
Absents always wrong, 2

Ace, within an, 220

Adam delved and Eve span, when, 123, 219

Adversity makes man wise, 229

Against the grain, 201

Akimbo, to put one’s arms, 17

Ale is in, wit is out, 232

All is not gold that glitters, 49

All men are not alike, 114

All’s well that ends well, 124, 172

All work and no play, 220

Almost and very nigh, 160

Ambush, 8

Among the blind, one-eyed is king, 44

And the rest! 170

Answer a fool according to his folly, 214

Appearances, for the sake of, 17

Appetite, good, 18

April fool, 191

Arm in arm, 47

As you make your bed, 41, 81

At first sight, 2

Average, on an, 15, 129

Awkward fix, to get out of an, 180


Background, to put in, 188

Back made for burden, 181

Bad day, bad night, 75

Bad thing never dies, 152

Bag and baggage, 106

Band-box, come out of a, 110

Bark worse than bite, 69

Bay, to be at, 2

Beak and claw, 173

Beat about the bush, to, 24, 33, 65, 193

Beat black and blue, 84, 99

Beat hollow, to, 86

Bedlam let loose, 207

Bee in one’s bonnet, 19

Beer, no small, of oneself, 167

Beggars cannot be choosers, 106

Beginning not everything, 74

Behind the scenes, 55

Bell the cat, to, 22, 137

Best cheapest in the end, 158

Best of friends must part, 75

Be the day short, 147

Better dry bread at home, 38

Better late than never, 218

Better the day, better the deed, 42, 148

Between devil and deep sea, 107

Between ourselves, 198

Between two stools, 63

B from a bull’s foot, not to know, 1

Bigwig, 43

Billingsgate, 140

Bird fouls its own nest, an ill, 169

Bird in hand, 220

Birds flown, to find the, 51, 169

Birds of a feather, 22, 140

Bird that catches the worm, 150, 203

Bird told me so, a little, 99

Bit by bit, 9

Biter bit, the, 139, 149

Black eyes, a couple of, 170

Blood from a stone, to get, 67

Blow brains out, 50, 58, 209

Blues, to have the, 169

Boat, to be in same, 108

Bone to pick, to have a, 154

Bore, 201

Born to be hanged, never drowned, 94

Borrowing sorrowing, 21Bow to circumstances, 32, 50

Boycott, to, 144

Boys will be boys, 147

Brand new, 33

Bread is buttered, which side, 176

Bred in the bone, what is, 54, 63

Broken reed, 19

Broom sweeps clean, a new, 30, 96

Bull by the horns, to seize the, 22

Burn candle at both ends, 60

Burnt child dreads the fire, 63

Business, to mind one’s own, 5

Business is business, 7

Butter would not melt in mouth, 169

Bygones be bygones, to let, 174, 198


Cake and eat it, to have one’s, 101, 112

Cake, to take the, 19, 104, 175

Candles away, all cats grey, 64

Cap a story, 203

Cap fits, wear it, if the, 134, 165

Carpenter known by chips, 172

Carry coals to Newcastle, 102

Cart before horse, to put the, 62

Cast in the teeth, to, 168

Castles in the air, 64

Cat after kind, 69

Cat and dog life, to lead a, 3

Catch it, to, 6, 28

Cat may look at a king, 69

Cat on hot bricks, 64

Cat’s away, mice will play, 64

Caught a Tartar, to have, 152

Chaff, to catch with, 17

Chalk and cheese, 147

Chalk it up, 66

Change not a clout, 28

Charity begins at home, 62

Chatterbox, a regular, 36, 166

Cheats never prosper, 4

Chip of the old block, 63, 124

Christmas comes but once a year, 121, 148

Civility costs nothing, 104, 179

Claw me, and I’ll claw thee, 181

Clean as a whistle, 196

Clean sweep, 217

Clear as noonday, 71

Clear as crystal, 207

Clockwork, like, 54

Cloud and a silver lining, 189

Clover, to be in, 78

Coach-and-four through Act of Parliament, 148

Coat does not make gentleman, 139

Cobbler stick to last, let, 161

Cock and bull story, 78

Cock of the walk, 78

Cold shoulder, 33

Come off cheap, 199

Come to blows, 233

Come to the point, 117, 181

Coming—like Christmas, 169

Comparisons are odious, 72

Confession good for soul, 26

Cost what it may, 86

Count chickens before hatched, 70, 76, 182

Cram, 43

Cramming-shop, 227

Creaking door hangs long, 47, 192

Cream of the army, 125

Crown his misfortune, to, 74, 156

Crumb and crust, 10

