| | PAGE | | I. | —Uses and Abuses of a Frying-Pan | 9 | | II. | —Kitchen Economy | 22 | | III. | —Little Extravagancies of the Table | 32 | | IV. | —Cold Leg of Mutton | 43 | | V. | —How to make Dishes look nice | 56 | | VI. | —Breakfast Dishes | 68 | | VII. | —How to give a nice little Dinner | 79 | | VIII. | —How to give a nice little Supper | 93 | | IX. | —Spring Dishes | 104 | | X. | —Savoury Summer Dishes | 114 | | XI. | —Salads, and how to make them | 127 | | XII. | —Picnic Dainties | 138 | | XIII. | —Cooling Drinks | 149 | | XIV. | —Game and Gravy (including How to Cook Hare) | 160 | | XV. | —Food for Cold Weather | 182 | | XVI. | —Christmas Dinners (including Christmas Cheer) | 191 | | XVII. | —Turtle Soup | 209 | | XVIII. | —Fish Dinners | 221 | | XIX. | —Wedding Breakfasts | 233 | | XX. | —Food for Invalids | 241 | COMMON-SENSE PAPERS ON COOKERY.