Money and power are the explanations of Mrs. Eddy’s life. We have seen how greedily she has accumulated wealth. Let us, for a moment, consider the way in which she has extended her power. Nearly twenty years ago, Mrs. Eddy established the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, which is called the “Mother Church” and stands in the relation to the other churches, as she says, of the vine to the branches. It has been Mrs. Eddy’s repeatedly expressed wish that all Christian Scientists everywhere should belong to the Mother Church, and Mr. Hanna, then her chief representative in the organization, argued at length that this expressed wish of Mrs. Eddy’s was the revealed will of God; and no real Christian Scientist hesitates to do God’s will, as revealed through Mrs. Eddy. Of course, membership in anything or connection with anything in Christian Science costs money, and every member, resident or non-resident, of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, is required to pay an annual tax of at least one dollar. The present total membership of this church, resident and non-resident, in which Mrs. Eddy’s arbitrary will is absolute law, is upwards of fifty thousand, and embraces Mrs. Eddy is the head of this church. She constituted and calls herself pastor emeritus; but her relation to the organization is the reverse of what her title implies. Instead of being honorary merely, it is most positive and active. She has been the final authority on all matters in the church, dictated all its actions and ceremonies and formulated its rules and by-laws. By these rules and by-laws, which Mrs. Eddy has made, she has conferred upon herself the power to remove from office any officer of her church in Boston, without cause, and to excommunicate forever, without assigned cause, any of the fifty thousand members. By these rules, which Mrs. Eddy has made, she has conferred upon herself the power to remove the readers?—?the first and second readers, who take the place of ministers?—?of all Christian Science churches in the United States and foreign nations. No member excommunicated from the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, may hold a membership in any other Christian Science church By these rules and by-laws, which Mrs. Eddy has made, she has provided that the president and directors of the church may only be appointed subject to her approval; that no board of trustees of the church may ever be constituted except by her, and that the first members, or governing body, of the church may be appointed only with her approval. Indeed, only recently, with one stroke of her pen and without a word of explanation, she swept this governing body, the first or executive members, completely out of existence. No sermons shall ever be read in the churches, no original work of any first reader or minister is permitted (it would detract somewhat from Mrs. Eddy’s own writings) and the service is limited, by Mrs. Eddy’s rules, to the Bible and Mrs. Eddy’s published and copyrighted and profit-yielding works, announcements of the name of the author of the latter always being required while publicly read. Hypnotists, so called, must be excluded upon her complaint; and the editors and publishers of the Christian Science Journal and the other organs of the sect and the president of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College may be only persons of whom she expressly approves. Any teacher who dares to take a student of Mrs. Eddy’s into her class without Mrs. Eddy’s written consent “shall be” (not may be) “shall be excommunicated from the church.” Mrs. Eddy’s rule, conferring upon Mrs. Eddy the
This by-law is followed by the further provision that it can neither be amended nor annulled except by Mrs. Eddy’s consent. Mrs. Eddy’s rules provide that membership of the church is only possible to those familiar with Mrs. Eddy’s copyrighted, five hundred per cent profit earning publications; that the Bible and her book shall be the pastor?—?the impersonal pastor?—?of the Mother Church; that every member of the church, when publicly reading or quoting from the books of Mrs. Eddy, must first announce the name of the author; that teachers shall instruct their students how to defend themselves against mental malpractice, the witchcraft of Christian Science; that a degree of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College is a necessary preliminary to the teaching of Christian Science (and these degrees cost money); that any member of the church, working against what Mrs. Eddy believes advantageous to the church and the cause of Christian Science, shall, upon her complaint, be dropped forever from membership; that a member of the church who And this woman, who has accumulated a fortune by the methods stated, and imposed upon the credulity of many thousands of religious people to build up a powerful organization of which she has made herself the whimsical and imperious autocrat, is the woman, forsooth, whom the Creator of the universe selected to be the successor to Jesus! I lately stood at the threshold of the Holy of Holies of the “Mother Church,” and with a crowd of worshipers patiently waited for admittance to the hallowed precincts of the “Mother’s Room.” Over the doorway was a sign informing us that but four persons at a time would be admitted; that they would be permitted to remain five minutes only, and would please retire from the “Mother’s Room” at the ringing of the bell. Entering with four of the faithful, I looked with profane eyes upon the consecrated furnishings. A show-woman in attendance monotonously announced the character of the different appointments. Set in a recess of the wall and illumined with electric light was an oil painting the show-woman seriously declared to be a life-like and realistic picture of the chair in which the “Mother” sat when she composed her “inspired” work. It was a picture of an old-fashioned, There are no other proselyters like the Christian Scientist; for there is no other “religion” that is at the same time a source of large revenue to its promoters. The more money that comes into the coffers of the central organization in Boston, the more liberal salaries may be voted to the workers. The organization publishes the periodicals, and there is a corps of salaried lecturers constantly distributed over the country. The Christian Science Journal, a monthly periodical, and the Christian Science Sentinel, a weekly periodical, were for many years the only organs of the cult; but lately a more pretentious effort has been |