The names of authors from whose works quotations have been made are printed in heavy-faced type.
110 Brown, Arthur J., 69 Bruitii, 284 Bryant, E. E., 248, 250 Bryce, James, 257 Buckle, T. H., 16 Buddhism, 77, 81, 126, 127 Budge, E. A. W., 117 Burgundians, 274, 276, 281 Burhan-ad-din-Ali, 180 Burial alive, 27, 36, 78, 149, 154, 172 Burnell, A. C., 127 Burnt-offerings, 158, 168 Busiris, Egyptian deity, 262 C Caduca, 228 CÆsar, 276, 277 Cain, R., 149 Calabria, 284 Callich, or Gallus, 276 Camos, 165, 166 Campania, 283 Canaan, people of, 138, 140, 158 Canis Brasiliensis, 22 Cannibalism, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147, 149, 150; Canton, 65 Capitoline Hill, 210 Cappadocia, 274 Caracalla, constitution of, 229 Carinthia, 276 Carnivora, 22 Carpenter, Edward, 10 Carthaginian, 8, 237, 276 Cassiodorus, 283-4 Cassius, 239 Cassius Severus, 243 Cassius Viscellinus, 242 De Breuil, 300 De Bry, 146 de Chateauneuf, Benoiston, 307 DÉcouvertes en ChaldÉe, 94 Deformed children, 151, 306; De homine replegiando, writ, 336 Deissmann, Adolph, 119 Deity of Eight Thousand Spears, 75 de la Crau, Olivier, 295 de Meulant, Bishop of Paris, 300 Democritus, 194 de Morgan, J., 99 Demosthenes, 206 Deneker, J., 19 Denman, R. D., 315 Descent of Man, 43 Destruction, god of, 149 De Verborum Significatione, 223, 242 D’Horme, P., 99 Dhurma Shastra, 134 Dietrich (Theodoric), 283 Diocletian, 272 Diodorus Siculus, 114, 116, 117, 128 Dion Cassius, 237 Dionysius Halicarnassus, 8 Dionysus, 187 Diphilus, 196 Divine Institutes, 254, 255 “Divine” origin of infanticide, 132 Divorce, 182, 223 Domitian, 225 Doomsday Book, Assyrian, 103 Doqhutiya, professional kidnappers, 155 Dorians, 186 Dosajee Jhareja, 136 Douglas, Robert K., 69 Dreyerie tribe, 38 Droppers, Garrett, 83 Drowning of children, 55, 67, 123, 144, 261, 262 Du Berry, AbbÉ, 291 Dubois, Dr. Eugene, 15, 46 du Chaillu, Paul, 23 Duff, Archibald, 139 Dugour, A. J., 217, 260, 183 Hidaya, 180 Hide-no-are, compiler of Kojiki, 71 Hien Fong, Chinese Emperor, 65 Himyarite period, of Arabic history, 169 Hind, protects child, 187 Hippopotamus, 22 Histoire du Bas Empire, 291 Histoire des Enfants TrouvÉs, 287 Histoire du Kamchatka, 35 Histoire de Languedoc, 303 Histoire de la Legislation des Anciens Germains, 279 History of the Church, 275 History of Circumcision, 160 History of the Criminal Law of England, 216 History of European Morals, 258 History of the Factory Movement, 324 History of Human Marriage, 41 History of Ireland, 276 History of Paraguay, 42 History of the People of Israel, 158 History of Sumer and Akkad, 91, 92 Hloth, laws of, 292 Hobhouse, J., 326 Hodgkin, Thomas, 286 Ho Long Tou, 57 Holy men, liberated slaves, 290, 291 Homer, 11, 121, 185 Homeric Studies, 185 Honoratus, 275 Honorius, 266, 269 Horner, Mr., speech in Parliament, 324 Hosea, 167 Hospital, of Montpellier, 303; Hospitaliers, work of, 296 HÔtel-Dieu, of Lyons, 299 House of Pity, 61 How Tseih, legend of, 52 Humanitarianism, 163, 332 Hunter, W. A., 213 Hurers, ordinances of, 313 Hurreebhyee, Jhareja, 136 Hydaspes, River, 128 Hydromus coypus, 22 Hyperboreans, 46 Hyphasis, River, 128 Hystaspis, Darius, 91 I Iberians, 121 Ichneumon, 22 Idiots, sale of, 319 Idols, sacrificing children to, 145, 146;
