| | PAGE | Abou Ben Adhem | Leigh Hunt | 107 | All | Francis A. Durivage | 160 | Althea from Prison, To | Richard Lovelace | 98 | Annabel Lee | Edgar Allan Poe | 178 | Antony and Cleopatra | William H. Lytle | 226 | Arsenal at Springfield, The | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 158 | | Babyhood | Josiah Gilbert Holland | 40 | Ballade of Nicolete | Graham R. Tomson | 78 | Ballad of Old-Time Ladies | Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s version of Villon | 128 | Ballad of the Boat, The | Richard Garnett | 172 | Ballad Upon a Wedding | Sir John Suckling | 192 | Banks o’ Doon | Robert Burns | 76 | Bedouin Love Song | Bayard Taylor | 67 | Believe Me If All Those | Thomas Moore | 101 | Bells of Shandon | Francis Mahony | 196 | Bonny Dundee | Sir Walter Scott | 167 | Border Ballad | Sir Walter Scott | 169 | Break, Break, Break | Lord Tennyson | 24 | Breathes There a Man | Sir Walter Scott | 104 | Bridge, The | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 55 | Bugle Song | Lord Tennyson | 108 | | Celia, To | Ben Jonson | 187 | Chambered Nautilus | Oliver Wendell Holmes | 87 | Cherry Ripe | Thomas Campion | 36 | Children, Cry of The | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | 106 | Church Gate, At the | William Makepeace Thackeray | 92 | Crossing the Bar | Lord Tennyson | 193 | Cuckoo, To the | John Logan | 94 | | Daffodils, The | William Wordsworth | 162 | Dandelion, To the | James Russell Lowell | 170 | Dante, On A Bust of | T. W. Parsons | 126 | Death-Bed, The | Thomas Hood | 33 | Deed and a Word, A | Charles Mackay | 47 | Delight in Disorder | Robert Herrick | 62 | Dirge for a Soldier | George H. Boker | 53 | Ditty, A | Sir Philip Sidney | 118 | Douglas, Douglas, Tender and True | Dinah Maria Mulock | 149 | Drifting | Thomas Buchanan Read | 50 | | Elia | E. J. McPhelim | 70 | Emperor’s Daughter Stands Alone, An | Geoffrey Chaucer | 60 | Evening Song | Sidney Lanier | 54 | | Faith | Thomas Chatterton | 144 | Fate | Susan Marr Spalding | 22 | Flynn of Virginia | Bret Harte | 204 | Fool’s Prayer, The | Edward Rowland Sill | 28 | For All These | Juliet Wilbor Tompkins | 45 | Fount of Castaly | Joseph O’Connor | 142 | | Garret, The | William Makepeace Thackeray | 198 | Girdle, On a | Edmund Waller | 199 | Go, Lovely Rose | Edmund Waller | 82 | Grass, The | Emily Dickinson | 217 | Graveyard, In the | Macdonald Clarke | 166 | Grounds of the Terrible | Harold Begbie | 164 | | Hark, Hark the Lark | William Shakespeare | 71 | Harp That Once Through Tara’s Halls | Thomas Moore | 195 | He’d Had No Show | S. W. Foss | 93 | Heritage, The | James Russell Lowell | 116 | Her Moral (Miss Kilmanseg) | Thomas Hood | 95 | Highland Mary | Robert Burns | 152 | Holy Nation, A | Richard Realf | 23 | | Indian Serenade | Percy Bysshe Shelley | 141 | Indian Summer | John G. Whittier | 181 | “In Memoriam” | Lord Tennyson | 121 | Intra Muros | Mary C. Gillington | 21 | Invictus | W. E. Henley | 131 | I Remember | Thomas Hood | 123 | Isles of Greece | Lord Byron | 232 | | Jerusalem the Golden | John M. Neale | 183 | Jim Bludso | John Hay | 64 | John Anderson, My Jo | Robert Burns | 185 | Jonathan to John | James Russell Lowell | 222 | June | James Russell Lowell | 194 | | Kubla Kahn | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | 190 | | Lamb, The | William Blake | 153 | Last Leaf, The | Oliver Wendell Holmes | 84 | Lead Kindly Light | John Henry Newman | 72 | Life | Mrs. A. L. Barbauld | 161 | Little Breeches | John Hay | 202 | Lovers’ Quarrel, A | Austin Dobson | 188 | Lucasta on Going to the Wars, To | Richard Lovelace | 35 | Lucy | William Wordsworth | 59 | | Maid of Athens | Lord Byron | 186 | Mary’s Dream | John Lowe | 124 | Match, A | Algernon Charles Swinburne | 137 | Mignon’s Song | Johann Wolfgang Goethe | 110 | Misconceptions | Robert Browning | 184 | Moral (“Lady Flora”) | Lord Tennyson | 66 | Music, When Soft Voices Die | Percy Bysshe Shelley | 133 | My Boat Is on the Shore | Lord Byron | 180 | My Wife and Child | Henry R. Jackson | 220 | | Nathan Hale | Francis Miles Finch | 212 | Nearer Home | Phoebe Cary | 174 | Night | James Blanco White | 79 | Night Has a Thousand Eyes, The | Francis Williams Bourdillon | 115 | Nocturne | Thomas Bailey Aldrich | 210 | | O, Captain, My Captain | Walt Whitman | 38 | Ode on a Grecian Urn | John Keats | 97 | Ode on Solitude | Alexander Pope | 103 | Oft in the Stilly Night | Thomas Moore | 63 | Old Familiar Faces, The | Charles Lamb | 18 | Old Oaken Bucket | Samuel Woodworth | 86 | One Touch of Nature | William Shakespeare | 89 | Opportunity | John James Ingalls | 109 | O, Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud? | William Knox | 228 | | O, Yet We Trust that Somehow Good (“In Memoriam”) | Lord Tennyson | 121 | | Patriotism | Sir Walter Scott | 104 | Paradox of Time, The | Austin Dobson | 208 | Pompadour’s Fan, The | Austin Dobson | 75 | Portia’s Speech on Mercy | William Shakespeare | 207 | Psalm XIX | | 74 | Psalm XXIV | | 155 | Psalm XLVI | | 44 | Psalm XLVIII | | 231 | Psalm LXXXIV | | 111 | Psalm CXXI | | 119 | | Remembrance | Emily Bronte | 42 | Requiem, A | Robert Louis Stevenson | 90 | Requiescat | Matthew Arnold | 90 | Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep | Emma Willard | 105 | Rock Me to Sleep | Elizabeth Akers Allen | 30 | Rose, The | Pierre Ronsard | 143 | Ruthless Time | William Shakespeare | 46 | | Sally in Our Alley | Henry Carey | 68 | Scots Wha Hae | Robert Burns | 182 | Sea Song, A | Allan Cunningham | 134 | Self-Dependence | Matthew Arnold | 156 | Sennacherib’s Host, Destruction of | Lord Byron | 32 | Serenade (From “The Spanish Student”) | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 96 | Shepherdess, The | Alice Meynell | 130 | Shepherd’s Resolution, The | George Wither | 80 | She Walks in Beauty Like the Night | Lord Byron | 57 | Sleep, To | William Wordsworth | 17 | Song | John Bunyan | 100 | Song | William Shakespeare | 71 | Song of Callicles | Matthew Arnold | 214 | Song of the Camp | Bayard Taylor | 146 | Song of the Mystic | Abram Ryan | 81 | Song of the Shirt | Thomas Hood | 85 | Song of the Western Men | Robert S. Hawker | 129 | Song on a May Morning | John Milton | 163 | Society Upon the Stanislaus | Bret Harte | 210 | Spacious Firmament on High, The | Joseph Addison | 58 | Star Spangled Banner, The | Francis Scott Key | 120 | | Tears, Idle Tears (“Princess”) | Lord Tennyson | 151 | Thalassa, Thalassa | Brownlee Brown | 140 | Thanatopsis | William Cullen Bryant | 112 | There Is No Death | J. L. McCreery | 25 | Though Lost to Sight | Thomas Moore | 20 | Three Fishers, The | Charles Kingsley | 230 | Tiger, The | William Blake | 176 | Time Hath My Lord (“Troilus and Cressida”) | William Shakespeare | 46 | ’Tis the Last Rose of Summer | Thomas Moore | 132 | To Be or Not to Be (“Hamlet”) | William Shakespeare | 224 | Today | Thomas Carlyle | 179 | Tomorrow and Tomorrow (“Macbeth”) | William Shakespeare | 200 | To Thine Own Self Be True | Packenham Beatty | 37 | Two Lovers | George Eliot | 48 | | Untimely Thought, An | Thomas Bailey Aldrich | 73 | Uphill | Christina Rossetti | 148 | | Virgins, Counsel to | Robert Herrick | 138 | Virtue Immortal | George Herbert | 34 | | Waiting, The | John G. Whittier | 136 | Warble for Lilac Time | Walt Whitman | 206 | Water Fowl, To a | William Cullen Bryant | 225 | When in Disgrace with Fortune | William Shakespeare | 19 | Where Shall the Lover Rest? (“Marmion”) | Sir Walter Scott | 216 | Why So Pale and Wan? | Sir John Suckling | 39 | Widow Malone, The | Charles Lever | 218 | World Is Too Much With Us, The | William Wordsworth | 102 | | Year’s at the Spring, The | Robert Browning | 135 | |