlorion coeruleum, 256.

Crabro interruptus, 102;

locality study, 105.

Crabro lentus, 101;

both flies and bugs found in nests, 101.

—— sexmaculatus, 99;

takes both flies and gnats, 101.

—— stirpicola, 106;

contrasted with other wasps as to manner, 106;

works night and day to finish nest, 108.

—— wesmÆli, said to take both flies and bugs, 101.

Dunning, S. W., on finding flies alive in nests of Bembex, 135.

Fabre, J. H., on automatically perfect instincts of Ammophila, 52;

on French species of Sphex, 69;

on the habits of Bembex, 134;

on Philanthus apivorus, 162;

on French species of PelopÆus, 273.

Goureau, on mutilation of spiders by wasps, 244.

Larra quebecensis, 263.

Lubbock, Sir John, on individuality in ants, 288.

Lyroda subita, 253;

feeds her young from day to day, 255.

Marchal, Paul, on poor locality sense of Pompilus seriaceus, 284.

Marchand, observation on locality sense of Bembex rostrata, 125.

Monedula signata, locality study noted by Bates, 136.

Mutilation of spiders by wasps, 243.

Odynerus, variation in nesting habits, 95.

—— anormis, position of egg in nest, 91.

—— capra, 94.

—— conformis, position of egg, 91.

—— perennis, 89.

—— reniformis, position of egg, 90.

—— vagus, wariness, 94.

Oxybelus quadrinotatus, 75;

method of carrying fly, 80.

Passolocus annulatus, 87.

PelopÆus, 265;

individuality, 270;

forgetfulness, 271;

difference between French and American species, 273.

Philanthus apivorus, sucks honey from bee, 162.

—— punctatus, 154;

habits of colony, 156;

experiments on stinging habits, 162;

nesting habits of males, 166.

—— ventilabris, 166.

Plenolocus peckhamii, 95;

stalk invaded by bees and other wasps, 96.

Polistes carnifex, locality study noted by Belt, 60.

Pompilus biguttatus, unreasoning conduct, 298.

—— fuscipennis, 216;

afraid of ants, 219;

biting legs of spider, 220;

sense of locality, 221.

—— marginatus, 221;

capturing spider, 225;

method of digging nest, 229.

—— quinquenotatus, 197;

confined to one species of spider, 202;

nest invaded by small ants, 202;

hangs spider on plant while nest is being made, 204;

robs her neighbors, 211;

loses her way, 214.

—— scelestus, 230;

bites legs of spider, 230;

pursued by parasites, 231;

sleeping habits, 236.

—— seriaceus, poor locality sense noted by Marchal, 284.

—— subviolaceus, following scelestus, 236.

Priononyx atrata, note on sleeping habits, 118.

Rhopalum pedicellatum, 73;

strong power of localization, 73.

—— rubrocinctum, 74.

Social wasps, general habits, 3;

color sense, 5;

sense of smell, 8;

affecting plant distribution, 11;

number in one nest, 12.

Solitary wasps, general habits, 15.

Sphex, habits noted by Fabre, 69.

—— ichneumonea, 56;

nests begun and deserted, 56;

locality study, 58;

intelligence, 305.

Tachysphex tarsata, 261.

Tachytes sp. ?, 248.

—— peptonica, 252.

Trypoxylon, immense numbers of spiders destroyed, 195.

—— albopilosum, 190.

—— bidentatum, 194.

—— rubrocinctum, 180;

protection of nest by male, 181;

male sometimes assists in storing nest, 182;

order in which eggs hatch, 180.

Vespa germanica, 13.

—— maculata, 13.

Wesenberg, on habits of Bembex rostrata, 139.

Wheeler, W. M., on capture of ants by Aphilanthops frigidus, 176.

Williston, S. W., on habits of Ammophila yarrowii, 40.

The Riverside Press
Electrotyped and printed by H. O. Houghton & Co.
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.


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