Page Abbeville, peat beds, 90 Abbott, Dr. Lyman, xi, 3 Abydos tombs, 92 Adam, 77-127 Adjustments, complex, 56 Adaptation of species, 55 Agassiz, 13, 50 Age of earth, 15 Antiquity of man, 90 Ape-man, 75 Ape, relics of, 68 Assyrian antiquity, 93 Assyrian religion, 103 Armadillo, 43 Architecture of body, 58 Askenazy, 9 Aurora Borealis, 16 Authors, list of, xiv Babylonian civilization, 99-103 Backbone, origin of, 31 Baer, Carl Ernest von, 9 Balfour, Prof. Francis M., 59 Ballard, Prof. Frank, 118 Barrande, Joachim, 38 Beaument, M., 16 Bee, cell of, 57 Bermuda lizards, 44 Bible account, 61 Bible interpretation, 121, 123 Bible theology, 131 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 111 Bowers, Prof. Stephen, 81 Brain, argument from, 84 Brewster, Sir David, 59 Brown, A., 4 Bruner, F. M., 104 Bunge, 9 Calavaras skull, 80 Carlyle, Thomas, 9 Chamberlain, Dr. Jacob, 103 Chance, 115 Chimpanzee, 74 Christ, 109 Christ and the Old Testament, 126 Christian experience, 107 Classification, 41 Clodd, Edward, 17, 29, 73, 75, 83, 84, 85 Colorado skeleton, 81 Conn, Prof. H. W., 5, 25, 27, 29, 30, 39, 42, xiv Paulsen, Prof., 8 Petrie, Prof. Flinders, 110 Pfaff, Dr. Frederick, 79, 85, 95 Pfliederer, Prof., 62 Pithecanthropus-Erectus, 82 Poetry, 121 Prehistoric man, 89 Protoplasm, 49 Quatrefages, 45 Religion, 102 Renan, 109 Renouf, 102 Reymond, DuBois, 9 Rhodes, Cecil, 136 Richter, Jean Paul, 109 Ridpath, J. Clark, 41 Rocks, origin of, 37 Romans, 103 Rousseau, 110 Rudimentary organs, 67 Ruskin, 9, 67 Savage Races, 96 St. Pierre, 13 Sayce, Prof. A. H., 93, 100 Schliemann, 13, 91 Schmidt, Dr. Rudolph, 5 Schults, D. Kerfoot, 41 Scientific theories, 15 Sedgwick, Adam, 40 See, Prof., 19 Simultaneousness, 42 Snell, 8 Solar System, 19 Species, evolution of, 26 Spencer, Herbert, xv, 2, 14, 17, 20, 31, 41, 105, 114 Star, Prof. F., 101 Stone age, 91 Stuckenburg, Dr. J. H. W., 8 Succession, 2, 37 Sully, Prof. James, 62 Swim-Bladder, 48 Taj Mahal, 97 Terra Del Fuego, 87 Theistic Evolution, 4, 77 "Theistic," Adam, 77 Theology of Evolution, 128 Thomas, Dr. Jessie B., 28 Thomson, Sir Wm., Books by Rev. Alex. Patterson BIRD'S-EYE BIBLE STUDY A synopsis of all the books of the Bible, with statement as to their classification and interrelation; a summary of the broad teachings of the Scriptures, with general view of the development in the revelation of divine truth. Also suggestive chapters on "How to Study the Bible," "The Way of Salvation," "How to Win Souls to Christ," "Power in Prayer," "The Work of the Holy Spirit," etc. Especially adapted for use by pastors, evangelists, Sunday-school teachers, Bible class leaders, and Christian workers generally. 128 Pages. Paper, 15 cents, 8 for $1.00. Cloth, 30 cents net
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826 North La Salle Street, Chicago FOOTNOTES:Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed. Mismatched quotes are not fixed if it's not sufficiently clear where the missing quote should be placed. The cover for the eBook version of this book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. In the index, the transcriber has changed the following names to match the text: