Obvious spelling and punctuation errors were repaired, but unusual period spellings and grammatical usages were retained. Headings and scripture references were inconsistently formatted and have been standardized, but variations in book titles and abbreviations were retained. Where punctuation in contents page entries and chapter headings in original did not agree, the contents page entries were corrected. He, Him, His, etc. when referring to "Jesus" and "God" are capitalized throughout the original, and "Jesus" placed in small caps. The few exceptions have been changed to conform to the majority. Contents page—ditto marks were used in the original. The marks were replaced by actual repeated words as follows: chapters 8-11, St. John the Baptist; chapters 16-20, The Interior Life; chapters 22-24 and 26-28, December. Also, under Prayers, "Sancta Dei Genitrix," for each line after the first, "ora pro nobis" replaces ditto marks. P. 5: "few streaks of Thy Divine Light"—original shows "Th Divine Light" with a gap after "Th." P. 20: "(3) The Sentences." The original labels the subheadings within (3) as (1) and (2). This format was retained. Also "There are only two," original shows "The are only two." P. 61: "come to do Thy Will," original reads "come do Thy Will." P. 64-65: "example which you set. Teach me, too;" original reads "example which you set [page break] teach me, too." |