Cry out before hurt, 16

Cry over spilt milk, 115

Curses come home to roost, 20, 155

Cut coat according to cloth, 45

Cut ground under feet, 141

Cut long story short, 165


Daggers drawn, at, 86

Dance attendance to, 88, 138

Dark as pitch, 130

Dark side of picture, 159, 205

Daub yourself with honey, 48

Day after the fair, 167

Dead man, he is a, 6

Dead men’s shoes, 165

Dead men tell no tales, 37

Deaf as a post, as, 215

Death’s door, at, 22, 99

Devil and deep sea, between, 107, 158

Devil not so black as painted, 96

Devil’s own luck, 79

Devil was sick, 96

Diamond cut diamond, 63, 92, 125

Die in the gutter, 175

Die is cast, 213

Dine with Duke Humphrey, 73Dirt cheap, 3

Discretion better part of valour, 43

Disgorge ill-gotten gains, 136

Distance lends enchantment, 99

Do a thing yourself, 5

Dog at a wedding, 69

Dog bad name and hang, 68

Dog better than dead lion, a living, 90

Dog does not eat dog, 80, 153

Dog has his day, every, 224

Dog in manger, 69

Dog’s-ear a book, 80

Dog will learn no tricks, an old, 146

Done cannot be undone, 117

Doomsday, to wait till, 174

Door with creaking hinge, 120

Down in the mouth, 191

Down to the ground, 4

Do your duty, 95

Dover Court, 207

Draught, to be in a, 11

Draught, to drink at a, 225

Draw in one’s horns, to, 78

Dreams go by contraries, 213

Drink at one gulp, 225

Drink cup to dregs, 41

Drink like a fish, 40

Drop in the ocean, 136

Drop too much, to have a, 82

Dropping water wears away a stone, 103

Drowning man catches at a straw, 3

Drown the miller, 232

Ducks and drakes, to play, 145

Dull as ditchwater, 44, 133


Early to bed and early to rise, 23

Easier said than done, 39

East, west, home best, 68

Edged tools, to play with, 122

Edge off one’s appetite, to take, 111

Eel, as slippery as an, 16

Elbow one’s way, 66

Elbow-room, 81

End crowns all, 124, 172

End justifies the means, 42

End to everything, 46, 221

English, in plain, 221

Englishman’s house his castle, 61

Enough is as good as a feast, 78

Errors excepted, 75

Even money, 76

Ever drunk ever dry, 40

Everybody’s business, 16

Every dog has his day, 58

Every inch a republican, 88

Every Jack must have his Jill, 192

Every little helps, 170

Every man for himself, 58, 210

Everything comes man who waits, 23

Extempore, to speak, 2

Extremes meet, 113

Eye to main chance, 213


Face the music, 193

Face is her fortune, 27

Faint heart never won fair lady, 143

Fair and softly goes far, 12

Fair words butter no parsnips, 149

Fair words never did harm, 179

Fall between two stools, to, 59

Familiarity breeds contempt, 3

Far fetched, 13

Fault confessed, half redressed, 182

Feather one’s nest, to, 44, 126

Findings keepings, 195

Fine clothes do not fill stomach, 52

Fine feathers make fine birds, 35

Finishing stroke, 83

Finger in every pie, 168

First catch your hare, 182

First come, first served, 95, 194

First in the field, 95

Fish, flesh, nor fowl, 58

Fish in troubled waters, 102

Fish out of water, like a, 191

Fish to fry, other, 63

Fit to a T, 134

Fits and starts, to work by, 33, 43, 209

Fix, to be in a, 101, 185

Flash in the pan, 122

Flesh and blood, in, 58

Flesh creep, to make one’s, 58

Fool’s bolt is soon shot, a, 148

Fools have the best luck, 129

Foot foremost, to put one’s best, 186

Foot in it, to put one’s, 189

Forewarned, forearmed, 26

Fortune knocks once, 129

Fox to keep the geese, to set, 153Free and easy, 3, 135

French leave, to take, 123

Friend at court, 14

Friend in need is a friend indeed, 13, 37

Frying-pan into the fire, to fall from, 47, 64, 122

Fuel to the fire, to add, 146

Funky, to be, 224


Game not worth candle, 60

Gentlemanly, 11

Get blood from a stone, 144

Get out of bed the wrong side, 43

Gift-horse in the mouth, to look at, 49, 66

Gift of the gab, 149

Gild the pill, 187

Give any one the slip, 75

Give him an inch, 48

Give the devil his due, 95

Give twice who gives quickly, 99

