The Battleship Boys at Sea; Or, Two Apprentices in Uncle Sam's Navy



I. The Lure of the Battleship 7
II. In Uncle Sam’s Navy 27
III. Who Threw the Pie? 35
IV. Piping up Hammocks 43
V. Trying Out Their Grit 50
VI. In the Midst of the Battle 60
VII. The Red-Headed Boy’s Surprise 69
VIII. On the Rifle Range 74
IX. Betrayed by a Streak of Red 86
X. Their First Detail 94
XI. On Board a Battleship 102
XII. In the Deck Division 118
XIII. Resenting an Insult 125
XIV. Called Before the Mast 132
XV. A Badly Banged-up Bully 144
XVI. Receiving a Challenge 154
XVII. Proving His Courage 165
XVIII. The Orderly Takes a Header 180
XIX. The Work of an Enemy 193
XX. Out on the Mine Field 200
XXI. Breaking the Record 208
XXII. Buried Three Fathoms Deep 217
XXIII. Heroes to the Rescue 224
XXIV. Conclusion 236

The Battleship Boys at Sea


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