his eye should be constantly directed to the rails in front of him, that he may be immediately aware of any obstruction, and at the same time his full attention must be given to the maintaining a sufficiency of steam at an equable pressure; this is to be done by using the requisite care in the manner and time of supplying water and fuel. Water is supplied by opening the cocks in the feed-pipes, which allow the pumps to act; and the height of water in the boiler is commonly shown by a glass gauge-tube, and by three gauge-cocks at the side, which should be opened from time to time, (especially when stopping,) as they afford a One pump, if constantly at work, would, in most Engines, supply as much, or rather more water than is required by the Engine as equivalent to the steam consumed; so that by turning on or off either or both pumps, the Engine-man has the power of regulating the height of the water in the boiler at discretion. It may be laid down as an invariable rule, that water alone should always blow off from the bottom cock (which is from 1 inch to 1½ inch above the top of the fire-box), in order that there may be enough water over the fire-box and tubes to prevent their burning; and few Engines will carry their water much above the top cock without priming, so that the height of the water may be made to range between these two The water is higher when the Engine is running than when stopping: a good working height for it in most Engines is when water blows off from the middle cock while running, and water and steam when stopping: an Engine-man is sometimes obliged to run the water rather lower, if he has heavy work; but it is always better to keep the level of the water as high as possible. It is observed that when any variation takes place in the pressure of the steam, a corresponding change occurs in the level of the water,—that when the pressure of the steam rises or falls, the height of the water rises or falls simultaneously. Partly for this reason, and partly to allow the more rapid generation of steam, the feed-pumps are not generally allowed to act when When the Engine is highest on an inclined plane, rather a greater height of water must be kept over the fire-box than on a level, in order that the chimney ends of the tubes may be well covered. The most favourable time for allowing the feed-pumps to act, is when the steam is blowing off with force from the safety-valve, and the fire strong; and the least favourable time is when the steam and fire are low: indeed the Engine-man should manage that it may never be necessary in the latter case, as the addition of water rapidly lowers the steam. In order to know the force of the steam, one hand may occasionally lift Both feed-pumps should not commence working at the same time. The water should never be allowed to run low before arriving at any part of the road where considerable power is required, as steam is produced more rapidly when both pumps are turned off,—a measure which is imprudent unless the water is high. When “the feed” is turned on, the Engine-man should try the pet-cock to see whether the pump is acting freely: the water thrown from it should be in forcible intermittent jets; warm water with a little steam will frequently escape from it at first; if this should continue, it may be concluded that the Coke is put on the fire by the Stoker, at the order of the Engine-man, who should hold the chain of the fire-door in his hand, and open it for as short a time as possible, while the Stoker throws on each shovelful of coke: the shovel should be well filled, and the coke distributed equally over the fire. In most Engines, the fuel need not be higher than the bottom of the fire-door; and if allowed to fall more than 6 or 8 inches below it, it must not be expected that the pressure of the steam will be maintained, if the Engine has a load. In other circumstances, provided the fire is low enough to require fuel, the best time to put on coke is when the water is sufficiently high to turn off the feed-pumps, the steam slightly blowing off, and the Engine travelling at a good speed. No definite instructions can be given for the frequency with which coke must The fire should be allowed to run rather low before arriving at the top of an inclined plane down which the steam will not be used: on beginning to descend the plane, fuel should be put on the fire, which will burn up by the time the train reaches the bottom of the plane. If it is wished to keep up the steam, it is better not to supply water and fuel at the same time. While running, the Stoker should occasionally pick the ashes from the tubes to clear the draught. If there should be, at any time, an unnecessary quantity and force of steam, it is readily reduced by opening the fire-door, and by turning on the feed-pumps; if there should be too little, the Engine-man must be content to run slowly for When the water in the boiler is high, many Engines begin to prime, especially after running for several days. When this occurs, the aperture of the regulator should be diminished, and the fire-door and the discharge cocks of the cylinders opened: if the height of the water will allow it, the blow-off cock of the boiler may be opened for a short time to carry off the sediment, which will be found advantageous. The Engine-man should frequently look to the working gear, to see that it is in proper order, and to rectify any deficiency at the next Station. On nearing a Station where it is intended to stop, the regulator should be gradually eased off at about five-eighths of a mile from the Station, so that the train may be more under control, and At the intermediate Stations, the Stoker should frequently oil all the In case of the driving wheels slipping much in starting from a Station, the opening of the regulator should be reduced, and only gradually opened as the wheel bites; the Stoker is sometimes obliged to scatter ashes, sand, &c., before the wheels: some Engines are now furnished with hoppers in front, opened by a handle from the If slipping is observed to an unusual extent, it may be inferred that there is not sufficient weight on the driving wheels, and the springs ought to be tightened by screwing up the nuts of the bearing bolts: or where the framing is hung to the springs by plain links, the spring pins must be lengthened the next time the Engine is in the repairing shops. A deficiency of weight on the front or hind wheels is indicated by the pitching of the Engine, and should be remedied in a similar manner. The regulator should be gradually and completely closed, when the Engine or train pitches or rocks violently,—in passing a series of points and crossings,—in very sharp curves, especially if double,—in rough parts of On every Railway there is a prescribed limit to the pressure of the steam, and no circumstance should induce the Engine-man to use steam at a higher pressure, or in any case to weight the lever, or hold it down for more than a moment. When there are two safety-valves, that which is out of reach may be set at the limit of pressure, and the valve next the foot-board some pounds lower. It is an advantage to have a stop placed below the lever of the safety-valve on the screw of the spring balance, to prevent its being The steam whistle is obviously intended to give notice of danger: on this account its use is forbidden on some Railways, excepting on occasions of extreme emergency; but the variety of modulation of which it is susceptible has in others induced its adoption as a frequent warning. When the latter is the case, it has been found a safe measure to sound the whistle directly the steam has been shut off previously to stopping at a Station, and to give two short whistles the moment before starting, to warn parties of the approach and departure of the train. When this system is practised, the Engine-man should not turn on the full power of the whistle, but reserve it exclusively for cases of danger. When near the end of the trip very little fire is wanted, and both feed-pumps If the train is brought into the Station by a tow-rope, great care must be taken to stretch the rope gradually by a gentle advance of the Engine, which must be stopped at a signal from the tow-rope man. It would be prudent to conduct the examination described at the commencement, directly the Engine arrives at the Station, in order to leave time for any repair which may be required. On stopping over the pit, the fire is drawn by opening the fire-door, introducing the arrow-headed poker through the fire-bars, and pulling up two or three of them from the bottom of the furnace, by which room will be allowed for the rest to be separated, and the fire fall through into the ash-pan, from which it is raked out by the Stoker. The practice of blowing off all the THE MANAGEMENT OF A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE IN CASES OF ACCIDENT.An Engine is liable to several accidents while running, and it is important that the Engine-man should know how to act promptly under the circumstances. In the following list several cases are enumerated, with the particular steps to be taken in each. 1. The bursting of a tube.—The Engine-man should stop the Engine, and drive a plug into each end of the tube. It frequently happens that the water and steam blow out with so much The bursting of a tube or other causes will sometimes lead to the lagging 2. The failing of one of the feed pumps.—In this case the adequate supply of water may, with care, be maintained by one pump only. The supply of coke must be regular, and not in large quantities; and the steam must be economised, or the water may run low. The pump should be repaired as soon as possible; this may frequently be done in the interval between two trips. 3. The breaking of a spring.—This is an accident which does not necessarily involve the stoppage of the train; but as working the Engine in such a state causes an unequal strain, it should run very gently over rough parts of the road; and if the derangement is considerable, and cannot be repaired at 4. The breaking of a connecting-rod, or its disconnection by the loss of cotters, fracture of the straps, &c. This accident, or any disconnection which allows the piston to be driven from end to end of the cylinder without restraint, causes expensive damage to the cylinders and covers; and the connecting-rod, if loose, will seriously injure the smaller gear, or may even throw the Engine off the road. The Engine should therefore be instantly stopped, and if possible the connection restored; if that cannot be done, the connecting-rod must be taken off, and if on a level or a descending gradient, the train may sometimes be drawn by a single cylinder: to do so, the slide-valve spindle of the defective cylinder must be detached from the valve gear, by unscrewing the nuts, and setting the If it should be found impracticable to move the train, the Engine might run on alone for assistance; but in any case where the Engine is obliged to remain stationary, the fire must be drawn directly the water is down to the bottom cock. 5. The fracture or disconnection of the eccentrics, or any of the slide-valve gear.—In Engines without hand-gear, if the connection cannot be restored, the attempt may be made, as in the previous instance, to work with one cylinder. When the slide-valve gear is disabled, Engines with hand-gear possess an advantage which others want, in being able to be worked by hand, when a single cylinder would be unequal to the duty, from not being able to move the crank over the centres at starting. 7. The disconnection of a piston, by the fracture of either cotter, is sometimes caused by shutting off the steam too suddenly when the Engine is travelling fast with a heavy load. In this case also the slide should be detached and set in the middle position, and the piston-rod uncoupled from the connecting-rod, which should be removed to prevent its damaging the small gear. 8. The breaking of an axle, in a four-wheeled Engine is an accident which is almost of necessity attended with the overturn of the Engine. In a 9. The Engine running off the rails. With an Engine-man who drives carefully, watching well the position of the switches, and the signals given him, and stopping when he sees any danger attending his further course, this is an accident of very rare occurrence. If the Engine should run off on hard ground and near the rails, it may sometimes be lifted on again at once, by screw-jacks, crow-bars, and long sways; but if on soft ground or far from the rails, the fire must be drawn, and instant attention given to prevent its sinking deep into the ground. The Engine should first be separated from the Tender, which, being a lighter weight, may be pushed out of the way, and leave more room for operating on the Engine; this, if it has fallen over * * * * * In all cases of accident involving stoppage on the main line, it is of the highest importance that some person should immediately be sent back about three-quarters of a mile along the road, to give the proper signal of obstruction, and prevent any following train from running in unexpectedly. * * * * * The most essential personal qualifications of an Engine-man are, sobriety 1840. 1. The candidate must not be under twenty-one years of age, and must produce a certificate of a sound constitution and steady habits. 2. He must be able to read and write, and, if possible, understand the rudimental principles of mechanics. 3. It will be a great recommendation if he has served his time to any mechanical art, especially as a Fitter of Locomotive Engines; and, if possible, he should produce testimonials stating his qualifications as such. 4. If the candidate has been a Fitter or a stationary Engine-man, he must, 5. If the candidate has not been a Fitter or a stationary Engine-man, he must have served as a Stoker for at least two years, and produce the testimonials named in the preceding rules. 6. If required by the Board of Directors, for greater security, the candidate must undergo an examination from their Engineer, Superintendent of Locomotives, or other competent person, as to his knowledge of an Engine and its management, and the general result of 7. The Engineer or Superintendent of Locomotives of the Railway to which the candidate is desirous of being appointed, shall sign a certificate stating that he has conversed with him, has seen him drive, and has confidence in his steadiness and ability. 8. Before being allowed to take the entire charge of an Engine and train, the candidate must drive for several days under the direction of an experienced Engine-man, who must be on his Engine, and certify to his ability. |