PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER, WM. EARLE BULWER, ESQ. R. Partridge, Esq. P.D.G.M. Tho. Marks, Gent. P.S.G.W. J. Harvey, Esq. P.J.G.W. Jas. Boyce, P.G.S. No. | | 16 | White Swan, St. Peter’s, Norwich, the first Wednesday in the Month, constituted May 11, 1724. | 48 | King’s Head, Market-place, Norwich, 2d Frid. 1736. | 76 | King’s Head, Yarmouth, Monday nearest the full moon. | 78 | Angel, Norwich, second Friday, January 5, 1748 | 80 | Horse and Groom, Norwich, first Tuesday, 1749 | 86 | Greenland Fishery, St. Mary’s, Norwich, 2d Tues. 1750 | 88 | Three Tuns, Yarmouth, last Wednesday, June 6, 1751 | 99 | Jolly Farmers, Castle Meadow, Norwich, third Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1753.—Faithful Lodge. | 105 | Castle, Norwich, second Thursday, March 13, 1757 | 120 | The Wounded Heart, St. Peter’s, Norwich, the fourth Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1766. | 133 | Norwich Volunteer, All Saints, Norwich, 2d Wednesday.—Lodge of Friendship. | 136 | King’s Head, Coltishall, Norfolk, the Wednesday on or nearest the full moon, February 18, 1758 | 158 | Lodge of Friendship, Crown, Lynn Regis, Norfolk, second Friday, from Sept. to May, June 9, 1762 | 192 | Gate House, Tombland, Norwich, the last Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1766 | 531 | Half Moon, Market-place, Yarmouth, on the Monday nearest the full moon, Oct. 7, 1793. Lodge of Unity. | 552 | Maid’s Head, Lynn, constituted April 25, 1796, the first Thursday.—Lodge of Strict Benevolence. | 563 | Angel Inn, second Friday, June 26, 1797.—Norwich Theatrical Lodge. | 564 | Shakspeare, Yarmouth, second Friday, June 26, 1797.—United Friends of Great Yarmouth. | 572 | Green Dragon, Grass-market, Lynn, the 2d Thursday, Sept. 28, 1798.—Lodge of Attention. |