Glass houses throw stones, 229

God helps those who help themselves, 9

God sends thread for begun web, 123

God tempers the wind, 48

Go halves, 76

Golden mean, 162

Good as done, 6, 23

Good as gold, as, 144

Good books, to be in one’s, 177

Good breeding always tells, 209

Good name better than riches, 57

Good wine needs no bush, 42, 232

Gordian knot, to cut, 226

Gospel, to take anything for, 21

Go to Jericho, 196

Grandmother to suck eggs, 18, 203

Grapes are sour, 231

Grasp all, lose all, 106

Great cry, little wool, 50

Great wits jump together, 111

Greek to him, it is, 11

Grey mare the better horse, 109, 192

Grist to the mill, 103

Grudge the food he eats, 76

Grudge, to have a, 28

Guilty conscience needs no accuser, 113, 199


Habit is second nature, 40

Hackneyed, 79

Hail-fellow-well-met, 75, 176

Hairs, to split, 9

Hale and hearty, 42

Half a loaf is better than no bread, 138, 182

Half in jest, half in earnest, 123

Half seas over, 232

Hall marked, 78

Hand and glove together, 44, 99, 116

Hands make light work, many, 9

Hand to hand, 80

Hand to mouth, to live from, 147

Hanged for a sheep as a lamb, 34, 69, 134

Happen what may, 4, 133

Hard up, 21, 210

Harm watch, harm catch, 155

Harp on same string, 60, 107

Haste makes waste, 141

Haul over the coals, 211

Hawk from handsaw, not to know, 178

Heads or tails, 113

Hear both sides, 71

Helping hand, to give a, 84, 154

Helve after hatchet, 19

He who will not when he may, 202

Hiding, to give a good, 3

High winds blow on high hills, 137

Hint, to take a, 108

Hit the mark, 122

Hit with a vengeance, 154

Holloa before out of wood, 69

Home, no place like, 68, 172

Home, to make oneself at, 3

Honest man’s word, 143, 179

Honesty is the best policy, 126

Honour among thieves, 153

Honour to whom honour is due, 59, 211

Hook or crook, 43

Hooligan, 17

Hope, the last, 188

Horse of another colour, 25, 156

Horse to grass, to send a, 231

Horse, to ride the high, 66

Host, to reckon without, 76, 143

House nor home, 121

H’s, to drop one’s, 89Hue and cry, 78

Hunger is the best sauce, 18

Hunger tames the lion, 115

Hungry as a hunter, 111

Hungry man is an angry man, 7

Hurry the less speed, the more, 50


Idle brain the devil’s workshop, 123

If wishes were horses, 212, 215

Ill bird fouls its own nest, 169

Ill-licked cub, 174

Ill news flies fast, 18

Ill weeds grow apace, 141

Ill wind blows no one good, 42, 156

Image of his mother, the very, 87, 107

Improve upon acquaintance, to, 77

Indian file, 199

In for a penny, in for a pound, 34, 40

Ins and outs, to know, 129, 226

In vino veritas, 40

Irishman’s gun, 86

Irons in fire, too many, 63, 151


Jack has his Jill, every, 192

Jack of all trades, 196, 224

Jerry-built house, 55

Joke, to be beyond a, 146, 200

Joker, a dry, 207

Judge by appearances, 163

Justice no respecter of persons, 148


Keep a dog and bark thyself, 228

Keep open house, 217

Keep the ball rolling, 139

Keep the pot boiling, 158

Key of the street, 59

Kick the bucket, 187

Kill by inches, to, 121

Killed on the spot, 55

Kill two birds, to, 82, 187

Know from Adam, not to, 77

Know, in the, 55

Knowledge is power, 210

Know nothing, doubt nothing, 210

Knuckle under, to, 215


Lady, a great, 89

Last straw breaks camel’s back, 46, 103

Laugh best who laugh last, 206

Laugh in forced manner, 46

Laughing-stock, 207

Laugh in one’s sleeve, 31, 53

Laugh on wrong side of face, 207

Laugh to-day, cry to-morrow, 206

Lazy people take most pains, 178

Least said soonest mended, 179

Leave no stone unturned, 71, 106

Leave well alone, 38, 162

Leave without beat of drum, 92

Legal tender, 86

Let cat out of the bag, 159

Let sleeping dogs lie, 64

Let those laugh who win, 206

Lie unblushingly, 21

Life and soul of party, 47

Life in the old dog yet, 43

Light as air, 106

Lightly come, lightly go, 126

Like as two peas, as, 102

Like master, like man, 155, 218

Like sire, like son, 69, 209

Like will to like, 58

Lion had need of the mouse, 129

Lion’s mouth, to rush into, 153

Little fellows are often great wits, 209

Little pitchers have long ears, 64

Little pot soon hot, 185

Little rain lays much dust, 1

Little strokes fell great oaks, 184

Loan loses self and friend, 13

Lock stable door, 105

Long lane without turning, 176

Long looked for comes at last, 169

Look before you leap, 124

Look gift-horse in mouth, 49, 66

Look sharp about it! 232

Lose nothing for want of asking, 206Lose one’s head, 45

Lot of good that will do, 145

Love dies hard, true, 10

Love laughs at locksmiths, 14

Love me, love my dog, 10

Lurch, to leave in the, 188


Mackerel sky, 120

Mad as a March hare, 59, 85

Make a cat laugh, 187

Make best of bad job, 42, 129, 146

Make hay while sun shines, 30

Make mouth water, 103

Man in the street, 194

Man proposes, 142

Manners change, 25

Many a little makes a mickle, 136, 154, 184, 208

Many a true word spoken in jest, 230

March winds and April showers, 158

Mare better horse, the grey, 109, 192

Mare’s nest, to find a, 185

Marines, to tell to, 25

Mar-joy, 227

Match for a person, no, 67

Matter of course, 12

Measure other’s peck, 23

Men die as they live, 218

Mess, to get into a, 25, 101, 185

Mess, to make a pretty, 6

Might is right, 127, 129

Milk and honey, flowing with, 72

Milksop, 227

Mince matters, not to, 65, 166

Mincemeat of, to make, 139

Miserly father, spendthrift son, 26

Misfortunes never come singly, 21, 156

Miss the mark, 81

Money makes money, 103

Money, to be made of, 20

Money, ready, 20

Moon made of green cheese, 149

More frightened than hurt, 185

More haste, less speed, 50, 65, 141, 195

More the merrier, the, 130

Mountain out of molehill, 166, 171

Move on, 71

Mow what you sow, 176

Much ado about nothing, 35

Much coin, much care, 138

Much would have more, 16, 189

Murder king’s English, to, 214


Nail right on head, to hit, 99, 107

Narrow shave, 35

Nearer church, 105, 161

Necessity, mother of invention, 176

Needle in bundle of hay, 9

Nice goings on, 34

Nick of time, to come in, 21, 54, 190

Nine days’ wonder, 7

No admittance, 92

Noble to ninepence, to bring, 214

No danger, no glory, 228

No fear of that, 90

No living man all things can, 144

Nod is as good as wink to blind horse, 57

None so deaf, 109, 215

No pay, no piper, 20

No sooner said than done, 23

Not at home, 111

Nothing ask, nothing have, 143

Nothing for nothing, 205

Nothing succeeds like success, 184

Nothing like leather, 174

Nothing new, that is, 77

Nothing venture, nothing win, 206

No thoroughfare, 181

No use my talking, 28, 35

Not in my line, 204

Not up to date, 225

Now or never, 55

Oath, to take the, 195

Ogre, to eat like an, 157

Old as the hills, 163, 191, 231

Old birds not caught with chaff, 161

Old dog will learn no tricks, 146

Old-fashioned, quite, 146

Old maid, 74

Old wives’ tales, 78

Once and for all, 42, 58

Once bit, twice shy, 63, 201

Once in a blue moon, 163One door shuts, another opens, 184

One good turn deserves another, 62, 146

One man can take horse to water, 213

One man may steal a horse, 166

One man’s meat, 170

One scabby sheep, 134

One swallow does not make a summer, 86

Only this once, 86

Open confession good for soul, 26

Opportunity makes the thief, 150

Out-Herod Herod, 208

Out of debt, out of danger, 95

Out of print, 110

Out of sight, out of mind, 73

Out of sorts, 22, 210

Out of the frying-pan, 47

Out of world as out of fashion, 130

Over head and ears, 87


P’s and Q’s, to mind one’s, 38

Pack becomes small pedlar, a small, 185

Pay back in own coin, to, 164

Pay, no piper, no, 20

Pay the piper, to, 182

Pay with promises, 212

Pearls before swine, to cast, 184

Penniless, to be, 46, 96

Penny saved is a penny earned, 104, 133

Penny wise and pound foolish, 46, 60

Peril proves who dearly loves, 10

Pet aversion, 37

Pickle, to be in a pretty, 35, 101

