FLORAL LIFE."Lord, what is life? 'Tis like a flower That blossoms, and is gone! We see it flourish for an hour, With all its beauty on; But death comes, like a wintry day, And cuts the pretty flower away." THE FLOWERING SEASONS."Say, what impels, amid surrounding snow Congealed, the Crocus' flowery bud to glow? Say, what retards, amid the summer blaze, The autumnal bud, till pale declining days? "The God of seasons, whose pervading power Controls the sun, or sheds the fleecy shower; He bids each flower His quickening word obey, Or to each lingering bloom enjoins delay." H. Kirke White. As it will be impossible in a small volume to give instructions in all Flowers, I shall endeavour to select such as will produce a pleasing contrast of form and colour; at the same time, including flowers of every season, commencing with Spring—and who does not hail the early Flowers with delight? After a long and severe winter, the appearance of the golden crocus and the modest snowdrop, peeping from the earth, convey to the mind a glow of unspeakable pleasure. "Then wherefore had they birth? To minister delight to man— To beautify the earth." INSTRUCTION HOW TO FORM THE CROCUS.(Crocus Luteus.) Youthfulness.Prepare the petals (from pattern) in double wax, choosing a bright orange, but not too dark. Place the two shining sides of the wax together. The inner petals are not striped, but the three outer ones have eight or ten pencil strokes of a middle shade of green, broad towards the lower end, and carried off to fine points; these strokes do not extend beyond two thirds of the flower, and laid on with the sable brush. Cup the petals very much with a large head pin (this is why they require to be cut from double wax) so firmly that each petal produces an egg-shaped form when united. Double a hem in a piece of wax the same as that from which you have previously cut the petals. Prepare the stamina from this piece of wax by snipping the proper number. The hem at the edge of the wax is to represent the anthers; affix the stamina when so prepared to the end of a piece of strong wire, and cover them with farina (my second yellow powder). Place the petals round the stamina—first, the three not painted—and the remaining three in the intervening spaces. The calyx is prepared in lemon wax, tinged with a little brown, and is passed round the end of the flower. The stem covered with pale lemon wax. The leaves narrow strips of double wax (dark green), strongly indented with the point of the pin, and a white stripe laid smoothly on with the small sable brush. The above directions will answer for the crocus susianus, the cloth of gold, striped orange, and very dark purple; besides the Scotch crocus, striped, white, and purple. THE SNOWDROP.(Galanthus Nivalis.) Consolation."The snowdrop, and then the violet, Arose from the ground with warm rain wet; And their breath was mixed with fresh odour sent From the turf, like the voice and the instrument." This charming, pensive little flower should be prepared from double white wax. It consists of six petals, like its companion the crocus. The longest are left perfectly white, the others striped upon the inside with very light green paint; and upon the opposite or exterior side of the petal is placed a triangular green spot, near the off end. Cut a fine green wire, three inches long, cover it with a strip of light green wax, affix to the end the stamina, cut from yellow wax. Place round these the striped petals, and those that are quite white immediately between; finish off the same by placing a little double green wax at the end of the flower, which forms the calyx; the flower-stalk is then to be attached to a stronger stem. Where they are united place a small sheath, cut from lemon wax, tinge round the edge with light green. The leaves are rather narrow, not so dark as the crocus; made from double wax. The head of the pin is merely rolled down the centre: they are attached a short way down the stem. THE PRIMROSE.(Primula.) Forsaken."Look on these flowers! as o'er an altar, shedding On Milton's page soft light from coloured urns— They are the links man's heart to nature wedding, When to her breast the prodigal returns. "They are from lone, wild places—forests, dingles, Fresh banks of many a low-voiced hidden stream; Where the sweet star of eve looks down and mingles Faint lustre with the water-lily's gleam." Mrs. Hemans. This unassuming pretty flower has a salver-shaped corolla; but in modelling it, I advise its being formed of five petals. Prepare the latter in double white wax, colour them upon both sides with my lemon powder (this is a most beautiful preparation), taking the precaution not to carry the same to the end, or it would prevent adhesion of the wax. With a small sable brush, form a triangular spot of deep yellow at the lower end of the broad part of the petal. Attach to the end of a second-size wire a piece of lemon wax, extending the same half an inch down the stem; this is to form a foundation: the point is to be neatly moulded, and to be seen peeping, as it were, from the centre of the flower. The petals are curled in the following manner;—rest the petal in the palm of the left hand, placing the side that has the triangular spot downwards, press the third finger of the right hand in the centre, and then upon the opposite side strongly indent with the point of the pin. Place the five petals thus prepared round the stem previously formed, press the petals neatly together, flattening them down a little to give the appearance of being formed in one piece. The calyx is cut in very light green wax, it is in one piece, vandyked at the top into five points; in each point press the pin, and attach it afterwards round the neck or tube of the flower. Wash the calyx with a weak solution of gum water, using for the purpose a sable brush. Sprinkle it over, while moist, with a little of my prepared down. The stem should look transparent, consequently the wire must be covered with very light green or lemon wax. For the leaf, see my general instructions upon foliage. VIOLET.(Viola Odorata.) Modesty."As the dew that moistens the rose at dawn, Gives the Violet many a tear, So bright in the morning of life she shone, That her fragrance still lives while her spirit is gone, Embalming her memory here." M'Comb. "Sweet flower! spring's earliest, loveliest gem; While other flowers are idly sleeping, Thou rear'st thy purple diadem, Meekly from thy seclusion peeping. "Thou, from the little secret mound, Where diamond dew-drops shine above thee, Scatterest thy modest fragrance round; And well may nature's poet love thee! "Thine is a short, swift reign, I know, But love, thy spirit still pervading, New violet tufts again shall blow, Then fade away as thou art fading; "And be renewed;—the hope how blest, (Oh, may that hope desert me never!) Like thee, to sleep on nature's breast, And wake again, to bloom for ever!" Bowring. "A violet, by a mossy stone— Half hidden from the eye; Fair as a star, when only one Is shining in the sky." Wordsworth. Prepare the petals in white wax: there are five in number. Pass the head of a large pin firmly down the centre, so as to cup each. Cover a fine green wire with a strip of light green wax; at the end of this affix a small piece of orange wax, and mould it to a point, not allowing it to be larger than a carraway seed. Dip the point of this foundation in water, and then PURPLE VIOLETS."Violets, sweet tenants of the shade, In purple's richest pride arrayed, Your errand here fulfil; Go, bid the artist's simple stain Your lustre imitate in vain, And match your Maker's skill." Purple violets are constructed precisely the same as the former; the only difference that exists being that the petals require to be cut from blue wax, and painted upon both sides with purple (bright crimson and middle blue.) "Like the sweet south That breathes upon a bank of violets, (So darkly, deeply, beautifully blue,) Smelling and giving odours." "Thou smiling promise of more sunny days, How do I love thine unobtrusive glance!" ANEMONE.(Anemone Hortensis.) Sickness.The petals are cut from thick or double white wax. Place a piece of fine white wire half way up each, and secure it to its position by placing a narrow strip of white wax upon the same, rolling it down each edge with the head of the smallest pin. The stamina are also formed from pink wax: first roll a whip (as in muslin) which produces the anthers, and cut a fringe the third of an inch deep. Wind the same around the previously formed centre, and then brush them out with the dark purple brush that has been applied to the foundation. When thoroughly dry, touch the ends occasionally with green; this must be done with the sable brush. At the back of the pulp first formed, close to the wire, affix the small petals at equal distance, and the large ones, which turn back, in the intervening spaces. When the anemone is in bud, it is surrounded by a calyx, but as it expands it rises and leaves the said calyx at least one inch down the stem; it has a fringed appearance, and is prepared from double green wax. The stem is covered neatly with light green wax. The anemones grow in great variety of colour, but this instruction, as to form and centre, is applicable to all. The brilliant scarlet and purple, contrasted with the pink, lemon, and white, form a pretty group by themselves. TULIP VAN THOL.(Tulipa PrÆcox.) Declaration of Love."Flowers are the brightest things which earth On her broad bosom loves to cherish; Gay they appear as children's mirth, Like fading dreams of hope they perish." Patterson. Prepare the petals from double yellow wax, placing the shining sides together, a fine white wire half way up between. Form two distinct creases up the centre with the point of the pin; with the head of the latter cup the broad part of the petal. Turn the edges inward towards the point, and colour each petal upon both sides with the crimson powder, softening off the same, and leaving a margin of the yellow free from colour. The stamina are prepared (according to pattern), from double yellow wax, and painted with rich brown (cake sepia and crimson), from the broad part to the point. To a large wire affix a piece of double green wax, cover the same with lemon wax, and press it into a triangular form: place a strip of double green wax three quarters of an inch from this point, to form a foundation to attach the petals to. Place round the foundation the brown stamina previously prepared, and then attach the petals, in rows of three or five; they vary very much in number, some flowers being much more double than others. The remarks in the foregoing instructions on the "Van Thol Tulip," are also applicable to the Summer Tulip; the centre is formed the same, but rather larger; nature must do the rest. The great beauty of the flower in the florist's eye, consists in its being cup-shaped and round at the base. The ground colour of the flower ought also to be very clear and bright in the centre. NARCISSUS.Permission."By all those token-flowers that tell What words can ne'er express so well." Byron. Cut six petals in double white wax; indent up the centre of each with the point of a curling pin; press against this crease upon the opposite side, so as to produce a ribbed appearance. Pass the head of the curling pin down on each side of the previously named crease, and press the petals back. Cut a strip of yellow wax half an inch deep and one inch and a half in length; plait it up at one edge, and join it round to form a cup. To the end of a piece of middle size wire attach the stamina, draw the same through the cup, and fasten it underneath. Take a slip of pale green wax, and wind round the wire under the cup, to form the tube or neck of the flower. Attach three petals in a triangular form immediately under the cup, and the remaining three immediately between those preceding. THE JONQUILis constructed precisely the same; but use for the petals double yellow wax instead of white, and orange wax for the cup instead of yellow. THE DAISY.(Bellis Perennis.) Innocence.Whilst culling the sweet and early flowers, I cannot permit myself to pass the daisy, that pretty and simple production of nature, so emblematical of innocence, and which has been immortalized by poets, ancient and modern. THE DAISY. "A nymph demure, of lowly port, Or sprightly maiden, of Love's court, In thy simplicity the sport Of all temptations; A queen in crown of rubies dressed, A starveling in a scanty vest, Are all, as seems to suit thee best, Thy appellations. "I see thee glittering from afar, And then thou art a pretty star; Not quite so fair as many are In heaven above thee; Yet like a star, with glittering crest, Self-poised, in air thou seem'st to rest— May peace come never to his nest, Who shall reprove thee. "Sweet flower—for by that name at last, When all my reveries are past, I call thee, and to that cleave fast, Sweet silent creature, That breath'st with me in sun and air; Do thou, as thou art wont, repair My heart with gladness, and a share Of thy meek nature." Wordsworth. The daisy may be made entirely white, crimson tipped, or crimson all over the petals: the latter are cut in single white wax, a strip at once the width of a sheet of wax. After the petals are coloured, the pin is deeply indented into each, some in fact are made quite round. The flower grows single and double, so that there is no decided number required; this