04@59104-h@59104-h-12.htm.html#Page_86" class="pginternal">86. Berlin, 203f. Berlin Museum (painting of Sword Dance), 115f. Bernay, Mlle. (ballerina), 159. Berri, Duchess de, 81. Bibasis (Greek dance), 61, 62. Bible (cited), 19; (quoted), 43, 44. Bilibin, 183. Birds (courtship dances of), 6. BjÖrnson, BjÖrnstjerne, 104. Blache (ballet composer), 102. Black Forest (dance of the), 130. Blasis, 91, 102; (quoted on Bolero), 109. Bogdanova (ballerina), 151, 183. Bohemia (folk-dancing). See Slavic folk-dances. Bolero (Spanish folk-dance), 50, 109, 112. Bondina (Andalusian folk-dance), 106. Borodine, Alexander, 171, 228, 256. Botta, Bergonzio, di, 81f. Botticelli, 45. Bournoville, Antoine August, 104, 151, 152, 162f, 164f, 166, 168, 169. BourrÉe, 121f. Boyars, 141, 178. Boys (training of, as dancers), 183. Brahma, 25. Brahma und Bayaderen (German ballet), 164. Brahminism (relation to dancing), 25ff. Brahms, Johannes, 125, 254. Brandenburg, Hans, 202. Brass instruments (in 15th cent. Italian ballet), 82f. Brass plates (Indian), 27. Breobrashenskaya, 183, 185, 188. Breton dances, 121. BrisÉ (ballet-step), 98. British Museum, 18, 20. Buckingham House (British folk-dance), 120. Buddhism, 36. Bugaku Dance (Japanese), 38. Bulgaria (folk-dancing). See Slavic folk-dances. Burchard, Bis
enberg@html@files@59104@59104-h@59104-h-10.htm.html#Page_54" class="pginternal">54. Cybele, 54. Cyclops, 59. Cymbals (in Greek dances), 71. Czardas (Hungarian folk-dance), 125f. D Daedulus, 53. Dalcroze. See Jacques-Dalcroze. Daldans (Swedish folk-dance), 134. Dance music (classical), v. Dance of Baskets (in Eleusinian mysteries), 68. Dance of Feathers (Chinese court dance), 33. Dance of the Five Senses (modern Indian dance), 209. Dance of the Flag (Chinese dance), 33. Dance of the Four Dimensions (Egyptian dance), 16. Dance of the Glasses (pseudo-Egyptian dance), 22. Dance of the Golden Calf, 44. Dance of Greeting (Arabian), 49. Dance of Humanity (Chinese dance), 33. Dance of Innocence (Greek), iv. Dance of the Knees (in Dionysian Mysteries), 68f. Dance of the Mystic Bird (Chinese), 33. Dance principles, 2. Dancing defined, 2. Dancing girls (Greek), 57. Dancing Mandarins, 34. ‘Dancing the music,’ 248. Danish ballet (influence on Russian), 164f. Dansomanie [La] (French ballet), 92, 131. Dante (cited), iii. Daphnis and ChloË, 68. Dargason (British folk-dance), 120. Dargomijsky, Alexander Sergeyevitch, 104, 181. Dauberval, 89, 91, 101. Daughter of the Pharaoh (ballet), 21. Davenant, Sir William, 84. David, King of Israel, 10, 43, 44. Davillier, Baron, quoted (on mediÆval church dance), 79; (on Spanish folk-dance), 106; (on Seguidilla), 110f. Death Dance (Fakir dance compared to), 28. [The] Death of Ajax (ballet by Noverre), 90. Debussy, Claude, 232. Degeneration (of ballet), 189ff. Delians, 59. Delibes, LÉo, 151, 152, 167. Delicias caditanas (Cadiz dancers in Rome), 77. Delphic Festivals, 69. Delsarte, FranÇois Alexandre, 207, 70, 86, 148. Gedeonoff, 181. Geltzer (Russian ballet dancer), 185. GenÉe, Adeline, 151, 167. Generalization, theory of (in ballet), 216f. Germany, v; (folk-dancing), 128f; (the waltz), 131f; (social dancing), 150; (influence of Duncan), 201. Gesture (relation between, and music), 240. See also Pantomime. Ghiselle (French ballet), 152, 158. Ghost Dance (American Indian dance), 38, 40f. Gia (Chinese dance), 32. Gilchrist, Connie, 189. Glazounoff, Alexander Constantovich, 183, 186, 224. GliÈre, Reinhold, 206, 207, 254, 259. Glinka, Mikail Ivanovich, 104, 181, 224, 254. Glissade (ballet-step), 97f. Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 102f, 121, 148, 152, 200. Gogol, 104, 171. Golden Calf (in mediÆval ballet), 80. Goulu [La] (ballet dancer), 192. Grahn, Lucile (ballerina), 163f. Grand ballets (of French court), 83, 86ff. Gratiereness Hulding (Danish ballet), 162. Graveyard Dance (Oriental), 21f. Gravity (in naturalistic dancing), 196f, 215. Greece (philosophers of, quoted on dancing), iii; (religious dancing), iv, 9, 10, 52ff, 59; (writers of, cited on Spanish dancing), 46f; (its choreography), 52–71; (festival dancing), 54f; (folk-dancing), 121. Greek dancing (modern ‘revivals’ of), 195f; (Jacques-Dalcroze system), 245, 247. Greek Church (dancing in), iii. Greek Mysteries, (folk-dances), 262. [de] Jaulnaye (cited on Roman dancers), 73. Java (pantomimic choreography), 3. Jerusalem, Temple of, 44. JetÉ, 94, 95; (in Egyptian dance), 20; (in Bibasis), 62. Jewish marriage dances (in Morocco), 44. Jewish moralists (antagonism to dancing), 9. Jig (Irish folk-dance), 119f. Jota (Spanish dance), 50, 105, 107f. Jones, Inigo, English architect, 83, 84. Jonson, Ben, 83, 84. JÖrgen-Jensen, Elna (ballet dancer), 165ff. Judgment of Paris [The] (ballet by Noverre), 90. Jupiter, 54. Juvenal, 74. K Kaakuria (Finnish folk-dance), 133. Kaara Jaan (Esthonian folk-dance), 126f. Kagura (Japanese dance), 38. Kaiterma (Cossack dance), 140. Kalevala, 257. Kalewipoeg, 121, 127. Kalmuk dances (compared to American Indian dances), 39. Kamarienskaya (Russian folk-dance), 140, 142. Karsavina, Tamara, 171, 176, 183, 188, 220, 221, 222, 226, 227f, 229, 231, 248. Kasatchy (Russian folk-dance), 140, 141f. Kia-King (ballet by Titus), 34. Kinney, Troy and Margaret West (quoted on Arabian dances), 47ff; (quoted on Fandango), 107f; (quoted on La Farruca), 111; (quoted on modern Spanish dances), 210f. Kirchoff (cited on Greek dance), 63. Kolla (Slavic folk-dance), 137. Kolossova, Eugeny, 179. Kon-Fu-Tse (Chinese moralist), 30. Kosloff (Russian ballet dancer), 221. Kostroma (folk-dancing in), 140. Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 102. Krohn, [Dr.] Ilmari, 132. . Osiris cult, 15f. Ostrovsky, 104f, 171, 177. [La] Otero (Spanish dancer), 210, 211. Owl Dance (Greek), 69. P PaËsiello, Giovanni, v. Paimensoitaja (Finnish folk-dance), 133. Painting, 235; (influenced by Russian ballet), 176; (in relation to eurhythmics), 239. Pallas, 74, 75. Pan (Greek and Egyptian deity), 57; (Roman), 74. Pantin (amateur stage at), 101. Pantomime (in Chinese dancing), 31ff; (in Japanese dancing), 36ff; (in American Indian dances), 41f; (Arabian), 47f; (Roman), 74, 76f; (mediÆval sacred), 81; (in Spanish folk-dance), 111; (in Roumanian folk-dance), 138; (in Salome dance), 191; (used by Duncan), 199; (in rel. to music), 249. [Le] Papillon (ballet), 159, 186. Paris (Italian court pantomime introduced), 10; (‘Fatima’ sensation), 22; (ecclesiastical