North Peak of Mt. HuascarÁn, 21,812 Feet Frontispiece
Mt. HuascarÁn from an Altitude of 10,000 Feet 56
Llanganuco Gorge 56
Callao Harbor; receiving Secretary Root 66
Plaza de Armas, Cathedral 66
Portales and Municipal Building 70
Calle JunÍn, Inauguration of President Leguia 70
Paseo ColÓn and Exposition Palace 78
In the Museum, Exposition Palace 78
Statue of BolÍvar, Plaza de la InquisiciÓn 82
Peruvian Mummy, University of San Marcos 82
On the Oroya Railway 94
Plaza, Cerro de Pasco 96
Near the Source of the Amazon (MaraÑon) 96
On the Southern Railway of Peru 102
Religious Procession, El Misti at the Right 102
Cathedral, Plaza MatrÍz 116
Ancient Wall 116
Balsas, Lake Titicaca 128
La Paz from the Hills 128
Cathedral and Government Palace 134
Hall of Congress, Monument to Murillo 134
Street Near the Market 138
In the Cemetery of La Paz 138
Monolithic Gateway, Tiahuanaco 142
Indians at Festival, Tiahuanaco 142
Mt. Illampu, 21,750 Feet, from the Plateau, 13,000 Feet 146
Sorata Town 146
Indians Transporting Freight 150
Plaza and Government Palace, Oruro 150
Valparaiso Harbor 164
Monument to Arturo Prat, Plaza Independencia 164
Avenida Brazil, with British Monument 168
Residence, ViÑa del Mar 168
New Hall of Congress, Library at the Left 174
Palace of Fine Arts 180
Entrance to Parque Santa Lucia 180
Palacio de la Moneda 186
Cemetery in Rose Time

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