9715-h@59715-h-12.htm.html#Page_50" class="pginternal">50; Chimu, Grand, 51, 52, 53. ChiquiÁn, 58. Chiriqui, 27. Cholos, 73, 135. Cholula, 89. Choquequirao, 122. Chorillos, 65, 86. Chosica, 91, 92. Christ of the Andes, 204, 205. Christobal, 21. Chulpa, 124. ChuÑo, 138. Chupe, 135. Chuquiaguillo, 141. Chuquiapu, R., 129, 134. Chuquisaca, see Sucre. Climate, 2, 46. Clothing, 4. Coast Range, 55. Cochabamba, 148. Cochrane, Admiral, 63, 162, 195. Coelho, Gonzalo, 308. Coffee, 304, 305. Colastine, 265. Colombia, 2, 39. Colon, 12, 18–21. Colonia, 283. Columbus, 8, 13, 21. Commercial Travelers, 366, 368. ConcepciÓn, 193, 194. Conchi, 152. Condors, 205. ConstituciÓn, 192. Conway, Sir Martin, 140, 146. Copacabana, 126. CopiapÓ, 159. Coquimbo, 157, 159. Corcovado, 312, 334, 335. Cordillera Blanca, 58. Cordillera Real, 125. Cordoba, 56. Huaina PotosÍ, Mt., 145. Huallata Pass, 145. Huaman, 88. Huancayo, 91, 95, 97, 122. Huanchacho, 51. Huandoy, Mt., 57. HuÁnuco, 98. HuarÁz, 54, 58. Huascar, 44, 111, 114. HuascarÁn, Mt., 41, 49, 56–58, 203. Huatanay, R., 111, 119. HumaytÁ, 267. Icarahy, 340. Ignorance, 363, 382. IguassÚ Falls, 257, 258–260, 267, 290, 291. Illampu, Mt., 41, 125, 127, 128, 144, 145, 146. Illimani, Mt., 41, 125, 127, 128, 140. Imports, Character of, 371–373. Incas, Empire and Ruins, 113–116, 117–122. Injurious Practices, 363–367. Inquisition Hall, 75. Inti-Karka, 125, 126. Iquique, 155–157. Iquitos, 97, 98, 349. Irala, Capt. Martinez de, 261. Island of Sun, 124, 125. Island of Moon, 125. Isthmus of Panama, 12–35. Jamaica, 192, 197. Porto Alegre, 291, 292. Porto Bello, 13, 21. Porto Velho, 351, 352. Posadas, 257, 258, 267. PotosÍ, 148, 151. Prat, Arturo, 64. Prescott, 44. Prison, 278. Puca Alpa, 97. Puente del Inca, 191, 201, 206. Puerto Bermudez, 98. Puerto Jessup, 98. Puerto Montt, 192, 193, 195. Puerto Pando, 140. PunÁ, 40. Puno, 123, 124. Punta Arenas, 192, 193, 196. Punta Ballena, 283. Punta de las Vacas, 206. Pygmy City, 93. Quichuas, 124, 127, 135. Quito, 39, 42. Railroads: Panama, 23; - Guayaquil-Quito, 40–42;
- Paita-MaraÑon, 48;
- Chimbote-Recuay, 54;
- Central Railway of Peru (Oroya), 91;
- Cerroe Pasco R. R., 95;
- Southern Railway of Peru, 99, 109;
- Guaqui-La Paz, 127;
- Arica-La Paz, 146;
- Antofagasta-Oruro-La Paz, 150;
- Arica-Tacna, 155;
- Valparaiso-Santiago, 169;
- Chilian Central Railway, 192;
- Trans-Andine Railway, 198, 213;
- Buenos Aires-Posadas-AsunciÓn, 257;
- Montevideo-SÃo Paulo, 290;
- Santos-SÃo Paulo, 298;
- SÃo Paulo-Rio de Janeiro, 305;
- Madeira-MamorÉ, 351.
Recife, 343. Recuay, 56, 97. Reloncavi Gulf, 358. Trujillo, 44, 50, 51. TucumÁn, 219. Tulumayu R., 119. Tumbes, 44, 46. Tupac Amaru, 118, 130. Tupiza, 152. Tupungato, Mt., 201, 202. Ucayali R., 97, 122, 349. Uhle, Dr. Max, 89. Urcos, 111. UniÃo, 290. Urubamba, 121. Uruguay, 279–285, 380; Uspallata, 206. Uyuni, 152. Valdivia, 194; Valparaiso, 36, 99, 163–168, 192. Valverde, Father, 45. Vedia, 215. Venezuela, 2. Vespucci, Amerigo, 287. Viacha, 128, 147, 150. Viceroys, 62. Victoria, 343; VicuÑas, 123, 155. Vilcabamba R., 122. Vilcamayu, 111. Vilcanota, 111. Villa Bella, 352. Villa Devoto, 216. Villa EncarnaciÓn, 263. Villa Mercedes, 214. Villa Murtinho, 352. Villa Velha, 294. VillazÓn, Eliodoro, President, 132. ViÑa del Mar, 168, 171. Virgenes, Cape, 195, 197. Vitcos, 122. Vitor, - Transcriber’s Notes:
- Added a link to the Index from the Table of Contents
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.