S.A. Barrett: The Dream Dance of the Chippewa and Menominee Indians (Milwaukee, Wis., 1911). Caroline and Charles Caffin: Dancing and Dancers of To-day (New York, 1912). Havelock Ellis: The Philosophy of Dancing (Atlantic Monthly, Boston, April, 1914). J.E. Crawford Flitch: Modern Dancing and Dancers (London, 1912). Marcella A. Hincks: The Japanese Dance (London, 1910). A. Holt: How to Dance the Revived Ancient Dances (London, 1907). Troy and Margaret West Kinney: The Dance (New York, 1914). Cecil J. Sharpe and Herbert C. MacIlwaine: The Morris Book (London, 1910). G. Vuillier: A History of Dancing (New York, 1898). In German W. Angerstein: VolkstÄnze im deutschen Mittelalter (Berlin, 1868). F.M. Boehme: Geschichte des Tanzes in Deutschland (Leipzig, 1886). Hans Brandenburg: Der Moderne Tanz (Munich, 1913). Émile Jacques-Dalcroze: Der Eurythmus (Dresden, 1913). H. Flach: Der Tanz bei den Griechen (Berlin, 1880). G. Fuchs: Der Tanz (Stuttgart, 1906). G. Mohr: Die deutschen VolkstÄnze (Leipzig, 1874). Heinz Schnabel: Kordax: Archeologische Studien (Munich, 1910). R. Voss: Der Tanz und seine Geschichte (Erfurt).
In French Castil-Blaze: Histoire littÉraire, musicale, chorÉographique, etc. (Paris, 1847). Auguste Ehrhard: Une vie de danseuse: Fanny Elssler (Paris, 1909). Maurice Emmanuel: La danse grecque antique (Paris, 1896). J.G. Noverre: Lettres sur les arts imitateurs en gÉnÉral (Paris, 1907). In Italian G.B. Dufort: Trattato del ballo nobile (Naples, 1728). In Russian Bulletins of the Russian Imperial Ballet School (Petrograd, 1900–1914). CÉsar Cui: Istoria Russkoi Musyki (Petrograd, 1903). S. Hudakov: Istoria Tanzev, 2 vols. (Petrograd, 1914). N. Rimsky-Korsakoff: Memoirs (Petrograd, 1910). Prince S. Volkhonsky: The Ballet (Petrograd, 1913). In Danish Bulletins of the Danish National Theatre (Copenhagen, 1910–14). Tobias Norlind: Svardsdans ock Bagdans (Copenhagen, 1911). In Finnish and Esthonian Kalevala (Helsingfors, 1880). Suomen Kansan SÄvelmiÄ (Helsingfors, 1898). Dr. F. Kreutzwald: Kaliwipoeg [in Esthonian] (Tartu, 1900).