45699-h@45699-h-1.htm.html#Page_35" class="pginternal">35–36, 37–38, 44, 328–329. Dole, W.P., Indian Commissioner, 239. Donnelly, Ignatius, 237. Douglas, Stephen A., 128, 213–214. Downing, Major Jacob, 252, 260. Dubuque, lead mines at, 34; Dubuque County created, 42. Education of Indians, 351–352. Emigrant Aid Society, 130. Emory, Lieut.-Col., survey by, 208. Erie Canal, 10, 21, 24, 38, 325. Evans, Governor, war against Indians conducted by, 253 ff.; Ewbank Station massacre, 250. Fairs, agricultural, for Indians, 352–353. Falls line, 5. Far West, Mormon headquarters at, 90. Fetterman, Captain W.J., 274, 277–278, 279; Fiske, Captain James L., 188. Fitzpatrick, Indian agent, 122–124. Fort Armstrong, purchase at, of Indian lands, 26. Fort Benton, 163, 164. Fort Bridger, 301. Fort C.F. Smith, 275–277. Fort Hall, 74. Fort Kearney, 78. Fort Laramie, 78, 121; - treaties with Indians signed at, in 1851, 123–124;
- conference of Peace Commission with Indians held at (1867), 291.
Fort Larned, conference with Indians at, 308. Fort Leavenworth, 24, 59. Fort Philip Kearney, Indian fight at (1866), 274–275; - extermination of Fetterman's party at, 280–282.
Fort Pierre, 267. Fort Ridgely, Sioux attack on, 235–236. Fort Snelling, 33–34, 48. Fort Sully conference, 271–272, 273. Fort Whipple, 162. Fort Winnebago, 35. Fort Wise, treaty with Indians signed at, 249. Forty-niners, 109–118. Fox Indians, 21, 25, 127. Kiowa Indians, 252, 253, 263, 267, 268, 292, 306. Kirtland, Ohio, temporary headquarters of Mormons, 88. Labor question in railway construction, 326–327. Lake-to-Gulf railway scheme, 217. Land, allotment of, to Indians as individuals, 354–357. Land grants in aid of railways, 215–218, 222, 325, 329, 336, 375. Land titles, pioneers' difficulties over, 46–47. Larimer, William, 147, 152. Last Chance Gulch, Idaho, mining district, 169. Lawrence, Amos A., 130. Lawrence, Kansas, settlement of, 130–131; - visit of Missouri mob to, 134;
- Quantrill's raid on, 232.
Lead mines about Dubuque, 34–35. Leavenworth, J.H., Indian agent, 306, 308–309. Leavenworth and Pike's Peak Express Company, 181. Leavenworth constitution, 135–136. Lecompton constitution, 135–136. Lewiston, Washington, founding of, 164. Linn, Senator, 72–73. Liquor question in Oregon, 81–82. Little Big Horn, battle of the, 362. Little Blue Water, defeat of BrulÉ Sioux at, 266. Little Crow, Sioux chief, 235–239. Little Raven, Indian chief, 306. Long, Major Stephen H., 11. McClellan, George B., survey for Pacific railway by, 199. Madison, Wisconsin, development of, 44, 45. Mails, carriage of, to frontier points, 174 ff. Manypenny, George W., 126, 266. Marsh, O.C., bad treatment of Indians revealed by, 360–361. Marshall, James W., 108–109. Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Society, 130. Medicine Lodge Creek, conference with Indians at, 292–293. Menominee Indians, 27. Methodist missionaries to western Indians, 72. Mexican War, Army of the West in the, 65–66. Miami Indians, 30, 127. Michigan, territory and state of, 39–40. Miles, General Nelson A., as an Indian fighter, 366, 370. Milwaukee, founding of, 41, 64; - overland mail coaches, 178–179;
- numbers employed in overland freight business, 190.
Wakarusa War, 133–134. Walker, General Francis A., 285, 349. Walker, Robert J., 135. Washington, creation of territory of, 163; Washita, battle of the, 317–318. Wayne, Anthony, 8, 17. Wea Indians, 30, 127. Wells, Fargo, and Company, 186, 190. Whipple, Lieut. A.W., survey for Pacific railway by, 206–207. White, Dr. Elijah, 75–76. White Antelope, Indian chief, 256, 260, 313. Whitman, Marcus, 72, 77, 80–81. Whitney, Asa, 193, 212. Willamette provisional government, 79–80. Williams, Beverly D., 149. Williamson, Lieut. R.S., survey by, 208. Wilson, Hill P., Indian trader, 314. Winnebago Indians, 26. Wisconsin, opening of, to whites, 21; - territory of, organized, 44.
Wounded Knee, Indian fight at, 370. Wyeth, Nathaniel J., 72. Wynkoop, E.W., 255–259, 306, 310, 312–313. Wyoming, territory of, 299, 302. Yankton Sioux, the, 25, 166, 264. Yerba Buena, village of, later San Francisco, 105. Young, Brigham, 93–94, 96, 97 ff., 206; - made governor of Utah Territory, 101–102.