1The true aboriginal name of the Mississippi. 2Prov. xxiii: 5. 3Transport ships are engaged in carrying soldiers and munitions of war from one country to another. 41 Cor. xv: 33. 5Eccl. vii: 14. 6A convoy is one or more ships of war sent to protect merchant vessels and transports. 7Technically “burst.” 8A Letter of Marque is a merchant vessel, licensed to go armed, and fight in defense in time of war. 9A cartel is an agreement between nations at war, for exchange of prisoners. It is also used for the vessel that brings them home. 10They proved to be the captain and two mates of the vessel. 11Jer. x: 23. 12Job xxviii: 28.—Ps. cxi: 10.—Prov. i: 7; ix: 10; xv: 33.—Luke xii: 5. 13Job xvi: 2. 14Ezek. xviii: 20. 15Luke xviii: 13. 16Acts ix: 6. 17Psalmist, H. 472. 18Rom. viii: 14–17. 191 Cor. xii: 3. 202 Peter iii: 18. 21Looking into the History of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by Rev. Dr. Bangs, Vol. 1, p. 253, we find the following under 1786. “At the Conference in Virginia, a proposal was made for some preachers to volunteer their services for the State of Georgia, and several offered themselves for this new field of labor. Two of those who offered themselves, namely, Thomas Humphries and John Major, were accepted, and they went to work in the name of the Lord, and were made a blessing to many. They formed a circuit along settlements on the banks of the Savannah river, round by Little river, including the town of Washington. During the year they formed several societies, containing upwards of four hundred members—so greatly did God bless their labors.” The preceding year (1785) Thomas Humphries was on Tar river circuit, N.C., and John Major on Mecklenburg circuit in Virginia. Very probably the emigration of Methodists from his circuit to Broad river in Georgia, drew him there. 22Conference Minutes, vol. 1, pp. 39 and 41. 23Many of our readers require telling that Episcopal hierarchies have what they call three “Orders” in the ministry, in ascending grades; as, deacons, presbyters or priests, and bishops. The last named communicates the official gift to those below him, by “laying on of hands.” The Methodist Episcopal Church has the same orders, though in a modified form. With them the term Elder is used to express the second grade. 24Minutes, Vol. 1, p. 20. 25Psalmist—Hymn 1068. 26We give old English names for these garments, purposely; such as they were called before finical and apish people changed them for the unintelligible ones now used. 27Bib. Antiq., vol. I., Chap. V., pp. 115–129. Amer. S.S. Union. 281 Cor. ix: 19–23. 291 Cor. i: 30. 3037 1-2 cents. 31Butternut—Juglans alba oblonga. 32The edition before us is the seventh, and “printed by John Dunlap, at the newest printing office in Market street, Philadelphia, MDCCLXXIII.” [1773.] The title page reads, “A Confession of Faith, put forth by the Elders and Brethren of many Congregations of Christians, (Baptized upon Profession of their Faith,) in London and the Country.” Adopted by the Baptist Association, met in Philadelphia, Sept. 25, 1742. This “Confession” had its origin in fact from “seven congregations gathered in London, 1643,” and revised and adopted by “Ministers and Messengers of upwards of one hundred baptized congregations in England and Wales,” in 1689. The “Confession” of that year is signed by thirty-eight persons, as a committee, “in the name and behalf of the whole assembly.” The name of the renowned Hanserd Knollys stands at the head of the committee. The object of this Confession, was not to have a “standard,” or rule of faith, separate from or in addition to the Scriptures, in the churches, but “for the satisfaction of all other Christians that differ from us in the point of baptism.” 33Job xxxviii: 2. 34At that period (1796,) the Methodists had five circuits in Kentucky, ten preachers in the traveling connection, and 1880 whites and 64 blacks in their societies. Their preachers, learning that Mr. Clark had left the Methodist connection, gave him no direct encouragement as a preacher. Mr. Jolliff, Rev. J. Lillard, and two or three other preachers were Independent Methodists, and affiliated with Clark. According to Asplund’s Register, there were 57 Baptist churches, 50 ordained ministers, 16 licentiates, and 3,453 members, in 1792. Twenty per cent. increase at least should be added for their number in 1796. This would give 4,150 communicants. 35Pictures. 36It will not be thought strange that such a boy as Thomas Bush (which is a fictitious name for a real personage) became a graduate of Transylvania University, studied law in Lexington, was elected to Congress, and became a Judge of the Court. In all these stations he was an honor to himself, and to those who trained him for usefulness and respectability. He also became a Christian professor, lived a life of faith in Jesus Christ, and died in the full hope of a blessed immortality. 37Whiskey in which cherries have been steeped. 38This is the aboriginal meaning of Mississippi. 39Their towns were situated about twenty miles a little east of north from Springfield, and not far from where now the Chicago and Mississippi railroad crosses Salt Creek, in Logan county. Kickapoo, a branch of Salt Creek, may be seen on the sectional map of Illinois. 40The cordelle is a long rope attached to the bow of the boat, and drawn over the shoulders of the men, who walk along the bank. The setting-pole is about ten or twelve feet long, with the lower end shod with iron, and the upper end terminating in a knob, which is pressed against the shoulder, and the men who use them walk forwards on the narrow gunwale, in a very stooping posture, with their faces towards the stern. This shoves the boat against a strong current. When the hands on the gunwale next the shore drop their poles and catch hold of limbs and bushes that overhang the river and pull the boat forward, it is called “bush-whacking.” Oars are used in crossing the river from one shore to the other. A long heavy oar with a wide blade is attached to the stern so as to move on a pivot, and the steersman, who is commandant for the occasion, directs the boatmen. This was the mode of ascending western rivers before the “Age of Steam.” 