The being in report one with another, the mesmerised with the mesmeriser, is proved possible, and from being effected by the passes is proved also to be natural,—not satanic or supernatural, the weakest of all ideas. Within Nature there can be nothing supernatural; nor out of Nature, or of the other worlds, anything in the power of living man or poor human nature to command or imitate. How Throughout the whole of Nature there is nothing insulated, not even an atom. Involved in a universal medium of pressure, all things must be in contact, mediate or immediate. The atmosphere is a universal connecting link. As by the sea the most distantly-situated islands are in mediate connection, so are all mankind by means of the atmosphere. Still this atmospheric connection is limited to margin with margin, surface with surface. By the all-pervading medium of space, the interior of all living beings is in mediate connection, equally as the interior of submerged sponges by the water. As "light" would pervade and connect our bodies were they glass, so does the medium of space. But were mankind so left, it is difficult to conceive how the organic functions could possibly take place, and impossible to say how personal individuality could be, as at present, an independent animal privilege. Although the medium of space is continuous through all bodies, the regular continuity is impaired by the elements of the atmosphere between each. The atmosphere not only protects all living bodies against the maximum and all excess of pressure, but in some considerable degree insulates the bodies of persons from each other, just as fog and small snow intercept the visual continuity and would render "rays of light" interruptedly continuous; so do the intermixed atoms of the atmosphere the regular continuity of the medium of space between Although man is thus isolated from man, the isolating means do not prevent the medium of space being continuous through all, and from one to another; which is manifested by the clairvoyant, who has the like of the sensation excited in the brain of the mesmeriser repeated or excited in his own brain; as when the mesmeriser masticates and the sensation of the same flavour is known by the mesmerised. The sensation is nothing transferable; taste is not by the tongue; hence, by the sensation being excited in succession in the brain of each person, is the only conceivable mode, in reason, why the second should know what the first is masticating. The nervous fluid of the two may be supposed to be derived from the medium of space between them; then, by the medium of space lying between, the nervous fluids of the two are rendered |