FULL-PAGE PLATES REPRODUCING PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENTS COLORED BY HAND the five flags at the pole | Frontispiece. | | Facing Page | portrait of robert e. peary in his actual north pole costume | viii | stellar projection, showing the relation of the polar sea to the various continents and the route of the expedition | xxxii | eskimo dogs of the expedition (246 in all) on small island. etah fjord | 74 | captain bartlett and his party (a typical unit division of the expedition) | 140 | illumination of the Roosevelt in winter quarters on a moonlight night | 162 | a typical example of the difficulties of working sledges over a pressure ridge | 240 | crossing a lead on an ice cake as a ferry-boat | 306 | BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS | Facing Page | george a. wardwell, chief engineer | 16 | banks scott, second engineer | 16 | robert a. bartlett, master | 16 | thomas gushue, mate | 16 | charles percy, steward | 16 | professor ross g. marvin, assistant | 17 | george borup, assistant | 17 | donald b. macmillan, assistant | 17 | dr. j. w. goodsell, surgeon | 17 | snowy owl, cape sheridan | 36 | brant goose | 37 | sabine's gull | 37 | red-throated diver, male and female | 37 | king eider, drake | 37 | eskimos coming off to the Roosevelt in kayaks | 42 | the midnight sun as seen in the whale sound region | 42 | eskimo in kayak | 43 | the ice-cliffs of hubbard glacier | 52 | peary distributing utensils to wives of his hunters at etah | 53 | deck scene on the Roosevelt | 53 | eskimo mother and child | 60 | eskimo children | 61 | kudlah, alias "misfortune," with puppies | 61 | king eskimo dog | 70 | the dog market at cape york | 71 | the whale-boat returning to the ship from the walrus hunt | Note.—The general plan of illustration is based on an unusually close adherence to the negatives, as giving more interesting and valuable results. Many of the most important pictures are from photographs not retouched in the least, e.g., those facing pages 270, 284, 290, etc. In others the sky-line has been indicated, e.g., those facing pages 208, 271, 299 (top), etc.; but change of no other sort has been made except to remove specks and other similar mechanical defects not widely extended. The color-plates are, of course, exceptions requiring special treatment. The Publishers
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