Il a un pied de nez (fam.) = He pulls a long face, looks foolish.
[Also: Il fait un nez.]
Il a fait un pied de nez (fam.) = He put his fingers to his nose; “He cut a snook.”
Ce coup l’a fait saigner du nez = That blow made his nose bleed.
Il a saignÉ du nez = (lit.) His nose bled; (fig.) His heart failed him.
A vue de nez = By rule of thumb.
Il veut toujours fourrer son nez partout (fam.) = He wants to have his finger in every pie. (See Fourrer.)
On voulait lui tirer les vers du nez = They wished to pump him.
Vous vous y casserez le nez = 1. You will fall on your face. 2. You will knock up against something. 3. You will fail in that.
Porter le nez au vent = To stare about aimlessly.
Il me regarda sous le nez = He stared me in the face.
Il me l’a jetÉ au nez = He cast it in my teeth.
Il a le nez fin = 1. He has a good nose. 2. He is far-sighted, sagacious.
Qui coupe son nez dÉgarnit son visage = It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest; He who cuts off his nose spites his own face.
[Also: S’arracher le nez pour faire dÉpit À son visage.]
Il me ferma la porte au nez = He shut the door in my face.
Il lui en pend autant au nez = He may expect as much (something unpleasant); He will fare no better.