- I have used Letter anchors for the four footnotes in the introduction.
- Numbered all the notes at the end of the text and inserted appropriate anchors in the text.
- Footnote No. 54 on page 28 has the wrong line number and is positioned two notes after where it should be. Corrected the position.
- "judgment" was used consistently throughout the text.
Other changes | Page | PensÉe | Details | 9 | 32 | "beauty whch consists" - Typo for "which". Corrected. | 37 | 121 | "that is infinite" - Added a period at the end of the sentence. | 46 | 154 | Mismatched brackets in original text. | 75 | 260 | "youself" - corrected to "yourself". | 86 | 301 | "It is because they have more reason?" - As in image. | 129 | 463 | "feel ull of feelings" - Typo corrected to "feel full of feelings". | 133 | 479 | "the worst that can can happen" - deleted one "can". | 134 | 484 | Supplied missing period at the end. | 170 | 612 | "Salutare taum expectabo, Domine." - As in image. | 158 | 570 | "those whose whose only good" - deleted one "whose". | 162 | 587 | "they come with wisdom and with signs." - Typo corrected to "they come with wisdom and with signs." | 165 | 598 | "Jesus Christ caused His wn to be slain." - Typo corrected to "Jesus Christ caused His own to be slain." | 181 | 641 | "but it they have" - Typo corrected to "but if they have". | 282 | | Endnote 210. - "P. 158, l. 13. Saint John.--xii, 39." - Corrected to ""P. 159, l. 13. Saint John.—xii, 39." | 286 | | Endnote 331. "Though ye believe not, ect.--John x, 38." - Corrected to "Though ye believe not, etc.—John x, 38." | |