must be left to the taste of the copyists; but if they prefer the double flower, the eye or centre is scarcely visible. On the contrary, if it is a single flower that is to be imitated, the eye must be increased. To form the latter, take a sheet of yellow wax, fold it at the end the eighth of an inch deep, hold it between the thumb and finger of the left hand, and with the "Wee, modest, crimson-tipped flower ****thou bonnie gem." Burns. WALL-FLOWER.Fidelity in misfortune."How oft doth an emblem-bud silently tell What language could never speak half so well." Cut from bright orange four wax petals for each blossom: colour the edges, and vein each a rich brown (crimson powder and cake sepia). Press the finger in the centre of every petal, for the purpose of giving a crumpled appearance. Use a piece of middle size wire; cover it with green wax, and affix to the end four stamina, made in the following manner: Double along the end of a sheet of lemon wax (a narrow fold); cut the stamina short and fine; colour the ends with my lemon powder. Place the petals immediately under; putting them on so as to form a square. The calyx is cut from green wax passed round the tube of the flower, and coloured afterwards with the same brush that has been used for the flower. The buds are made of solid wax; some green, others orange; and painted with the rich brown in various shades. In the largest buds, leave the orange points free from paint, at the point peeping from beneath the dark calyx. There cannot be a more natural looking flower than the last described, if modelled neatly, and well in regard to colour; at the same time, I must remind my pupils that none can look worse if badly executed. Having now submitted what I consider a fair selection from spring flowers, I will proceed to those which we may observe at a later period, commencing with the rhododendron. This is one of a class of flowers which I admire most particularly in nature, and also find extremely useful in an artistic point of view. Its form is peculiarly eligible in grouping, and its value increased from the fact, that it is cultivated at the present time in such great varieties of shades and colours. I do not know that I can experience a greater treat than to visit the Botanical Gardens, Regent's Park, when their show of American plants is on view; and I would recommend my pupils to devote some time to perfect themselves in flowers that afford such great variety; and as instruction as to the formation of one conveys the same for all, except as to varying the colour, I do not feel that I could choose a more advantageous specimen of floriculture for imitation. LILAC RHODODENDRON.Danger."All are for use—for health—for pleasure given:— All speak, in various ways, the bounteous hand of Heaven." Charlotte Smith. Cut the petals in white wax; chose it rather thick, but not the double wax. It is formed with two pieces, and yet when united it appears as if there were five petals. The colour is produced in any shade of lilac by mixing my bright crimson, middle blue, and a small portion of white together. This is laid on round the edge upon both sides with a large brush. When perfectly dry, the colour is partly taken off by passing a moist brush containing very little colour over the whole. This carries off the rough portion of the paint previously applied, and gives the petals a soft and shaded Another of the American plants useful in grouping, is the KALMIA.(Latifolia.) Combination."Ye flowers of beauty, pencilled by the hand of God!" Pollok. The corolla is in one piece, having five points. It requires to be cut in thick wax. Press the finger in the centre, and pinch up each point, bending the same towards the centre. A double piece of wax, cut in points, is placed at the back; press the two firmly together, and make a hole in the centre with the large pin. Paint in the corolla a small circle of crimson points, using for this purpose a sable brush. Cover a piece of fine wire two inches in length; mould to the end a small piece of double green wax, making it quite round. The pistil is affixed to this, and is formed by rolling the edge of the wax (as a whip in muslin), and cutting it fine, as previously directed. The stamina are prepared in the same manner, consisting of ten filaments, and are placed round the pistil. Pass the stalk through the centre of the corolla, rendering it secure by pressing the fingers close to the flower underneath. Finish off the flower by attaching five minute points of green wax. After the pistil and stamina are drawn through the flower, press the anther of each filament down to the corolla with the head of the pin, and tip them with deep crimson. YELLOW JASMINE.(Jasminum Revolutum.) Grace and Elegance.Cut the petals from double yellow wax. There are five to each flower. Pass the head of the small curling pin quickly twice down each petal; and indent it strongly down the narrow or tube part of each petal upon the opposite side. Cover a piece of fine wire, about three inches long; affix a small piece of green wax, pressed into a point by the side of, and at WHITE JASMINE.(Jasminum Officinale.) Amiableness.The petals are prepared from thick or double white wax. It is put together precisely as the last named flower; but the petals are pointed, instead of being round, as in the yellow. Press the point of the curling pin up the centre of each petal. After the flower is united, the tube is tinged, first with pale yellow, and subsequently with red, very slightly. The calyx consists of five fine points, which are cut in green wax, and attached at the bottom of the tube. The flowers are mounted like the yellow jasmine. The green sprigs are placed on two at once, facing each other. CAPE JASMINE.(Gardenia.) Sweetness.The petals are cut in thick wax, or single wax doubled; when the latter is the case, be careful to place the two shining sides together. It is particularly easy to form: the petals require to be curled precisely as the yellow jasmine. The centre is formed by crushing two or three small pieces of orange wax to the point of a wire. The first five small petals are very faintly tinged with orange; this is merely to The neck of the flower is already formed from the ends of the petals; it only requires to be moulded very smooth, and coloured a light pomona green. The calyx consists of five points of green wax, placed at the end of the tube. The dark foliage is placed round in clusters, and produces a pleasing contrast to the flower. I would here observe, that this flower is particularly useful in grouping. It is a greenhouse production, and extremely fragrant in nature; it is consequently always consistent to place it in a bouquet; independently of this, it is an excellent substitute for white camellia in groups, where the last named flower would be too large. I shall proceed to give some instruction in Roses. The varieties now grown and named in our nurseries amount to the almost incredible number of two thousand. I shall therefore choose, for the information and improvement of those ladies who kindly think proper to place themselves under the guidance of my little book, about six kinds, such as I deem most useful, and as being different in form and colour. I think, when these are perfectly understood, any other kind can be copied easily from nature. I shall commence with the old favourite, THE CABBAGE OR PROVENCE ROSE.