Pigeon-holed, to be, 55

Pig in a poke, to buy a, 3

Pin a day, groat a year, 110

Pinch of salt, 36

Pin drop, to hear a, 216

Pins and needles, to be on, 215

Piper, to pay the, 182, 232

Pitch and toss, 187

Pitch, to touch, 38

Pitcher that often goes to the well, 18

Plain as a pikestaff, 71

Plain English, in, 131, 165

Play the prude, 190

Please the eye, fill the purse, 229

Plenty makes dainty, 215

Poaches on my preserves, 49

Pocket an insult, to, 8

Point-blank, 46, 50

Point, not to the, 8, 117

Point, to come to the, 117, 181

Poor as a church mouse, 105

Possession nine points of law, 192

Pot calls kettle black, 131, 183

Pot-luck, 129

Pot soon hot, a little, 185

Poverty in at door love out at window, 126Poverty is no crime, 181

Practice makes perfect, 115, 128

Practise what one preaches, to, 113

Precepts lead, 113

Precious near it, 118

Precious pair, a, 87

Prefer advice to praise, 78

Prettiness makes no pottage, 35

Prig, 192

Promises are like pie-crust, 39

Proud as a peacock, 122

Put shoulder to wheel, 172


Quarrel about nothing, to, 11

Queen Anne is dead, 191

Queer fish, 80, 102

Quite between ourselves, 98


Racket, to stand the, 56, 193

Rage, to be the, 21, 133

Rap, not worth a, 121

Reach-me-down, a, 91

Receiver as bad as thief, 24, 208

Red at night the shepherd’s delight, 39

Red-handed, 92

Reed, to trust to a broken, 19

Refuse point-blank, 168

Regular as clockwork, 167, 202

Repent at leisure, 203

Return of post, 85

Return to our subject, 167Riches, a good name better than, 203

Ride rough-shod over, 186

Ring down the curtain, 223

Rob a church, he would, 24

Rob Peter to pay Paul, 91

Rod in pickle, to keep a, 134

Roland for an Oliver, 63, 195

Rolling stone gathers no moss, 187

Rome was not built in a day, 20, 117

Room for improvement, 94

Room to swing a cat in, not, 154

Rose has its thorn, every, 207

Rough tools for rough work, 135

Rough with smooth, to take, 36

Rough with the smooth, to take, 138

Routine, return to old, 74

Row in same boat, 85

Rub, there’s the, 97, 135, 151

Rule men with rod of iron, 29

Rule of thumb, 168

Ruling passion strong in death, 8

Run for your lives, 210

Run headlong into trap, 30

Run with hare and hunt with hounds, 67, 103


Sack, to give any one the, 30

Safe bind, safe find, 160

Saintly look, to put on a, 17

Saint Swithin’s Day, 159

Salt, not worth his, 176

Salt on bird’s tail, to put, 211

Same old story, 203

Satan finds mischief still, 173

Save appearances, to, 92

Sea-legs, to have one’s, 186

Secret, an open, 191

Secret of two, 211

See stars, to, 59, 111

Self-praise no recommendation, 152

Sell like wildfire, 108

Send about one’s business, 109

Serves you right, it, 23, 38, 117, 176

Set a beggar on horseback, 174

Set a thief to catch a thief, 80

Set fox to keep geese, 153

Seven-league boots, 180

Shakes, no great, 219

Shanks’ nag, 97

Sharp as a needle, as, 13

Sheep, the black, 49

Shelf, to be put on the, 201

Shilly-shallying, 65

Shine at wrong end, to, 217

Shirk work, never, 74

Shoe lost for want of nail, 16

Shoemaker’s wife the worst shod, 65

Shoe pinches, where the, 32

Shoot the moon, 71, 153, 227

Short life and merry, 19, 42

Short reckonings make long friends, 42

Shoulder, the cold, 33

Show the white feather, 53

Sick and tired of anything, 101

Silence gives consent, 78, 165

Silent sow sucks wash, 48

Silk purse out of sow’s ear, 51

Silks and satins put out the kitchen fire, 228

Silver spoon in one’s mouth, 74

Sin, as ugly as, 182

Six of one and half-a-dozen of another, 43

Sixes and sevens, 1, 90

Skeleton in the cupboard, 79

Skin a flint, to, 144

Sleep like a top, to, 100

Sleep upon it, to, 77

Slippery as an eel, 16

Slow and sure wins the race, 12, 65

Sly dog, 75, 125, 166

Small parcels, fine wares, 173, 209

Smart for it, 89

Smell of the lamp, 143

Smoke, to end in, 2

Smoke without fire, no, 132

Snake in the grass, 17

So many men, 24

