Limp Green Cloth. Fcap. 8vo, price 6d. each. UNDER THE GENERAL EDITORSHIP OF De V. PAYEN-PAYNE, Principal of Kensington Coaching College, and Author of “French Idioms and Proverbs.” 1. ALEXANDRE DUMAS: JACOMO. Edited by F. W. Walton, M.A., Librarian of King’s College, London. 2. ANTOINE GALLAND: SINDBAD LE MARIN. Edited by Charles Penney, B.A., Principal of Kensington Coaching College. 3. ALPHONSE DAUDET: CONTES CHOISIS. Edited by W. Rolleston, M.A., Assistant Master at Repton School. 4. JULES SANDEAU: Episodes from LA ROCHE AUX MOUETTES. Edited by de V. Payen-Payne, Principal of Kensington Coaching College, and General Editor of the Series. 5. ALPHONSE DAUDET: CONTES HISTORIQUES. Edited by W. Rolleston, M. A., Assistant Master at Repton School. 6. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN: LA PÊCHE MIRACULEUSE, and LE TALION. Edited by R. H. Allpress, M.A., Assistant Master at the City of London School. 7. LOUIS GARNERAY: VOYAGES, ADVENTURES ET COMBATS. Edited by A. W. Dennis, M.A., Assistant Master at Manchester Grammar School. Other Works are in active preparation. Transcriber's Notes: Square brackets and punctuation, apparently missed in printing, were added. As the material was drawn from many sources, of many ages, no changes were made to accents, grammar, hyphens or spelling except: