INDEX A AbÉlard, 299 Adams, Charles Francis, 187 Adams, John, 228 Adams, John Quincy, 159 Adams, Sarah Flower, 44 Addison, Joseph, 107 Æschines, 291 Æschylus, 287 Æsop, 285 Agassiz, J. L. R., 125 Aguilar, Grace, 131 Akenside, Mark, 243 Alcott, Amos B., 257 Alden, Henry Mills, 247 Aldrich, Anne R., 99 Aldrich, James, 161 Aldrich, Thomas B., 247 Alembert, J. B. L. d’, 251 Alfieri, Vittorio, 14 Allen, Charles Grant, 46 Allen, Elizabeth Ackers, 223 Allingham, William, 66 Allston, Washington, 241 Ames, Fisher, 87 Amiel, Henri F., 214 Anacreon, 286 Andersen, Hans Christian, 80 Aquinas, Thomas, 301 Arago, Dominique FranÇois, 47 Arbuthnot, John, 102 Ariosto, Ludovico, 201 Aristotle, 290 Armstrong, John, 319 Aristophanes, 289 Arnold, Sir Edwin, 136 Arnold, Matthew, 277 Ascham, Roger, 304 Auerbach, Berthold, 50 Aurelius, Marcus, 93 Austen, Jane, 271 Austin, Alfred, 127 Ayton, Sir Robert, 309 Aytoun, William E., 142 B Bacon, Francis, 19 Bagehot, Walter, 30 Baillie, Joanna, 203 Bailey, Philip J., 97 Balfour, Arthur James, 168 Ballantine, James, 137 Balzac, HonorÉ de, 116 Bangs, John Kendrick, 124 Bancroft, George, 220 Barbauld, Anna LÆtitia, 142 Barham, Richard, 265 Baring-Gould, Sabine, 23 Barlowe, Joel, 69 Barnfield, Richard, 310 Barrie, James Matthew, 112 Barnes, William, 43 Barrow, Isaac, 140 Barton, Bernard, 25 Baxter, Richard, 248 Bayly, Thomas Haynes, 225 Beattie, James, 232 Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de, 20 Beaumont, Francis, 311 Beddoes, Thomas L., 165 Beecher, Henry Ward, 146 Beers, Ethel L., 11 Beethoven, Ludwig von, 87 Belloc, Hilaire, 169 Benjamin, Park, 183 Bennett, Arnold, 124 Bentham, Jeremy, 38 Bentley, Richard, 21 Benton, Thomas Hart, 63 BÉranger, Pierre Jean de, 188 Berkeley, George, 62 Bernard of Clairvaux, 300 Bernard of Cluny, 300 Besant, Walter, 184 Beyle, Marie Henri, 20 Bierce, Ambrose, 134 Birrell, Augustine, 17 Bismarck, Otto E. L. von, 79 Black, William, 242 Blackie, John Stuart, 171 Blackmore, Sir Richard, 135 Blackstone, Sir William, 158 Blair, Robert, 93 Blake, William, 257 Blanc, Charles, 250 Blanchard, Samuel L., 116 Blossington, Countess of, 199 Blind, Mathilde, 68 Bloomfield, Robert, 263 Boker, George Henry, 222 BoËthius, 299 Boileau-DesprÉaux, 239 Bolingbroke, Viscount, 219 Boner, John Henry, 25 Borrow, George, 155 Bossuet, Jacques B., 213 Boswell, James, 235 Bourdillon, Francis W., 69 Bowring, Sir John, 227 Boyesen, H. H., 212 Brandes, George, 31 Bridges, Robert, 231 Bright, John, 251 Brillat-Savarin, 79 BrontË, Charlotte, 95 Brooks, Phillips, 270 Brougham, Lord, 209 Browne, Charles Farrar, 100 Browne, Sir Thomas, 228 Brownell, Henry Howard, 32 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 58 Browning, Robert, 111 BrunetiÈre, Ferdinand, 164 Bryant, William Cullen, 240 Bryce, James, 113 Buchanan, Robert W., 188 Buckle, Henry Thomas, 255 Buffon, Comte de, 201 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 122 Bungay, George W., 166 Bunner, Henry C., 176 Bunyan, John, 252 BÜrger, August G., 280 Burke, Edmund, 10 Burleigh, William Henry, 29 Burney, Frances, 138 Burns, Robert, 20 Burroughs, John, 82 Burton, Robert, 33 Bushnell, Horace, 90 Butler, Samuel, 314 Byrom, John, 51 Byron, Lord, 19 C Cable, George W., 224 CÆsar, Julius, 292 Caine, Hall, 116 Calderon, Pedro, 14 Calhoun, John C., 66 Callimachus, 291 Calvin, John, 158 Calverley, Charles Stuart, 275 Campbell, John, Duke of Argyle, 103 Campbell, Thomas, 169 CamoËns, 305 Canning, George, 89 Carew, Thomas, 307 Carlyle, Thomas, 264 Carman, Bliss, 91 Carroll, Lewis, 22 Cary, Phoebe, 205 Cato, the Censor, 291 Catullus, 293 Cawein, Madison J., 69 Cellini, Benvenuto, 239 Cervantes, 306 Chalmers, Thomas, 65 Chamisso, Adelbert von, 25 Channing, William E., 86 Chapman, George, 307 Chateaubriand, Viscomte de, 200 Chatterton, Thomas, 252 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 302 ChÉnier, AndrÉ Marie de, 235 Cherbuliez, Victor, 164 Chesterfield, Earl of, 211 Chesterton, Gilbert, 126 Child, Lydia, M., 36 Choate, Rufus, 219 Chorley, Henry F., 271 Churchill, Charles, 32 Chrysostom, St. John, 299 Cibber, Colley, 242 Cicero, 292 Clare, John, 160 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 42 Clarke, McDonald, 141 Clay, Henry, 89 Cleveland, Grover, 66 Cobbett, William, 60 Clough, Arthur Hugh, 3 Coleridge, Hartley, 209 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 230 Colman, George, Jr., 230 Colman, George, Sr., 101 Collins, Mortimer, 149 Collins, William, 278 Collins, William Wilkie, 7 Comenius, 72 Comines, Philippe de, 303 Comte, Auguste, 16 Confucius, 287 Congreve, William, 83 Conrad, Joseph, 265 Cooke, Rose Terry, 40 Cooper, James Fenimore, 205 Copernicus, 42 Corneille, Pierre, 133 Cousin, Victor, 257 Cowley, Abraham, 315 Cowper, William, 256 Crabbe, George, 276 Craik, Dinah M., 94 Cranch, Christopher P., 60 Crashaw, Richard, 314 Crawford, Francis Marion, 175 Creasy, Sir Edward S., 18 CrÉbillon, Prosper de, 11 Crockett, David, 186 Crockett, Samuel R., 212 Cunningham, Allan, 266 Curtis, George William, 46 Curtius, Ernst, 199 D Dana, Richard Henry, 250 Dante, 301 Darley, George, 156 Darmesteter, Agnes M. F. R., 50 Darmesteter, James, 73 Darwin, Charles Robert, 37 Daudet, Alphonse, 115 Davenant, Sir William, 313 Davies, Sir John, 56 Davies, W. H., 94 Davis, Thomas Osborne, 226 Davy, Sir Humphry, 272 Deffand, Madame du, 318 Defoe, Daniel, 316 Dekker, Thomas, 309 Deland, Margaret, 45 De Ligne, 113 Demosthenes, 290 Denham, Sir John, 312 DeQuincey, Thomas, 186 Descartes, RenÉ, 75 De Vere, Sir Aubrey, 194 DeVere, Aubrey Thomas, 8 Dewey, Orville, 73 Dibdin, Charles, 64 Dickens, Charles, 33 Diderot, Denis, 221 Dillon, Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon, 316 Diogenes, Laertius, 298 Disraeli, Benjamin, 274 Disraeli, Isaac, 117 Dobell, Sydney, 83 Dobson, Austin, 16 Doddridge, Philip, 147 Dodge, Mary Mapes, 274 Dodsley, Robert, 318 Domett, Alfred, 118 Donne, John, 310 Dorr, Julia C. R., 38 Doudney, Sarah, 13 Dowden, Edward, 109 Doyle, A. Conan, 120 Drake, Joseph Rodman, 178 Draper, John W., 110 Drayton, Michael, 308 Drummond, Henry, 187 Dryden, John, 180 Dufferin, Lady, 322 Dumas, Alexandre, the Elder, 167 Dumas, Alexandre, the Younger, 169 Du Maurier, George, 59 Dunlop, John, 70 Dwight, John S., 115 Dwight, Timothy, 115 Dyer, Edward, 313 E Ebers, George, 55 Edgeworth, Maria, 3 Edwards, Amelia B., 134 Edwards, Jonathan, 221 Egan, Maurice Francis, 122 Eggleston, Edward, 268 Eichendorff, Joseph von, 61 Eliot, George, 254 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 123 English, Thomas D., 148 Epictetus, 296 Erasmus, 303 Euripides, 288 Evelyn, John, 235 Everett, David, 73 Everett, Edward, 89 F Faber, Frederick W., 148 Falconer, William, 36 Farrar, Frederick W., 178 Fawcett, Henry, 192 FÉnÉlon, 177 Feuillet, Octave, 181 Fichte, Johann G., 118 Field, Eugene, 200 Fielding, Henry, 96 Fields, James T., 281 Finch, Francis M., 136 Fiske, John, 74 Fitzgerald, Edward, 75 Flaubert, Gustave, 269 Fletcher, John, 273 Foote, Samuel, 319 Ford, John, 311 Forster, John, 80 Foster, John, 207 FouchÉ, Joseph, 119 France, Anatole, 92 Francis, Sir Philip, 231 Franklin, Benjamin, 13 Freneau, Philip, 4 Frere, J. H., 119 Froebel, Friedrich, 94 Froude, James A., 97 Fuller, Margaret, 121 Fuller, Thomas, 141 G Galsworthy, John, 184 Garland, Hamlin, 206 Garnett, Richard, 49 Garth, Samuel, 316 Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth C., 215 Gautier, ThÉophile, 196 Gay, John, 318 Gibbon, Edward, 100 Gilbert, William S., 252 Gilder, Richard Watson, 34 Gilfillan, Robert, 156 Giusti, Giuseppi, 114 Gladstone, William E., 279 Goethe, 193 Goldoni, Carlo, 47 Goldsmith, Oliver, 244 Gordon, Adam Lindsay, 234 Gosse, Edmund, 210 Gower, John, 302 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 101 Grattan, Henry, 154 Gray, Thomas, 278 Greeley, Horace, 30 Greene, Robert, 308 Griffin, Gerald, 269 Grillparzer, Franz, 12 Grimm, Jacob, 5 Griswold, R. W., 39 Grote, George, 251 GuÉrin, EugÉnie de, 9 Guizot, FranÇois, 220 H Haeckel, Ernst, 40 Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, 143 Hale, Edward E., 81 Haliburton, Thomas C., 213 Hallam, Henry, 157 Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 157 Hall, Bishop, 153 Hamilton, Alexander, 9 Hamerton, Philip G., 202 Hardy, Thomas, 132 Hare, A. J. C., 63 Hare, Julius C., 204 Harris, Joel, Chandler, 266 Harrison, Frederic, 227 Harte, Francis Bret, 191 Havergal, Frances R., 271 Hawkins, Anthony Hope, 35 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 155 Hay, John, 223 Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 4 Hazlitt, William, 87 Hearn, Lafcadio, 147 Heber, Reginald, 95 Hegel, Georg W. F., 192 Heine, Heinrich, 269 Helps, Sir Arthur, 159 Hemans, Felicia, 213 Henley, William E., 190 Henry, Patrick, 125 Heraclitus, 287 Herbert, George, 80 Herder, Johann G. von, 191 Herodotus, 288 Herrick, Robert, 189 Hesiod, 285 Heyse, Paul Ludwig, 64 Heywood, Thomas, 311 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 275 Hildreth, Richard, 143 Hippocrates, 288 Hobbes, Thomas, 83 Hogg, James, 263 Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 167 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 195 Home, John, 209 Homer, 285 Hood, Thomas, 121 Hook, Theodore, E., 211 Hooker, Richard, 307 Hopkins, Mark, 31 Hopkinson, Joseph, 248 Horace, 293 Horne, Richard Henry, 3 Housman, Alfred E., 71 Howe, Julia Ward, 123 Howell, James, 312 Howells, William Dean, 55 Hughes, Thomas, 229 Hugo, Victor, 47 Humboldt, Alexander von, 204 Hume, David, 100 Hunt, Leigh, 229 Hutcheson, Francis, 179 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 110 I Ibsen, Henrik, 67 Ingelow, Jean, 65 Ingersoll, Robert G., 181 Irving, Washington, 81 J Jackson, Helen Fiske, 228 James, Henry, 91 Jami, 303 Jefferson, Thomas, 80 Jerome, J. K., 108 Jerrold, Douglas, 5 Johnson, Samuel, 207 Jonson, Ben, 310 Joubert, Joseph, 111 Juvenal, 296 K Kant, Emmanuel, 96 Keats, John, 236 Keble, John, 321 Kemble, Frances A., 256 Kempis, Thomas À, 302 Kepler, Johannes, 279 Key, Francis Scott, 179 KhayyÁm, Omar, 299 Kingsley, Charles, 139 Kipling, Rudyard, 280 Klopstock, Friedrich G., 153 Knowles, James S., 120 Kotzebue, A. F., 109 L Laboulaye, E. R. L., 15 LaBruyÈre, Jean de, 196 La Fayette, Madame de, 65 La Fontaine, Jean de, 157 Lamb, Charles, 35 Lamartine, 230 Landor, Walter S., 24 Lang, Andrew, 76 Lanier, Sidney, 31 Laplace, Marquis de, 72 Larcom, Lucy, 144 Layard, Sir Austen Henry, 57 Lecky, William E. H., 70 Lee, Nathaniel, 314 Le Gallienne, Richard, 18 Leibnitz, G. W. von, 155 LemaÎtre, FranÇois, 193 Lemon, Mark, 259 Le Sage, 112 Lessing, Gotthold E. von, 19 Lever, Charles, 196 Lewes, George Henry, 93 Lincoln, Abraham, 36 Livy, 293 Locke, John, 194 Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 126 Lockhart, John G., 161 Longfellow, Henry W., 48 Lovelace, Richard, 314 Lover, Samuel, 321 Lowell, James Russell, 43 Lubbock, Sir John, 102 Lucan, 295 Lucian, 297 Lucretius, 293 Luther, Martin, 244 Lyly, John, 307 Lyte, Henry Francis, 131 Lyttleton, Lord George, 319 Lytton, Earl of, 243 Lytle, William Haines, 239 M Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 270 Macaulay, Lord, 233 Macdonald, George, 245 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 108 Mackay, Charles, 71 Mackenzie, Henry, 180 Mackintosh, Sir James, 232 Macleod, Norman, 132 Macpherson, James, 233 Madison, James, 64 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 195 Maginn, William, 246 Mahaffy, John P., 48 Malory, Sir Thomas, 302 Mann, Horace, 110 Manning, Henry Edward, 162 Marguerite d’AngoulÊme, 304 Markham, Edwin, 98 Marlowe, Christopher, 308 Marryat, Frederick, 158 Martial, 298 Martineau, Harriet, 138 Marvell, Andrew, 75 Massey, Gerald, 126 Massillon, Jean Baptiste, 145 Massinger, Philip, 311 Masson, David, 263 Matthews, Brander, 41 Maupassant, Guy de, 177 Maurice, Frederick D., 194 Mazzini, Joseph, 148 Meredith, George, 37 MÉrimÉe, Prosper, 215 Merivale, Charles, 59 McCarthy, Justin, 254 McMaster, John B., 149 Michelangelo, 58 Michelet, Jules, 189 Mickiewicz, Adam, 277 Mickle, William J., 214 Middleton, Thomas, 309 Mill, John Stuart, 118 Miller, Cincinnatus H., 245 Miller, Hugh, 224 Miller, William, 186 Milman, Henry Hart, 36 Milton, John, 267 Mitchell, Donald G., 89 Mitchell, S. Weir, 39 MoliÈre, 12 Montagu, Lady, 123 Montaigne, 50 Montesquieu, 14 Montgomery, James, 240 Moody, William V., 157 Moore, Clement Clarke, 161 Moore, Edward, 68 Moore, Thomas, 125 More, Hannah, 29 More, Sir Thomas, 33 Morley, John, 277 Morris, George Pope, 224 Morris, Sir Lewis, 145 Morris, William, 70 Motherwell, William, 225 Motley, John Lothrop, 90 Moulton, Louise C., 88 Muhlenberg, William A., 206 MÜller, Friedrich Max, 265 Musset, Alfred de, 247 Myers, Frederick William Henry, 32 N Nadaud, Gustave, 42 Nairne, Lady, 320 Neale, Walter, 18 Newman, John Henry, 41 Newton, Sir Isaac, 6 Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, 193 Noel, Thomas, 113 Norton, Lady Caroline, 322 Novalis, 108 Noyes, Alfred, 207 O Oehlenschlager, Adam G., 250 O’Keefe, John B., 145 Oldys, William, 160 Oliphant, Margaret Wilson, 82 O’Mahony, Francis, 321 O’Reilly, John Boyle, 148 Osgood, Mrs. Frances, 141 Otway, Thomas, 57 Ouida, 6 Ovid, 67 P Paine, Robert T., Jr., 267 Paine, Thomas, 24 Paley, William, 146 Palfrey, John G., 108 Palgrave, Francis T., 215 Palmer, Ray, 248 Pardoe, Julia, 268 Parmenides, 286 Parker, Theodore, 191 Parkman, Francis, 206 Parnell, Thomas, 317 Parton, James, 35 Parsons, Thomas W., 188 Pascal, Blaise, 141 Pater, Walter, 177 Patmore, Coventry K. D., 166 Paulding, James K., 190 Payne, J. Howard, 135 Peele, George, 306 Pellico, Silvio, 145 Penn, William, 225 Pepys, Samuel, 45 Percy, Thomas, 90 Persius, 295 PetÖfi, Alexander, 4 Petrarch, 164 Phelps, William Lyon, 5 Phillips, Stephen, 170 Phillips, Wendell, 258 Piatt, Sarah M., 181 Pierpont, John, 85 Pindar, 287 Plato, 289 Plautus, 291 Pliny, the Elder, 295 Pliny, the Younger, 297 Plutarch, 297 Poe, Edgar Allan, 17 Pollok, Robert, 229 Polybius, 291 Pope, Alexander, 119 Porter, Jane, 211 Praed, Winthrop M., 168 Prentice, George D., 273 Prescott, William H., 109 Preston, Harriet W., 12 Preston, Margaret J., 273 Priestley, Joseph, 63 Prime, William Cowper, 236 Prior, Matthew, 165 Procter, Adelaide Anne, 235 Procter, Bryan Waller, 253 Propertius, 294 Q Quarles, Francis, 312 Quiller-Couch, A. T., 253 Quincy, Josiah, 20 Quintilian, 295 R Rabelais, FranÇois, 304 Racine, 274 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 306 Ramsay, Allan, 226 Randall, James Rider, 15 Randolph, Thomas, 140 Read, Thomas, B., 62 Reade, Charles, 134 Renan, Joseph Ernest, 49 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 162 Rhodes, James Ford, 107 Rhodes, William B., 278 Richardson, Samuel, 317 Richter, Jean Paul, 67 Riley, James Whitcomb, 222 Ritchie, Lady Anne, 136 Roberts, Charles G. D., 9 Robertson, Frederick W., 30 Rochefoucauld, FranÇois Duc de la, 205 Roche, James J., 128 Roe, E. P., 59 Rogers, Samuel, 170 Roland, Madame, 65 Rollin, Charles, 24 Roosevelt, Theodore, 234 Rossetti, Christina G., 264 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 114 Rostand, Edmond, 79 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 147 Rowe, Nicholas, 149 Ruffini, Giovanni, 201 Ruskin, John, 34 Rufus, Quintus, 295 Russell, Lord John, 187 Russell, William Clark, 46 S Sachs, Hans, 241 Sadi, 300 Saint Ambrose, 298 Saint Augustine, 249 Sainte-Beuve, 275 Saint Bonaventura, 301 Saint Francis D’Assisi, 300 Saint Frances De Sales, 309 Saintine, J. X. B., 159 Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 16 Saint-Simon, 13 Saintsbury, George, 232 Sallust, 294 Sand, George, 153 Sangster, Margaret E., 44 Sappho, 286 Sargent, Epes, 214 Saxe, John G., 131 Scarron, Paul, 133 Scheffel, Joseph V. von, 39 Schelling, Friedrich, W. J. von, 21 SchÉrer, Edmond, 86 Schiller, 245 Schlegel, Friedrich von, 61 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 43 Schurz, Carl, 56 Scollard, Clinton, 208 Scott, Sir Walter, 185 Scribe, Augustin EugÈne, 276 Sears, Edmund H., 85 Sedley, Sir Charles, 209 Seegar, Alan, 144 SÉnancour, de, 57 Seneca, 294 SÉvignÉ, Marquise de, 315 Sewall, Samuel, 72 Sewell, Harriet W., 150 Shaftesbury, Earl of, 166 Shakespeare, William, 97 Sharp, William, 204 Shaw, George Bernard, 168 Shelley, Percy B., 176 Shenstone, William, 319 Sheridan, Richard B., 216 Sherman, William T., 34 Sidney, Algernon, 315 Sidney, Sir Philip, 258 Sigourney, Lydia H., 199 Sill, Edward R., 102 Simms, William Gilmore, 92 Simonides of Ceos, 286 Sismondi, 112 Smart, Christopher, 88 Smiles, Samuel, 276 Smith, Adam, 133 Smith, Alexander, 281 Smith, Goldwin, 183 Smith, Samuel F., 231 Smith, Sydney, 132 Smollett, Tobias George, 320 Snider, Denton J., 8 Socrates, 289 Solon, 285 Sophocles, 288 South, Robert, 200 Southey, Robert, 182 Spencer, Herbert, 101 Spencer, William Robert, 320 Spenser, Edmund, 306 Spinoza, Benedict, 255 Spofford, Harriet Prescott, 82 Sprague, Charles, 233 StaËl, Madame de, 96 Statius, 296 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 223 Steele, Sir Richard, 317 Sterne, Laurence, 255 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 249 Still, Bishop John, 305 Stockton, Frank R., 84 Stoddard, Elizabeth B., 111 Stoddard, Richard Henry, 154 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 139 Stubbs, William, 143 Sue, Eugene, 267 Suetonius, 298 Suckling, Sir John, 313 Sudermann, Herman, 216 Sully-Prudhomme, 117 Sumner, Charles, 6 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 23 Swift, Jonathan, 258 Swinburne, Algernon C., 84 Symonds, John Addington, 222 Symons, Arthur, 51 T Tacitus, 296 Taine, Adolphe H., 95 Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon, 21 Talleyrand, 37 Tasso, Torquato, 61 Taylor, Bayard, 10 Taylor, Jeremy, 185 TegnÉr, Esaias, 249 Tennyson, Alfred, 178 Terence, 292 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 163 Thaxter, Mrs. Celia, 142 Theocritus, 290 Theognis, 286 Thiers, Louis, Adolphe, 92 Thomas, Edith M., 182 Thomson, James, 203 Thoreau, Henry D., 160 Tibullus, Albius, 294 Tieck, Johann Ludwig, 127 Tillotson, John, 226 Tilton, Theodore, 219 Timrod, Henry, 266 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 170 Tolstoi, Count Lyof, 202 Toplady, A. M., 240 Tooke, John H., 146 Trench, Richard C., 202 Trollope, Anthony, 98 Trowbridge, John T., 208 Trumbull, John, 98 Tucker, Josiah, 160 Tupper, Martin, 163 Turgenev, Ivan, 244 Tusser, Thomas, 305 Twain, Mark, 259 Tyndall, John, 189 U Uhland, Johann L., 99 V Van Dyke, Henry, 246 Vaughan, Henry, 315 Vega, Lope de, 256 Verlaine, Paul, 74 Vigny, Alfred de, 71 Villari, Pasquale, 220 Villon, FranÇois, 303 Virgil, 293 Voltaire, 253 W Wallace, Alfred Russel, 7 Wallace, Lewis, 87 Waller, Edmund, 56 Walpole, Horace, 221 Walton, Izaak, 180 Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, 183 Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 137 Warner, Charles Dudley, 203 Warton, Thomas, 175 Washington, George, 43 Watson, William, 175 Watts, Isaac, 163 Wayland, Francis, 62 Webster, Daniel, 15 Webster, John, 312 Webster, Noah, 227 Weisse, C. F., 22 Wells, H. G., 210 Wesley, Charles, 272 Wesley, John, 140 Whately, Richard, 29 Whewell, William, 122 Whipple, Edwin Percy, 60 White, Andrew D., 242 White, Henry Kirke, 68 White, Richard G., 120 Whitman, Walt, 127 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 272 Wieland, Christopher, 201 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 241 Wilde, Oscar, 226 Willard, Emma, 45 Williams, Theodore C., 154 Willis, Nathaniel P., 17 Wilson, Alexander, 156 Wilson, John, 117 Wilson, Woodrow, 279 Winter, William, 162 Winthrop, John, 10 Wirt, William, 243 Wither, George, 137 Wolfe, Charles, 270 Woodworth, Samuel, 11 Woolson, Constance F., 58 Woodberry, George E., 114 Wordsworth, William, 86 Wotton, Sir Henry, 74 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 304 Wyclif, John, 301 X Xenophon, 290 Y Yeats, William Butler, 139 Young, Edward, 317 Z Zangwill, Israel, 38 Transcriber's Notes: Obvious errors in punctuation have been silently corrected. |