Cette petite fille est sage comme une image = That little girl is very quiet, is as good as gold.
Faire l’homme d’importance = To play the consequential; To give oneself airs; To be pompous.
Qu’importe? = No matter! It is of no consequence.
Que m’importe? = What is that to me?
Peu importe = It does not much matter.
Venez n’importe quand = Come at any time, no matter when, whenever you please.
*A l’impossible nul n’est tenu = There is no doing impossibilities; No living man all things can.
Les grÉvistes mirent cette boutique À l’index = The strikers boycotted that shop.
[The Index Expurgatorius is a list of books compiled for the Pope which Roman Catholics are forbidden to read.]
Ils se sont dit mille injures = They abused one another like pickpockets.
Vous lui faites injure = You wrong him.
Je m’inscris en faux contre cette assertion = I emphatically deny the truth of that assertion.
Il sortit À mon insu = He went out without my knowing it.
Vivre en bonne intelligence avec quelqu’un = To live on good terms with some one.
*L’intention est rÉputÉe pour le fait = The will is taken for the deed.
J’ai mis ce livre de cÔtÉ À voire intention = I put that book on one side especially for you (to read, to see).