Il ne tint À rien qu’ils ne se battissent = They were within an ace of fighting.
Quand on est bien, on ne s’y peut tenir = The love of change makes us give up even a comfortable position.
Un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l’auras = A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
[Also: Un bon aujourd’hui vaut mieux que deux demain.]
Il tient de son pÈre = He takes after his father.
Il tient À ce livre = He treasures that book.
Je ne tiens plus À rien = I no longer care for anything.
Il ne tiendra pas À moi qu’il ne rÉussisse = It will not be my fault if he does not succeed.
Je le tiens de bonne source = I have it on good authority.
Tenir le loup par les oreilles = To be in a critical situation, dilemma.
On le tient À quatre = It needs four men to hold him down.
Je me suis tenu À quatre pour ne pas lui dire ses vÉritÉs = It was almost more than I could do not to tell him what I thought of him.
Il n’y a pas d’amitiÉ qui tienne = Friendship has nothing to do with the question; It must be done in spite of friendship.
Qu’À cela ne tienne = Do not let that be any objection; Never mind that.
Je n’y tiens pas = I am not particular about it; I am not keen on it.
Je n’y tiens plus = I cannot stand it any longer.
Je n’y ai pas tenu = I could not contain myself.
Je ne sais À quoi m’en tenir = I do not know what to believe.
Tenir comme teigne (pop.) = To stick like wax.
À quoi cela tient-il? = What is that owing to?
Il ne tient qu’À lui de commencer = It rests entirely with him to begin; He can begin when he likes.
Cela lui tient au coeur = He is anxious about it.
Il n’a pas cÉdÉ, il a tenu bon = He did not give away, he stuck to it.
Tenez-vous-le pour dit = Take it for granted; Bear that in mind.
Il en tient = 1. He is smitten. 2. He is caught.
Tenez-vous-en lÀ = Stop there, go no further in the matter; Be satisfied with what you have already obtained.
Tiens! c’est vous? = Hullo! is that you?
Tiens, tiens! = Indeed, you don’t say so!