attitude toward dancing), 81; (18th-cent. ballet), 91; (popularity of the Psyche ballet), 92; (Camargo), 100; (Taglioni), 153. Paris OpÉra, 91, 100. Paris School, 151. Pas bourrÉe, 97. Pas coupÉ, 95. Pas d’allemande, 20. Pas de basque, 97; (in Passepied), 149. Pas de bourrÉe emboÎtÉ, 97. Pas de cheval (in Egyptian dances), 18. Pas marchÉ, 95. Pas sautÉ, 98. Passepied, 149. Paul, Adolf, 257. Paul, Czar, 178f, 181. Paul et Virginie (French ballet), 92. Paulli, Simon Holger, 152. Pavana (Murcian folk-dance), 106. Pavane, 67; (French folk-dance), 121. Roses of Love (ballet by Noverre), 90. Rossini, 101, 103, 151. Rouen, 100. Roumania (folk-dance), 137f. Round. See Ronde. Royal Academy of Dancing (French), 86. Rubinstein, Anton, 183, 256; (composed ‘Tarantella’), 124. Rubinstein, Ida, 45. Ruggera (Italian folk-dancing), 124. Rune tunes (Finnish), 63. Russia (Imperial Ballet), 92; (influence of, on choreography), 102; (nationalistic tendencies), 104f; (folk-dancing), 139ff, 262; (influences on ballet), 169; (ballets of opera house), 175; (influence of Duncan school), 200, 206, 218f. Russian Imperial Ballet School, 90f, 105, 172. Russian Imperial Dramatic Dancing School, 180. Ruthenia (folk-dancing). See Slavic folk-dances. S Sacchetto, Rita, 203, 212. Sacre du Printemps (Stravinsky), 231. Sacred dancing (in rel. to folk-lore), 9; (Egyptian), 15; (Indian), 26; (Japanese), 38; (American Indian), 39, 41f; (Greek), 59, 67ff; (Roman), 73f. Sadler, Michael T.H. (quoted on Jacques-Dalcroze School), 235f. Sahara Graveyard Dance, 21. Sailor’s Dance (Dutch), 135. St. Basil (cited), iii. St. Carlos (celebrated by strolling ballet), 80. St. Denis, Ruth, 208, 212. Saint-LÉon, 159. St. Matthew (quoted), 44. St. Petersburg (court ballet), 90, 161. See also Petrograd. Saint-SaËns, Camille, 186. St. Vitus’ Dance, 129. Sakuntala (French ballet), 152. SallÉ, Mlle., Turgenieff, 104, 171; (quoted on Elssler), 155f. Tuta, 215. U Uchtomsky, Prince (cited), 28. U-gientze (Chinese dance), 32. Ulysses, 52. Urbino, Duke of, 80. V Vafva Vadna (Swedish folk-dance), 133f. Valdemar (Danish ballet), 163, 164. Valencia, iv, 78, 107f. Valencian Bishop (advocate of dancing), 78. Valentine, Gwendoline (ballet dancer), 206. Vanka (Cossak dance), 140. Van Staden (Colonel), 179. Vaudoyer, J.L., 229. Vaughan, Kate (ballet dancer), 193. Veie de Noue (in Lou Gue), 80. Veils (used in Greek dancing), 66, 70. Venera (Indian goddess), 24. [La] Ventana (ballet), 166. Venus of Cailipyge, 76f. Verbunkes (Hungarian folk-dance), 126. [La] Vestale (ballet), 153. Vestris brothers, 91, 101, 148, 151, 162. Viennese court, 90. Viennese School, 151. Villiani, Mme. (ballet dancer), 22, 193. Vingakersdans (Swedish folk-dance), 134. Violin (in 15th-cent. Italian ballet), 82; (in Spanish folk-dance), 107. Vision of Salome (ballet), 201. Vocal ballets, 177f. Vocal music (dependence of dancing upon), 8; (in Greek dances), 58. Voisins, Comte Gilbert des, 154. Volga, 140. Volinin (Russian ballet dancer), 185, 187, 248. Volkhonsky, Prince Serge (quoted), 197f, 212f, 215ff, 232, 249. Voltaire (cited), 99. Volte (French folk-dance), 131. Vuillier (quoted on Spanish temple dancing), 79f. Vulcan, 53. Vulture Dance (Greek), |