INDEX - Airedales, 247.
- Amcott, Captain, sent Faraway to Tattersall’s, 211.
- Antrobus, C., hunting with Drag, 20.
- Ashton, M.F.H., 32.
- Astley’s harriers in 1810, 118.
- Author (Alfred E. Pease)—
- Account of run with Cleveland, January 9, 1882, 209.
- Best run, 207.
- Entries of drags, 26.
- Experience of hare-hunting, 120.
- Extract from diary on footmen, 137.
- Master of Drag, 25, 27.
- Organises drag, 25.
- Rides in House of Commons Steeplechase, 33.
- Rode Queen Mab on January 9, 1882, 209.
- Run with Pytchley, 21.
- Runs with harriers, 106.
- Struggle with George Codling for brush, 150.
- Wins House of Commons Steeplechase 1891, 39.
- Aylmer, E., hunting with Drag, 20.
- Aylmer, Percy, at meet at Lords Bridge, 10.
- Aylmer, P., hunting with Drag, 20.
- B.
- Bachelor described by Whyte-Melville, 82.
- Badger—
- Baiting illegal, 235.
- Digging, 250; not cruel, 244.
- Disposition of, 235.
- Habits and uses, 237.
- Hunting, at night, 251.
- Hunting, objections to, 243.
- Protection desirable for, 254.
- Qualities,254.
- Scarcity of, 246.
- Threatened with extinction, 242.
- Badger dog, qualities necessary for, 248.
- Bajazet, 219; pedigree, 227.
- Ballad, “Lord Lonsdale’s Hounds,” 146.
- Barker winning drag, 28.
- Barnard, hunting with Drag, 20.
- Barton Drag, 15.
- Barton White Horses, 26.
- Baysdale Abbey, run by, 217.
- Beagles for hare-hunting, 121.
- Beagles, Honeywood’s pack, 123.
- “Beasts of venery,” list of, 113.
- Beatty, Captain David, entertains House of Commons riders, 31.
- Beaufort, Duke of, hounds, run from Lyde Green, 230.
- Beckford, Peter—
- Breeding hounds, 116.
- Huntsman on hounds’ names, 96.
- On hare-hunting (quotation), 105.
- On sporting hounds, 115.
- Paying “hare-finders,” 114.
- Beddington, Master of Drag, 27.
- Bedlingtons, 247.
- Beecher, Captain B., run to Thrapstone with Pytchley, 22.
- Bentinck, Lord Henry, in House of Commons Steeplechase, 30.
- Bentinck, Lord Henry, rides in House of Commons Steeplechase 1891, 39, 40.
- Bentley, H. C., hunting with Drag, 20.
- Bilsdale, Author on pass into, 221.
- Binning, Lord—
- At meet at Lords Bridge, 10.
- Gets thorn in eye on Over Drag, 24.
- Hunting with Drag, 19.
- Wins Over Drag, 23.
- Boulby, fox procured from sea-cliffs of, 149.
- Bromley-Davenport in House of Commons Steeplechase, 30.
- Brunton, Bob—
- At Ingleby village, 222.
- Performance on January 9, 1882, 224.
- Takes fox from hounds in Hell Gill, 209.
- Bull-terrier not good badger dog, 248.
- C.
- CÆsar, grey-hound fox, 213, 231.
- Cambridge, ride back to, 13.
- Cambridge University Drag—
- Author’s reminiscences of, 9.
- Masters of, 27.
- Members, 19.
- Carina, Queen Mab’s foal, 73.
- Chesham, Lord, and House of Commons Steeplechase, 29.
- Cleveland Hunt—
- Author hunting with, 133.
- Club rules, 108.
- Congratulates Author on winning House of Commons Steeplechase, 41.
- Hounds leading, January 9, 1882, surviving, 228.
- Hounds, Milton blood, 229.
- Proceedings in outlying districts, 130.
- Run on January 9, 1882, 207, 213;
- length of, 223.
- Cleveland hunting farmer, specimen of, 150.
- Cleveland, price set on fox’s head, 131.
- Cleveland, statute of Elizabeth in force till 1847, 129.
- Coachman’s retort when reproved for bad language to team, 179.
- Codling, George, struggle with Author for brush, 150.
- Codrington, Sir William, Woods at Doddington, 230.
- Conversation overheard by Author on badger, 238.
- Cornwall, hunting in, 173.
- Crossley, Sir Savile, at House of Commons Steeplechase, 33.
- Borderer fell in, 40.
- Cub-hunting, 190.
- Character varies in different districts, 201.
- Hour of meeting, 196.
- Runs in October, 199.
- D.
- Dachshund as badger dog, 249.
- Danby Beacon, fox making for, 149.
- Dandie Dinmonts, 247.
- Darrell, James, buys Faraway, 213.
- Devas, E., hunting with Drag, 20.
- Devas, E., hunting with the Fitzwilliam, 18.
- Devonshire, hunting in, 173.
- Discretion, favourite, at House of Commons Steeplechase, 33.
- Dons’ view of undergraduates’ amusements, 14.
- Downing Arms, 22.
- Drag, Authorities not liking the, 13.
- Drags, two in one day, 27.
- E.
- Election, Author’s horse, 9.
- Characteristics, 11, 20.
- Finishing first, 12.
- Ellis, W. C., hunting with Drag, 20.
- English country life, charm about, 158.
- F.
- Faraway, Author’s horse, account of, 211.
- Ridden by Author on January 9, 1882, 209.
- Farmers’ attitude towards hunting, 166, 168.
- Farmers suffering from fox’s depredations, 134.
- Farndale head moors, 219.
- Fellowes, C. A., hunting with Drag, 20.
- Fellowes’, Robert, of Shotesman, harriers, 118.
- Ferreting rabbits, cruel amusement, 243.
- Finedon Poplars to Thrapstone, Pytchley run, 21.
- Fitzwilliam—
- Account of day with, 18.
- At Gidding Windmill, 17.
- Days with, hard for horses, 18.
- Fitzwilliam, Hon. H., hunting with Drag, 20.
- Fitzwilliam, Hon. R., hunting with Drag, 20.
- Five Bells, Oakington, 26.
- Flower, Cyril, Home Rule disqualified for House of Commons Steeplechase, 30.
- Follower of Lord Zetland’s hounds finishing with Hurworth, 136.
- Followers of hounds on foot, 135, 136.
- Fox, wild-bred, delight in hunting, 140.
- Foxes purchased in Leadenhall, 145.
- Fox-hounds—
- Characteristics, 83.
- Colour, 86.
- Conditions of good pack, 81, 85.
- Distinct individuality, 80.
- Following on foot, 135, 136.
- High standard required by breeders, 90.
- Ideal career of, 93.
- Kennel life, 97.
- Life of a, 79.
- Made or marred in cub-hunting, 190.
- Puppies, education of, 89.
- Puppies, mischievous proclivities, 94.
- Fox-hounds and harriers, distinction between, 117.
- Fox-hunter, morning loved by, 157.
- Fox-hunting—
- Condition of success in, 117.
- Elements of chance in, 160.
- Existence depends on popularity, 180.
- John Jorrocks on, 127.
- Old-fashioned, 133.
- Pleasures of genuine “hunter,” 141.
- Variety of incident in, 159.
- Fox-line never to be counted on, 160.
- Fox-terrier, good badger dog, 248.
- Fox’s Bridge, 27.
- Freake, F. M., Master of Drag, 27.
- Fulbourn Drag, 26.
- G.
- Game-preservers and hunting, 172.
- Gamekeepers’ attitude towards game and “vermin,” 240.
- Garforth, W. H., of Gilling, 23.
- Gidding Windmill, the Fitzwilliam at, 17.
- Gingertail, Hon. S. G., Lawley’s horse,10.
- Jumps gate-posts, 12.
- On Over Drag, 23.
- Gladstone congratulates Author on winning House of Commons Steeplechase, 41.
- Graham, hunting with Drag, 20.