(Rosa Centifolia.) Beauty."The rose has one powerful virtue to boast Above all the flowers of the field— When its leaves are all dead, and fine colours are lost, Still how sweet a perfume it will yield." Watts. Prepare the foundation of solid wax, rolled round the end of a moderate size wire. It must be cone-shaped. The three smallest petals are crushed and placed at the point in a triangular form. The split petals, marked on my pattern fifteen, are united into clusters of five, and placed round immediately under the three that are crushed. Each succeeding row of petals are placed on in like manner, taking care that each petal is attached to the under part of the foundation, and not upon the side. I particularly name this, as I too frequently find ladies err in forming the roundness of the rose. The last two rows of petals, which are turned back, must be placed rather lower than those preceding. The calyx is cut from double light green wax. The head of the curling pin is passed down the centre of each point previously to their being placed on. Pass a strip of double green wax close round the base of the flower, moulding it round and smooth with the thumb and finger. This is to represent the seed cup. When the calyx is affixed, it must rest against the back of the rose, and be so neatly moulded over the seed cup, as not to show any division or seam. THE MOSS ROSE.Beauty and Love.Is similarly constructed (being one of the same class), but is rather smaller. It requires the addition of a little real moss. It must be the fine spray moss; and dried quickly, by placing a warm flat-iron upon it. It is affixed to the calyx and seed cup by pressing it on with the head of the curling pin. Cut the petals from thin white wax. Tinge the lower part of the first three sets of petals with my lemon powder. Cup all the petals with the finger, turning the last or largest two rows back. Cut a few stamina in lemon wax, with the edge rolled to form the anthers; colour them with orange, and when quite dry, touch them occasionally with brown (crimson powder and cake sepia). These stamina are divided into clusters, eight or ten filaments in each, and about five in number. Make a small cone-shaped foundation; attach one cluster of stamina at the point. The ten small petals are affixed round, turning in various directions, and interspersed with the rest of the stamina. The whole of the remaining petals are placed on five in a row, the last two turning back. Finish off with calyx and seed cup, as in previous instruction. This rose is peculiarly adapted for bridal bouquets; and I must here mention, while alluding to the subject of bridal favours, that I made upwards of ten thousand of these roses upon the happy occasion of Her Majesty's marriage. It may afford some trivial amusement to my younger friends, to relate the following anecdote, in connection with the event just alluded to. About three years after Her Majesty was united to His Royal THE DAMASK ROSE.(Rosa Damascena.) Freshness of Complexion."The rose, like ruddy youth, in beauty stands, And would be cropped by none but fairest hands." Cut the petals from white wax, and paint them upon both sides (with my crimson), two-thirds down. Cup the petals as in the preceding rose. Cut two strips of stamina in lemon wax, tip them with my orange powder. Make a foundation of lemon wax, and pass round the strips already mentioned. Place in a triangular form the six small petals in clusters of SWEET-SCENTED TEA ROSE.(Rosa Safrano.) Charming.The petals of this rose require to be cut in thick white wax, coloured three parts down with my lemon powder; shade lightly over this, but not quite to the edge, with a little of my second yellow, and finish off by a light tint of crimson (crimson lake in cake.) The petals are deep and few, and require a great deal of cupping; to assist in producing this rotundity of petal use the head of the ivory pin, commencing to roll from the bottom to about half-way up the petal. Make a foundation of white wax, rather large and cone-shaped; colour it the same as petals; place the latter on singly, and press them forward to meet at the point and conceal the foundation. They are placed on five in a row, and the last two turned back: the seed cup is rather small; the calyx, and the back petals are all deeply coloured with crimson. The stem is also very red. YELLOW ROSE.(Rosa. Cloth of Gold.) Infidelity."The rose is fragrant, but it fades in time."—Dryden. Cut the petals from light lemon wax, colour them with deep yellow towards the lower end, gradually shading off the same towards the upper end of each petal. The first three AUSTRIAN BRIAR ROSE.(Rosa Lutea.) Mingled Pleasure and Pain.This is a showy single flower, and very easily and quickly accomplished. There are but five petals, cut from bright yellow wax; colour them half-way down each with crimson: cup them a little in the palm of the hand, not using a pin at all. The foundation is rather small, and formed of green wax—one strip of stamina placed round, cut in lemon wax, tipped with orange powder. Calyx and seed cup formed according to previous instruction. Having given as many roses as my space will admit of, and as will be required for the purpose of initiating learners in this kind of flower, I will turn the attention of my readers to another class, held in much esteem, and which will afford a wide field of variety to copyists. I allude to THE CARNATION.(Dianthus.) Pure Love."Yon bright carnation—once thy cheek Bent o'er it in the bud; And back it gives thy blushes meek In one rejoicing flood!" This may be made in three varieties. The flakes are striped with broad bands of colour, the bizarres are striped with three colours, and the picotees have a narrow margin of The leaf is long and narrow, cut from double wax, and a fine wire covered and placed between to support it. To give it the natural bloom, pass it through the prepared arrowroot. The leaves are placed on the stem two and two, to face each other, and a small piece of lemon wax passed round, to represent the joint that is always visible in this flower. MYRTLE.