A. L. A. Book List, 21. Æneid, The, indigestible to a goat, 127. Amanda (colored cook of librarian), 27. Ancestor Worship, see Genealogists. Animals, library classification of, impossible, 170. Authors, Young, hectic vanity of, 8. Baxter Public Library, see Ezra Beesly Free Public Library. Bibliomaniacs (in Hell), 205. Bilkins, Benj. S., heroic sacrifice of, 57. Bird, Peculiar, observed by Mrs. Mayo, 65. Boston AthenÆum, Catalogue of, 64. Boston Public Library, superior advantages of, 217. Bunkum, Martha Matilda, 19. Carnegie, Andrew, 227. ——, baffled again, 261. Crumpet, Mrs. Cornelia, 11. ——, Miss Hortense, 83. Culture Clubs, see Twenty Minute Culture Club. Cut Worms, 270. Darkness, Child of, 244. Dufunnie, Prof. Samuel McK., 3. Dying Maiden, see Maiden, Dying. Dyspepsia, Goat gets, 127. Extra-illustrators, see Snippers. Falstaff, Sir John, as football center, 93. Family Ghost, see Ghost, Family. Fassett, Prof. H. B., distressing adventures of, 110 et seq. Fat Woman, 211. Flippancy of librarian, deplored, 300. Fool Girls, punishment of, 187. Football, Literary, 90. Frugles, Prof. Milo P., 9. ——, exposed, 15. Fuddy-dud, great work of Dr. Wurzberger on, 131. Gibbons, Cardinal, mistaken for historian, 135. Good Children, see Children, Good. Grand Dames of Pequot War, 199, 214. Gray Hairs, cause of, to librarians, see Genealogists. Gustafsen, Dr. Oscar, 6. ——, dryness of article by, 7. ——, Modern, dissolute habits of, 47. Impossible Things, practice in believing, 282. Indexes of gardening books, 25. Interest Gauge, retail price of, 8. Jasper, Dr. Nicholas, sufferings of, 149 et seq. "Jerusalem Delivered," weight of, 125-26. Johnson, William DeGrift, cap belonging to, 232. Kookle, Reginald (A.B., Cornell), 68. Larkin, Miss Fritilla Lee, 13. Learned Heroine, see Heroine, Learned. "Librarian at Play," price of, see Any Book Dealer. Librarian, see also Children's Librarian. Literary Bluffers, see Bluffers, Literary. Little Neck Clam, see Clam, Little Neck. Lobster Trap, how to sink a, 125-26. Macbeth, unsuccessful golf match of, 97. Mayo, Mrs. Humphrey (nÉe Gookin), 65 et seq. Mike, love of, 33. Misers, clinking habits of, 58. Mongoose, story about a, 287. Mysterious Man, 222. Nature Books, child pretends fondness for, 14. Nuisances, see Genealogists. "Old Librarian's Almanack," 63. One Hundred Best Books, see Books, One Hundred Best. Oyster, Eldest, conservative temperament of, 279. Patterson, Miss Pansy, 63. Pests, see Genealogists. Pigs' Feet, see Feet, Pigs'. Ponsonby, Perks & Co. (publishers), 20. Q, 23. Reformed Spellers, see Spellers, Reformed. Retired Colonel, see Colonel, Retired. Runcible Cat, see Cat, Runcible. Russia, source of supply of villains, 55. Scientific Historians, see Historians, Scientific. Scotch Highball, see Highball, Scotch. Simplified Spellers, see Spellers, Reformed. Slithy Tove, see Tove, Slithy. Smith, Mrs. Pomfret, 76. ——, comes back, 80. Sunflowers, how deep to sow seeds of, 22 et seq. "Teacher," see Children's Librarian. Telephones, slowness of, when librarian is waiting in rain, 29. Thorns in the Flesh, see Genealogists. Utilitarianism, 76. Vanhoff, Amos, 64 et seq. Village Simpleton, see Simpleton, Village. Villains, degeneracy of, 52. Who's Who in America, 63. Wurzberger, Dr. Obadiah, soul-racking experience of, 131 et seq. Xenophon's Anabasis (perhaps in box), 119. Young Crab, how to broil a, 123. Zanesville, Ohio (birthplace of "excited person"), 227. TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: —Obvious print and punctuation errors were corrected. |