So much to the good, 194

Song, to buy for a mere, 3

Sooner the better, 224

So-so, 74

Sowing wild oats, 136

Sow by wrong ear, 152

Spade a spade, to call a, 18, 63

Spare the rod, spoil the child, 10

Speak ill in absence, 216

Speak of angels, 152

Speech silvern, silence golden, 179

Split difference, to, 190

Split hairs, 85

Split sides with laughter, 44

Spoil ship for ha’porth of tar, 60

Spoke in wheel, to put, 33

Sprat to catch a herring, 122, 171Stand the racket, 56

Stake, your life is at, 8, 12

Stale news, 191

Stare in the face, to, 87, 171

Stick no bills, 7, 91

Stick, to get hold of wrong end of, 16

Still tongue, wise head, 210

Still waters run deep, 102

Sting is in the tail, 199

Stirrup-cup, 112

Stitch in time saves nine, 190

Stolen joys are sweet, 18, 176

Stone unturned, to leave no, 106

Store is no sore, 2

Strain at a gnat, 59

Strain every nerve, to, 122, 209

Straw breaks camel’s back, the last, 46

Straw, not to care a, 15, 171

Stretch one’s legs, 92

Strike while iron is hot, 121

String to bow, more than one, 201, 216

Struck all of a heap, 121

Stuck pigs, to look like, 69

Stuff and nonsense, all, 29, 142

Style man himself, 142

Success justifies the means, 124

Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof, 147

Sunday-best, 107

Sweep, to make a clean, 217


Tail between legs, 32

Take after a person, to, 11

Take care of the pence, 104

Take it or leave it, 149, 158

Take law into own hands, 200

Take the wall, 181

Take time by forelock, 30, 67

Take a wise man to be a fool, 130

Tale never loses in telling, 152

Talking to the air, 61

Tastes differ, 136

Tell that to the marines, 25

Tender-handed stroke a nettle, 172

Tether, to be at end of, 79

Thames on fire, to set the, 193

That crowns all, 157

That’s the way of the world, 156

There is many a slip, 84

Thick as thieves, 150

Things, where are my, 5

Thorns, to be on, 51

Those who lose pay, 34

Threats light as air, 106

Time is money, 221

Tip the porter, 158

Tip-top, 234

Tit-bit, 45

Tit for tat, 63

Tom, Dick, and Harry, 223

Too many cooks spoil broth, 209

Too much of a good thing, 146

Topsy-turvy, 94, 211

Travellers tell fine tales, 160

Trespassers will be prosecuted, 92

Tricks, to be at one’s old, 116

Truth stranger than fiction, 234

Truth will out, 147, 230

Turn in all standing, 81

Turn over new leaf, 182

Turn to play, 27

Two can play at that game, 146

Two heads better than one, 26

Two of a trade, 163

Two’s company, 95


Up to date, 124

Up to-day, down to-morrow, 58


Vengeance, to rain with a, 18

Verbum sap., 26, 108, 165

Very man, the, 118


Watched pot never boils, 94

Water off duck’s back, 89

Water one’s wine, to, 232

Weakest go to the wall, 34

Week of Sundays, 211

Well begun is half done, 75

Well, I never! 192

Wet blanket, 147

Wet to the skin, 215

What a to-do, 6

What cannot be cured, 82

What is done cannot be undone, 203What is one man’s meat, 170

When at Rome do as Rome does, 152

When Greeks joined Greeks, 125

When in doubt, 101

When thieves fall out, 234

When world was young, 219

Where there’s a will, 124, 234

While there’s life, 219

Whip-hand, 32, 47

Whistling woman, 120

White elephant, 105

Wholesale and retail, 138

Whole show, 47

Who lives longest sees most, 232

Wild horses would not make him speak, 223

Wilful waste makes woeful want, 93

Will is as good as deed, 145, 234

Willy-nilly, 137

Wind and weather permitting, 219

Wishes were horses, if, 212, 215

Wish is father to thought, 88

Woman’s instinct, 120

Word to the wise, a, 26, 108, 209

Work like a nigger, 198

Workman blames tools, a bad, 175

Worst come to worst, 12

Worst wheel makes most noise, 50

Worth his weight in gold, 184

Worth a brass farthing, not, 92

Wrong end of stick, 16


Yellow as a guinea, 145


Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.
Edinburgh & London


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