(Myrtus Communis.) Love.This flower is always admired in a bouquet from its light and pretty appearance, and is in nature very fragrant. Cut the petals, five in number, of double wax, indent the head of a curling pin in each; cut a fringe at the end of a thin sheet of white wax, having previously folded a very small piece down to form the anthers. Wind this strip or fringe round the end HONEYSUCKLE.(Caprifolium.) Devoted Affection.Colour eight or ten blossoms with second yellow, two or three are left white, being all cut from wax devoid of colour; shade them with crimson lake in cake; cut a piece of fine wire, two inches long, cut a strip of white wax, three quarters of an inch in length, and pass it round one end of the wire. This is to form the tube or foundation for the stamina to be attached to: the latter are cut very fine from double lemon wax. The anthers are tipped orange, the pistil green. Affix the pistil and five stamina to each foundation, and then enclose it in the tube or long part of the petals previously coloured, as also in the white blossoms, first having passed a small head pin twice or thrice down each. The tube is coloured dark crimson, gradually softened off towards the upper end of the blossom. A calyx is attached at the base of the tube in the form of a small cup—a piece of double green wax, cut very narrow, and passed once round. The buds are made solid: THE FUCHSIA;(Fulgens;) Good taste:Will afford a pleasing variety to the flowers already described. Its blossoms hang pendant like a tassel; it is both graceful in form, and brilliant in colour: its construction is simple, being formed from two patterns only. The smallest is cut in single lemon wax, the largest in double wax, the same colour. The four points of the largest pattern are tipped with green, and shaded off with light scarlet towards the upper part of the tube. It is not, however, entirely coloured until it is made, as it is always difficult to unite a tube flower if it is painted too close to the edge. The head of the curling pin is rolled up each point upon the inside, and the tube formed with the handle of a brush, joining the wax neatly upon one side. After it is united, it is again painted with my scarlet powder and a small portion of the crimson. The small or inner petals are coloured upon both sides with bright crimson only. The head of a large curling pin is passed once down. The stamina are cut from double lemon wax, a whip, as in muslin, being first rolled to produce the anthers; these are touched with gum water, and, while wet, dipped into cream colour powder, (produced by the combination of my lemon and white.) The pistil is the same as the stamina, only that it extends to a greater length: the stamina and pistil are shaded very light scarlet. Cover a piece of fine THE RED FUCHSIA;(Fuchsia,) Taste:Is cut from white wax. It consists of four purple petals, and four crimson; these are painted with the large brush upon both sides, leaving a short space free from colour towards the base of each. Cut the pistil and eight stamina as previously directed, and colour them with crimson. To the end of these may be observed in nature small particles of farina, this is produced (as in the former instruction of fuchsia fulgens), by dipping them while moistened with gum water into dry powder. A foundation is formed at the end of a piece of fine wire, the pistil attached, and the stamina encircling the same. The four purple petals are then placed on to form a square, having the head of the curling pin previously rolled down each to cup them a little. The crimson or outer petals are curled in like manner, and placed precisely at the corners where the inner petals unite. The flower is now complete, with the exception of the seed cup; but previous to this being placed on, (which is merely a piece of green wax moulded into the shape of a small berry,) the flower is coloured again crimson, softening it off towards the said seed cup. FORGET ME NOT.Forget me not."The very name is Love's own poetry, Born of the heart, and of the eye begot, Nursed amid sighs and smiles of constancy, And ever breathing—'Love! forget me not.'" Miller. This little flower is cut in one piece from thick white wax. A hole is pierced in the centre with the curling pin. The finest white wire is used: affix a small piece of wax to the end, and fold it down with the wire; it must be very minute. Pass it through the front of the flower, and fasten it at the back by moulding it gently with the point of the pin. It is painted after it is made: the centre is touched with a sable brush—the colour, second yellow. The edges of the flower are coloured a brilliant blue, for which use the light blue, with minute portions of white and crimson. The buds and opening flowers are more pink than the full-blown flowers. PINK GERANIUM.(Pelargonium.) Preference.Cut the petals in thick white wax; there are three narrow and two broad. Mix a little white powder with some crimson, and paint all the petals half way down lightly with this colour. The brush must contain but a very small portion of colour, or it would dry rough. The broad petals are afterwards coloured as follows:—first vein the lower ends with cake smalt and crimson, using for the purpose a fine sable brush. Then take SCARLET GERANIUM.Comforting.The petals are cut from thick white wax. Colour them upon both sides with bright scarlet (scarlet and crimson both in powders), form a very small foundation of white wax to the end of a fine wire. Cut five fine and short stamina, place them on the foundation, and colour them red. Affix the five petals round, the two largest placed uppermost, the three smaller ones under. Attach calyx as in the former flower. Cover the stem neatly with light green wax, and mount the flowers in clusters. Make some buds moulded in light green wax, others in white wax, painted scarlet at the points; and the calyx placed round as in the flower. MIGNONETTE.