Corrected obvious typos and inconsistencies in punctuation: - p34a. BIEGE -> BEIGE (also in Index and Index to samples).
- p54. half a century age -> half a century ago.
- terra-cotta (Index) -> terra cotta (text).
- triluel -> trileul.
- p65. luke water -> luke-warm water.
- p104. certian -> certain.
- p122. turmeric is boiling -> turmeric in boiling.
- p124. analine -> aniline.
- p151. Lay down the feathers for four hours is a cold. bath -> Lay down the feathers for four hours in a cold bath.
- p162. most energetic and and effectious -> most energetic and effectious.
- p173. and hand them over -> and hands them over.
- p187. Operate of follows -> Operate as follows.
- p188. to put feathers one side -> to put feathers to one side.
- p189. composion -> composition
- In the Sample Index, the page for BLUE, MEDIUM should be 34a not 24a.
Some inconsistencies and oddities in spelling and hyphenation have been left as printed: - hand heat and hand-heat.
- centrifugated (in text) and soloble (in printed advertisement).
- redyed, re-dyed.
- peroxyd and peroxide.
- luke warm, lukewarm and luke-warm.
- p114 The correct formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2