

chapter page
Introduction vii
Foreword xv
I The Plan 1
II Preparations 11
III The Start 25
IV Up to Cape York 34
V Welcome from the Eskimos 42
VI An Arctic Oasis 53
VII Odd Customs of an Odd People 63
VIII Getting Recruits 72
IX A Walrus Hunt 79
X Knocking at the Gateway to the Pole 88
XI Close Quarters with the Ice 97
XII The Ice Fight Goes On 106
XIII Cape Sheridan at Last 117
XIV In Winter Quarters 126
XV The Autumn Work 134
XVI The Biggest Game in the Arctic 143
XVII Musk-oxen at Last 151
XVIII The Long Night 162
XIX The Roosevelt's Narrow Escape 172
XX Christmas on the Roosevelt 182
XXI Arctic Ice Sledging as it Really Is 193
XXII Essentials that Brought Success 201
XXIII Off Across the Frozen Sea 213
XXIV The First Open Water 221
XXV Some of My Eskimos Lose their Nerve 230
XXVI Borup's Farthest North 240
XXVII Good-By to Marvin 248
XXVIII We Break all Records 255
XXIX Bartlett Reaches 87° 47´ 264
XXX The Final Spurt Begun 272
XXXI Only One Day from the Pole 280
XXXII We Reach the Pole 287
XXXIII Good-By to the Pole 302

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