| | Page | Preface | vii | General Introduction | 1 | | Pascal's Profession of Faith | 2 | | General Introduction | 3 | | Notes for the General Introduction | 11 | The Misery of Man Without God | 15 | | Preface to the First Part | 17 | | Man's Disproportion | 19 | | Diversion | 33 | | The Greatness and Littleness of Man | 43 | | Of the Deceptive Powers of the Imagination | 51 | | Of Justice, Customs, and Prejudices | 61 | | The Weakness, Unrest, and Defects of Man | 73 | The Happiness of Man with God | 89 | | Preface to the Second Part | 91 | | Of the Need of Seeking Truth | 95 | | The Philosophers | 105 | | Thoughts on Mahomet and on China | 115 | | Of the Jewish People | 119 | | The Authenticity of the Sacred Books | 125 | | The Prophecies | 131 | | Of Types in General and of their Lawfulness | 157 | | That the Jewish Law was Figurative | 167 | | Of the True Religion and its Characteristics | 179 | | The Excellence of the Christian Religion | 183 | | Of Original Sin | 191 | | The Perpetuity of the Christian Religion | 197 | | Proofs of the Christian Religion | 203 | | Proofs of the Divinity of Jesus Christ | 213 | | The Mission and Greatness of Jesus Christ | 225 | | The Mystery of Jesus | 231 | | Of the True Righteous Man and of the True Christian | 237 | | The Arrangement | 253 | | Of Miracles in General | 257 | | Jesuits and Jansenists | 273 | | Thoughts on Style | 301 | | Various Thoughts | 307 | Notes | 317 | Index | 339 |