(Reseda Odorata.) Unconscious Beauty.It is a singular circumstance that in this country this fragrant production of nature is known by a French name, the translation of which is the "little darling," while in Paris it is only known by its Latin appellation, reseda, (herb, or dock cresses); but I believe I am correct in stating that its seeds were first conveyed into England from Paris. It is not particularly difficult to form, but requires extremely good sight, and a light touch in its construction. It is of course made without a paper pattern, and I would recommend a natural flower always to be taken as a copy. It is also necessary to be very particular as to the lemon tint used, the orange, and the shade of green, for Take a sheet of lemon wax, very thin and not too new; cut directly from the corner six or eight fine filaments, as pointed as possible; roll them into a small cluster. It requires two clusters of this size, and two others nearly the same, but shorter. Fold the end of a piece of lemon wax, and snip (very short) a few stamina, which appear, when coloured, like seed. The colour required is a sort of pinky orange, if I may be allowed to use such a term; for which purpose I employ my second orange, white, and a minute portion of crimson powder: of course it requires some judgment as to the several quantities. Commence the formation by attaching a small piece of green wax to the end of a stem made from white wire, mould it round according to nature; under this place the cluster of orange seeds, on the top a small portion of lemon wax, and at each corner the largest cluster of lemon stamina; the smaller clusters place at the corners and under the orange seeds. The calyx consists of five very narrow strips of green wax, placed neatly and regularly at the back of the flower. Cover the stem with very light green wax. ORANGE BLOSSOM.(Citrus.) Chastity.This is cut in double white wax. It consists of five petals. The head of the small curling pin is passed up and down over the whole of each; the petals are afterwards curled a little with the fingers, to do away with any formality. A middle size wire is used; pass a strip of white wax round, about half an inch in length; press it broad at the end, and then place a fringe of stamina twice round: colour the end of the pistil and stamina with light orange. The petals are next affixed, SERINGA.Counterfeit."The sweet seringa, yielding but in scent To the rich orange." Cut the petals in white wax, double or thick; there are but four to form the corolla. They are curled precisely like the orange blossom. The centre is also similar to the last named, only that there is no pistil or enlargement amongst the stamina. The calyx consists of four points of double green wax, indented with the pin, and tipped brown. Each point is placed at the back of each petal. LILY.(Lilium Candidum.) Purity of heart."Observe the rising lily's snowy grace."—Thomson. The lily is an advantageous flower in a large group. The one I am going first to notice is peculiar for its purity of colour; it is very ornamental in a garden, and is much revered in Catholic countries. Painters frequently place it in the hands of the Virgin. The petals, six in number, are cut from double white wax: the broad or inner petals are curled as follows:—pass the head of the smallest curling pin all over the petal to make it THE LILIUM LANCIFOLIUM.Generous heart.The petals of this flower are curled similarly to the former, but they bend back more in the form of a Turk's cap. There is a narrow strip of bright yellow-green wax placed in the centre, and at the lower end of each petal. The petals are painted light pink (crimson and white), and covered with rich WHITE WATER-LILY.(Nymphea Alba.) Eloquence."Where will they stop, those breathing powers, The spirits of the new-born flowers? They wander with the breeze, they wind Where'er the streams a passage find." Wordsworth. Commence the foundation of this flower by passing five strips of double yellow wax round the end of a strong wire, indenting the edge of each with the point of the curling pin, and pressing the same into a flat surface: this foundation must be about three quarters of an inch in diameter. Cut sixteen strips of very deep orange wax (double), about the tenth of an inch in width: place them round at equal distances. Cut the pattern No. 1, in double yellow wax. Roll the head of the curling pin in the broad part, and bend the point of the same back. Place these on in rows of eight, taking care that each row is between those preceding. The petals are cut in thick white wax: cup them with the large head ivory pin, to give them a rotundity of form; these are all placed on in rows of four. Under the two or three largest sets it is essential to place a small piece of white wire (covered with wax), to support each petal. The four outside petals THE YELLOW WATER-LILY.Retirement.Is much more simple to form. It consists of only five petals; these are cut in double yellow wax; colour them rather lightly with green upon both sides, from the centre towards the base of each. Curl the petals with the head of the large pin until they become deeply cupped. The centre is much smaller than that of the white lily—not exceeding in diameter the third of an inch. The stamina are produced by cutting three or four narrow strips of double yellow wax, and passing them round the foundation; they must not extend above it, but when brushed out form a full daisy-like centre. The five petals are attached to the back of these, and the stem finished off as the last. THE BLUE WATER-LILY;Warm affection;Forms a pleasing variety, but is not so generally well known, from the fact of its requiring care in cultivation. Those previously described may be seen blowing luxuriantly in common ponds; but this I am about to give instruction upon I have never seen except in a hot-house. Cut the petals in thick white wax; attach a fine white wire half-way up the back of each. Colour them upon both sides with light blue, or more properly speaking with blue lavender. It is a peculiar shade of colour produced by mixing the light blue powder with white and a minute portion of crimson. Curl the petals with the head of a large curling pin, by passing it firmly once down each centre. The four outside petals are green at the back, and shaded rather darker up the centre with the same colour. The centre is formed similar to the white lily, but not so large. The stamina are cut also in double yellow wax, and arranged regularly round in rows of sixteen; three rows of these are sufficient. The petals are placed on four in a row throughout the flower; the stem is moderately thick and green. DAHLIA.