41A species of New England rum, brought from New Orleans. 42James Lemen, Sen., became a Baptist preacher, and died January 8th, 1823. He left four sons in the ministry, all of whom, venerable men, are still living in 1854. 43Judge Martin’s History of Louisiana, vol. ii, p. 90. 44Ibid, p. 153. 45Stoddard’s Sketches of Louisiana, pp. 211–224. Annals of the West; St. Louis Edition, 1850, p. 543. The aggregate population of Upper Louisiana at the period of the cession, was about 10,120, of which 3,760 were French, including a few Spanish families; 5,090 were Anglo-Americans, who had come into the country after 1790;—and 1,270 black people, who were slaves, with a few exceptions. Indians were not counted, although several bands had their villages within the bounds of the settlements. 46The Spanish prison. Jail. 47This is Fife in French orthography, and the name of a Frenchman who first settled on it. 48Clo-shai—a steeple. 49Robert Lemen, Esq., of St. Clair county, Illinois. 50Rev. Joseph Lemen, ibid. 51Rev. James Lemen, then junior, now senior. 52For about twenty years, we depend wholly on the recollections of his surviving friends, for the incidents of his life and labors. The facts have been obtained, but after protracted and diligent search, we cannot in all cases accurately fix the dates. In no instance do we vary from the exact period more than four or five years. 53Red Staff, from the color of the flag-staff. 54Rev. James Lemen, who narrated the incident to the author. 55We extract the following correspondence from the Western Pioneer, of which the author was editor, of February 16, 1831. “The following letter from Judge Brown to the editor will be read with pleasure by many of our subscribers. The venerable Father Clark has long been known in Illinois and Missouri as a prudent, but uncompromising advocate of human freedom and the rights of man. The ladies could not have paid the worthy father in the ministry a happier compliment than making him a member of the Colonization Society. Carrollton, Ill., December 25, 1830. Dear Sir:—The cause of Colonization is gaining ground in our county, and many, both male and female, take a deep interest therein. The Rev. John Clark was constituted a life member of the auxiliary society of Greene County, on the 12th inst., by the patriotic ladies of Lofton’s prairie and its vicinity, who is the first person, so far as I know, who has been constituted by the ladies a member of that most benevolent institution. I hope for the honor of those ladies, and to stimulate others to follow the example they have set, you will publish the following resolution, with such remarks as you may deem proper to promote the cause of colonization, which I consider a most efficient means that ever have been adopted to civilize and Christianize the uncultivated and barbarous tribes of Africa, as well as to wipe away a foul stain from our national character. Respectfully your obedient servant, Jehu Brown. Carrollton, Ill., Dec. 25, 1830. At a called meeting of the Auxiliary Colonization Society of Greene county, it was Resolved, That the thanks of this society be presented to the ladies of Lofton’s prairie and vicinity, for their generosity and benevolent feelings in constituting Rev. John Clark a life member of this society. By order of the President. Moses O. Bledsoe, Secretary. 56The author tried the practice of bathing the feet in cold water in the morning, while traveling on these frontiers, and found it invariably injurious to him. The application of cold water to the feet and body of more than one-fourth is positively injurious. To others it is highly beneficial. This depends on the temperament. Mr. Clark had a sanguine-nervous temperament, and received benefit. The writer has a bilious-nervous temperament, and the circulation sluggish. To such, the experience and observation of fifty years have taught that the cold bath is injurious, while the hot bath is exhilarating. Careful observation and experience are the only safe guides. It is sheer quackery to prescribe the same treatment to all persons. 57This was Enoch Long, Esq., now of Galena, Ill. 58This was the seminary at Rock Spring, which proved the embryo of Shurtleff College. 59This is the usage amongst Baptists. No ecclesiastical authority is required to constitute a church. Any number of the disciples of Christ, when baptized on a profession of faith, can unite in church fellowship. Ministers and other brethren, on invitation, meet with them, and give them public recognition as being in union. 60Rev. Elijah Dodson. 61Job xxi: 15. Copy.—Coldwater, Mo., Sept. 20th, 1832. Dear Father in the Gospel: I have come this way on my tour to the Missouri Association, with the hope of seeing you, and having one more interview on the shore of time. I imagine you have gotten to the banks of Jordan, and are waiting for the boat to carry you safely across. I have some special business with you, on behalf of your friends, which I meant to have done by word of mouth, but now must do it with the pen. During your long pilgrimage, you have been trying to do good, and no doubt wish to keep trying the inch of time you may remain with us. Some of your Christian friends are anxious you should do some good on earth, after you have joined the ranks above. Your friends think a memoir of your life, including your conversion, experience, travels, and labors would be interesting and useful to the living; and they are not willing to part with you without having the materials left. Your labors in this country are intimately connected with the religious history of the country, and to have an accurate account of the one, we must have a sketch of the other. We wish you to commence writing, the mere facts and dates, without regard to style, soon, and continue as your strength permits. Yours with due respect, 63Mr. William Patterson. |