The following Gentlemen, (of five different Denominations,) among others, are expected to contribute Sermons for this Work: Rev. Drs. Mason, Milnor, Mathews, Spring, and Bangs, and Rev. Mr. De Witt, New-York City; Rev. Dr. Richards, Professor in the Theological Seminary at Auburn; Rev. Dr. Proudfit, Salem; Rev. Dr. Chester, Albany, and Rev. Mr. Beman, Troy; Rev. Dr. M'Dowell, Elizabethtown, N.J.; Rev. Dr. Miller, Professor in Princeton Theological Seminary; Rev. Drs. Green, Staughton, Janeway, and Skinner, and Rev. Mr. Bedell, Philadelphia; Rev. Professor M'Clelland, Dickinson College, Pa.; Rev. Dr. Taylor, Professor in New-Haven Theological Seminary; Rev. Mr. Fitch, Professor of Divinity, Yale College; Rev. Mr. Hawes, Hartford, and Rev. Asahel Nettleton, Killingworth, Con.; Rev. Dr. Wayland, President of Brown University; Rt. Rev. Bp. Griswold, Bristol, R.I.; Rev. Dr. Griffin, President of Williams College; Rev. Dr Humphrey, President of Amherst College; Rev. Dr. Beecher, Boston; Rev. Professors Porter, Woods, and Stuart, of Andover Theological Seminary; Rev. Daniel A. Clark, Bennington, Vt.; Rev. Dr. Bates, President of Middlebury College; Rev. Dr. Matthews, Shepherdstown, and Rev. Dr. Rice, Prince Edward, Virg.; Rev. Dr. Tyler, President of Dartmouth College, N.H. Rev. Dr. Leland, Charleston, S.C. Those to whom this work is forwarded gratuitously, are respectfully requested to promote its circulation. |