- Guest, Ivor, Master of Drag, 27.
- Guisborough Moor, fox on, 137.
- H.
- Hardy, Heywood, hunting picture in Skelton Castle, 185.
- “Hare-finders,” 114.
- Hare-hunter, qualities necessary for, 106.
- Hare-hunting, 105.
- Ancient terms for, 112.
- Appreciation of, 120.
- Condition of success in, 117.
- Modern modes and spirit of, 122.
- Monopoly of huntsmen, 109.
- Old writers’ description of, 110.
- On foot, 123.
- Preferred to fox—reasons quoted, 113.
- Scope for huntsman’s craft, 119.
- With beagles, 121.
- Hare, wiles and dodges of, 119.
- Harriers and fox-hounds, distinction between, 117.
- Harriers turned into fox-hounds, 116.
- Heath, Colonel, in House of Commons Steeplechase, 30.
- Hermit, death of, 219.
- Hill, Tom, opinion of Queen Mab, 57.
- Historical MSS. Commission Reports, extract on Royalty countenancing fox-hunting, 132.
- Hodge’s Hermon rides in House of Commons Steeplechase 1891, 39.
- Honeywood, pack of beagles, 123.
- Hoole, hunting with Drag, 19.
- Hoole, killed riding for ’Varsity Whip at St. Ives, 19.
- House of Commons Steeplechases—
- Author asked for reminiscences of, 9.
- In 1889 (First), 28;
- conditions—result, 29.
- 1890. Rugby—
- Account of, 31.
- Course, 32.
- Fourteen-stone class list, 35.
- Twelve-stone class list, 35.
- Two classes, 32.
- 1891. Result; riders in, 39.
- Hunter—
- Exercise for, 71.
- Life of a, 45.
- Treatment for, 68.
- Hunter (human) delights of memory, 144.
- Hunter (human) pleasures of genuine, 141.
- Hunting—
- Apologies and commendations, 163.
- Day full of interest and life, 162.
- Love of, a passion, 165.
- Many ways of, 173.
- No field sport with so little bloodshed, 161.
- Opens in November, 203.
- Pictures, 185.
- Secondary pleasures of, 193.
- Should be picturesque, 85.
- Hunting and wire question, 166.
- Huntsman, description of a dashing, 176.
- Huntsman, the ideal, 175.
- Huntsmen, hound-men or horsemen, 174.
- I.
- Ingleby village, Author meets Bob Brunton at, 222.
- Irish horse, condition of young, 52.
- Irish terrier, 247;
- as badger dog, 250.
- J.
- Jackal head, reward for, 130.
- Jarvis, W., in House of Commons Steeplechase, 30, 34.
- Jorrocks, John, quoted on hunting, 246.
- Trinity Street, Author lives in, 17.
- Turton R., on fox-hunting in sixteenth century, 129.
- Two Pot House Drag, 26.
- U.
- Undergraduate’s horse, powers of, 17.
- Undergraduates’ ideas of Dons’ pursuits, 14.
- Undergraduates’ treatment of horses, 58.
- W.
- Warburton, Egerton, “Quaesitum Meritis” quoted, 195.
- White, Hon. R., hunting with Drag, 19.
- White, Hon. R., riding with Author to Stowe Fox, 16.
- Whyte-Melville, description of Bachelor, 82.
- Williams, W. Philpotts, Lines on Senators’ Race, 1891, 37.
- Willoughby, Sir John, hunting with Drag, 19.
- Willoughby, Sir John, riding against G. Lambton in Barton Drag, 15.
- Wiloughby, Master of Drag, 27.
- Wire, question of, 166.
- Woodburn at drag, 28.
- Wrangle, account of, 227.
- Kennel life, 97.
- Leads run on Farndale head moors, 219.
- Y.
- Yarborough, Earl of, hunting with Drag, 19.
- Run with Pytchley, 22.
- Yorkshire terrier, 246.
PRINTED BY MORRISON AND GIBB LIMITED, EDINBURGH Transcriber’s Note. 1. Silently corrected simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors. |
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