nberg@html@files@58656@58656-h@58656-h-7.htm.html#Page_249" class="pginternal">249, 250 Justinian, 210; K Keane, A. H., 15, 24 Key, Ellen, 5 Kidd, Benjamin, 5 Kojiki, ancient Japanese records, 71 Kotzebue, Otto von, 37, 40 Kur-an, Selections from, 176, 177 Kutrai (copper pots), 200 L La Boulaye, 278 Labourt, 268, 269 Lachlan, the, New South Wales, 43, 147 Lacita, daughter of Ozaim, 177 Lactantius, 254, 261, 263 Lactaria, 242 Ladd, G. T., 3 La Femme dans l’AntiquitÉ, 100 Lafitau, P., 145 Lagash, 94, 96 L’Allemand, 282 Lame children, 212, 213 Lane, E. W., 177 Lang, Andrew, 185 Languedoc, historians of, 295, 303 Larousse, Dictionnaire, 290 Lauterer, Dr. Joseph, 68 Laws, of Æthelstan, 292; - Agrarian, 215;
- Allemands, 281;
- Angles, 281;
- Anglo-Saxon kings, 282, 283;
- Arab, 180;
- Arcadius, 266;
- Burgundians, 281;
- for children, 264, 265, 266;
- China, 49, 61, 66, 67;
- of Cnut, 292;
- Constantine, 264, 265, 267;
- of Crete, 189, 190;
- Egyptian, 114;
- enceinte woman, relating to, 305;
- Épaves, concerning, 304;
- first special, for children, 334;
- foundlings, 224, 225
- Pleistocene period, 106
- Pliny, 231, 234, 284
- Ploss, H. H., 35
- Plutarch, 189, 193, 208, 212, 264
- Poetarum Comicorum GrÆcorum Fragmenta, 205
- Poitiers, decree at, 303
- Political organization in 11,500 B. C., 106
- Polyandry, 18, 19, 46
- Polygamy, 122
- Polynesian Researches, 41
- Pompeii, 224
- Pontanus, 294
- Pontus, 274
- Popular Religions of Northern India, 148
- Population, diminishing, 26;
- of Japan, 1615–1860, 82;
- of Papua, 26;
- theories of, 82
- Porcius Latro, 243
- Poseidon, 186
- Posidippus, 198
- Precepts of Ptah-Hotep, 111
- Priests, Brahmin, 148;
- Buddhist 81;
- Carthaginian, 237;
- faults of, 287;
- of Ptah, 111;
- receive children, 288
- Primitive Culture, 141, 153, 154
- Primitive, customs, 17;
- Primitive Marriage, 213
- Primitive organization, 106
- Primogeniture, 151
- Prisoners, marked, 160
- Procopius, 178
- Prolongation of infancy, 4
- Prosimii, 23
- Prostitution, 87, 259, 337
- Provence, 303
- Ptah, priest of, 111
- Ptah-Hotep, 111
- Puer crintus, 280
- Pumsavana, 124
- Punishment, by Church, 268;
- for drowning children, 67;
- for killing children, 114
- Purification, by burning, 148
- Puritans, 332
- Purushamedha, 126
- Q
- Qays, story of, 337
- Senjero, 39
- Serfs, 190
- Servian legend, 154, 155
- Severus, governor of Lucania, 283, 284
- Seville, Church of, 289
- Sewers, children found in, 294, 302, 305
- Shaftesbury, Lord, 329, 334
- Shakamuni, 82
- Shamash, 99
- Shanghai Courier, 67
- Shantanu, 123
- Sheik Burhan-ad-din-Ali, 180
- She-King, 53
- Shelter, first church endeavour, 292, 293;
- Shintoism, 78
- Shirakawa Rakuo, 83
- Shoguns, 73
- Shooter, Joseph, 32
- Shun Chih, 58
- Silanus, D., 239
- Silurian period, 16
- Simon, Jules, 334
- Sister, obligated for child, in Japan, 76
- Sixtus Quintus, 268
- Slavensk, 153
- Slavery, of children, 85, 86, 152, 154, 155, 156, 174, 217, 274
- Slaves, children as, 213, 319;
- Slavonic town, sacrifice in, 153
- Sleeman, W. H., 149
- Smith, Samuel, M.P., 334
- Smith, W. Robinson, 174
- Smith and Chetam, 275
- Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, 187
- Smyth, R. Brough, 28, 147
- Social Evolution, 5
- Social justice, in Israel, 158
- Social organization, first, 106
- Society in China, 69
- Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 333, 336
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 11;
- Berlin, 334;
- France, 334;
- Liverpool,