(Dahlia Purpurea.) Instability.Cut the required number of petals from pink wax—colour them upon both sides with crimson. When quite dry, wash them over lightly with bright purple (using for the purpose a large brush, very moist.) When a second colour requires to be laid on, I use a small portion of cake colour, (in the present instance cake crimson, lake, with middle blue in powder.) To curl the petals press the pin once down the centre, upon the shining side; turn the petal, and press against the same at the point, forming a melon-shaped section. Fold the edges of the petal to meet at the lower end. Make a foundation of two strips of double wax, taking care to double in the wire. Indent it strongly with the pin towards the point, as it must be pressed into a conical form: it must be one inch deep and as much in circumference. Cut three strips of double wax, vandyke them with the scissors, THE SALVIA PATENS.Rich and Rare.This flower is of so rich and lovely a hue, that for its colour alone it deserves imitation. There are but few decidedly blue flowers, and I do not myself know any one that approaches this for brilliancy; it is however useful in consequence of its form being light and spray-like. The petals require to be cut in double blue wax; the shape must be produced previously to the colour being laid on. Petals cut from pattern No. 1, are much rolled with the pin and neatly united up the back. Take a piece of middle size wire, with a small piece of wax secured at the end, and pass it through the opening of the tube just formed. The under or banner petal is formed by pressing it in the palm of the hand; turn up the edges of the broad end of the petal, and turn down the edges of the narrow part; at the same time I must mention that a small wire is placed between this petal, by which it is affixed to its position. The buds are formed in the same manner as the flower, with the exception of the banner petal. The calyx VARIEGATED CAMELLIA.Unpretending excellence."In eastern lands they talk of flowers, And they tell in a garland their loves and cares; Each blossom that blooms in their garden bowers, On its leaves a mystic language bears." J. G. Percival. As the limits of this little work will not admit of my giving instruction in more than one of these favourite flowers, I select the variegated one, considering it the most difficult. The petals require to be cut in thick wax; colour them upon both sides with bright crimson, leaving white circular spots indiscriminately in various parts of two petals out of every five. The largest petals are formed by pressing the thumb very firmly upon the shining side, taking care that the edge inclines back without any wrinkled appearance. A crease is made up the centre upon the opposite side. Each set of petals are painted and curled the same, but the smallest are folded together. The stamina must be prepared from pale lemon wax, (cut double,) and the anthers at the end tipped with orange powder to represent the farina; they are cut into small clusters of seven or eight. Use the large wire,—pass a piece of double wax, the width of a sheet, and half an inch in depth, round the wire,—about half an inch deep; bend the The calyx is cut from lemon wax, shaded green and also brown. The head of the pin is rolled upon each to cup it: they are placed immediately behind the flower in rows of three, each succeeding set in the intervening spaces. The stem is covered with a strip of light green wax, moulded smooth with the thumb and finger, tinged brown with the brush. THE PASSION FLOWER;Belief:"Has become strangely interwoven with our faith, from a fancied resemblance to a cross and a crown, although it requires a great effort of the imagination to call up either the one or the other. Still its very name in some measure renders it sacred to faith and belief." Cut the petals, ten in number, from treble wax, one of white and two of lemon; colour the lemon side with light green, leaving the edge rather lighter. Curl each petal in the following manner: press it in the hand, while warm, that the three thicknesses of wax may be certain to adhere. Roll the head of the small pin once down the centre upon the white side, and round the edge also. This must be done lightly at first, for if a pin is pressed too heavily it occasions the sheets of wax to separate and have a blistered appearance. Cut LEMON HOLLYHOCK.Persuasion.This flower should be constructed of very thin lemon wax. It requires thirty small petals and seven large for a full blown flower: each petal is shaded with the light yellow powder towards the lower end. Crimp each petal with the point of the curling pin, and fold one end forward, the other back. Pass a strip of double lemon wax round the end of a piece of middle size wire, and mould the same to a point; the thirty small petals are attached first, so as to form a full rosette. The large petals are affixed to the back, and finished off with the calyx of double green. Half blown flowers are formed the same, but cut from smaller patterns. The early buds are moulded solid of green wax, covered with lemon; the calyx is placed on similar to the flower, moistened with gum water and sprinkled with down. Pink hollyhocks may be made precisely the same, the only difference being that pink wax and colour must be substituted for lemon. THE CACTUS.Warmth.Cut the petals in bright orange wax, place a fine white wire half way up each, and occasion it to adhere by attaching a strip of orange wax over it. Colour them upon both sides with carmine. Curl the petals by passing the head of the pin twice or thrice from each edge towards the centre, and bend the same back. Fold down the edge or end of two sheets of thick white wax. Leave a quarter of an inch from the end quite white, then paint a pink stripe half an inch deep; leave "For not, oh, not alone to charm our sight, Gave God your blooming forms, your leaves of light." Charles Swain. GROUPING FLOWERS.One of the principle rules to be observed is to avoid placing those flowers together which approach the same form or colour. Thus, in arranging two round flowers, I invariably break the formality by introducing some light spray. To facilitate a taste for grouping is the cause of my introducing illustrations to this work. It will be observed that I arrange spring flowers always alone. I am not so particular with the flowers of every season, for art in cultivation has done so much in "The last rose of summer." In the florists' windows, in winter (I mean in Covent Garden), we may perceive such perfections of nature that our imagination might be tempted to suppose that the summer sun could alone have produced them. I would recommend the early spring flowers to be arranged in flower pots or in wicker baskets. In mixed groups, as a certain guide to those who do not like to trust to their own taste for blending colours, I would place lavender near pink; blue to red; white should approximate to scarlet, and yellow to purple. The small flowers particularly essential in separating the larger ones are white and yellow jasmine, nemophila cineraria, verbenas, myrtle, honeysuckle, etc., etc. The pendent flowers give great ease and elegance to a bouquet, and should be placed in first. The neck of the vase should be well filled with dried moss, which can be procured at the herbalists. Alabaster and glass vases are best adapted for the reception of wax bouquets, except when they are intended for the centre of a table, and then I prefer baskets of alabaster, wicker, or gilt; glass shades are requisite to cover either. All, or any of the last-named articles, I shall be happy to furnish to those who may kindly think proper to favour me with orders, addressed to my residence, 35, Rathbone Place. WAX FLOWERS, AS ORNAMENTS FOR THE HAIR,Have become so generally worn at Her Majesty's balls and drawing-rooms, that I deem it expedient to give some particular For the first point named, I attach a fine white wire half way up the back of each petal; this materially strengthens the flower. All white flowers should be sprinkled with my prepared arrowroot, this prevents the edges of the petals clinging to the hair, and is a protection against heat. In coloured flowers, the paint has the same effect. The stems are to be covered with narrow ribbon, green or brown (China ribbon). When the flowers are to be perfumed, the perfume is to be placed upon the ribbon. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODELLING FOLIAGE.There are various ways of modelling leaves, but I would recommend them to be made of sheet wax as much as possible. Take three sheets of green wax, matching in colour the leaf you are about to imitate. It is not material whether the middle sheet is the same colour as the upper or under sheet. Cover a wire,—the size must be chosen according to the proportion of the leaf,—place the said wire when covered under one sheet—cut the wax into the form of the leaf required. Plunge the real leaf into cold water, and the wax into hot; while in a softened state press it firmly and quickly upon the wrong side of the real leaf. This will give a truthful imitation. If a real leaf cannot be obtained of any particular flower, they can be modelled from a plaister mould, which I shall be happy to furnish. Another method is to melt a small quantity of green wax into a liquid state. With a broad flat brush wash over the wrong side of a real leaf, previously oiled with the best salad oil. The latter method may be also adopted upon a mould, soaked in warm water ten minutes previous to its being used. The stalk must be attached afterwards, and a second layer of wax placed over. THE VICTORIA REGIA."There is a splendour in the living flower." Cut the petals from my peculiarly prepared wax; attach a wire half way up each at the back; colour the first sixteen petals with pale lemon. The remaining petals require a faint glow of pink laid on from the base towards the centre. They must be all much moulded with the large ivory curling pin, as well as assisted by the thumb and finger. The sixteen petals which constitute the two first rows, and which have been tinted pale lemon, have a deep pink vandyke or point formed at the lower end of each; round the edge of this point must be laid numerous spots and strokes of rich crimson, produced with crimson lake and minute portions of blue. Eight of the last named petals are shaded darker than the others, and are placed on first. The centre or foundation is formed by moulding wax into a solid substance, two inches in diameter and three-quarters of an inch in depth. The stamina are very numerous, and cut according to patterns. The points are crimson, then shaded lemon, and rich pink the lower end. They are curled by passing the head of the curling pin firmly down the centre, bending the points a little back. The first four rows should fall down over the foundation, the other stand erect; by this means a direct crown is formed which contributes in a great measure to the beauty of the flower. The petals are placed on in rows of eight, with the exception of the last four, or as In selecting this flower as the closing subject of my instructions, it may not be entirely devoid of interest to many of my pupils to be furnished with a brief detail of the derivation of its name and character, as also the place where this extraordinary production of nature was first discovered. Sir R. Schomburgk was travelling in British Guiana, in the year 1837. It was in the River Berbice he beheld it, or I may say them, for numbers were floating in all their pride and glorious beauty, and at once struck him with surprise from the majesty of their form, and brilliancy of colour. This plant flowered first in England, at Chatsworth, the seat of the Duke of Devonshire, and soon after was named "Victoria," by the gracious permission of her Majesty. Mr. Paxton has publicly stated, that his design for the Crystal Palace originated in consequence of his having planned the house in which was grown the first specimen of this gigantic plant at Chatsworth. Thus its name will be immortalized in connexion with that of the Exhibition till time immemorial. I think it may be justly denominated an emblem of strength and power. Before I entirely leave this subject, I cannot resist alluding to the circumstance of my withdrawing works of great magnitude (and which I had purposely prepared for competition), I am likewise anxious that it should be known that it was not the heat of the gallery entirely that intimidated me. My plates of bent glass were much larger than any in the Crystal Palace, and the groups were arranged upon thirty hundred weight of stone. The whole formed such a huge mass that it was deemed by scientific men to be impracticable to be elevated to the gallery, without jeopardising what had been produced by me by intense labour and profuse expense. The truth of this statement can be testified by an examination of the works, which may be viewed daily at my residence from ten till five o'clock (gratuitously). They have already been inspected by fifty thousand visitors; and as a proof that they have excited I have but little more to add— "Now to the world my little book go forth, With all thy faults." I cannot expect it will escape the criticism and censure of some; but if it meet the approbation of the discerning, and carries out my cherished, my promised views, that of instructing the uninitiated—furthering the purposes of Wax Flower Modelling—and refreshing the memories of my earliest pupils, who may for a season have neglected so charming an occupation, I shall be more than repaid for the trials and disappointments attending the various efforts I have made to satisfy all. "Hoping the best—ready the worst to brook, Yet seeking friendly hearts—go forth, my little book." "As life is then so short, we should so live and labour that we may have pleasing remembrances to console and cheer us at its close; let us work earnestly and diligently, not only for our own good, but for that of our fellow creatures:— "Oh! let us live so, that flower by flower, Shutting in turn, may leave A lingerer still, for the sunset hour, A charm for the shaded eve!" Hemans. |