

Abbott, Dr., interprets an Egyptian caricature, 32.
Adams, John, quoted, upon a free commonwealth, 321.
Æneas, burlesque picture of, 20.
Alcmena, Princess, burlesqued, 29.
Alexaminos, Roman caricature of, 26.
Alexander I., his advice to Louis XVIII., 213.
American caricature, chapters upon, 300, 318.
Amsterdam, caricatures published in, 129.
Anchises burlesqued, 20.
Ancients, the, their modes of ridicule, 15.
Antiphanes, quoted, upon women, 176.
Antiquaries puzzled, picture of, 146.
Apollo burlesqued, 29, 30.
Arbuthnot, John, his epitaph upon Charteris, 136.
Aristophanes, his power to provoke mirth, 30;
satire of women, 176.
Armstrong, John, quoted, 309.
Ascanius burlesqued, 20.
Ass, the, catechism upon, 49.
Avegay, Madame, in a caricature, 63.


Bacchus, legend of, 23.
Baker, William E., his burlesque celebration, 331.
Ballou, M. M., his quotation-book, 184.
Bastwick, Dr., loses his ears, 99;
his triumphal return to London, 99.
Beaumarchais, Caron de, quoted, 161, 162.
Beaumont, G. de, a caricature by, 184.
Beer known to the ancient Egyptians, 34.
BÉranger, Pierre-Jean de, his songs during the Restoration, 214, 215.
Bernard, St., quoted, upon grotesque decoration, 47.
Biddle, Nicholas, burlesqued, 321.
Bohemians, the, described, 172.
Bomba caricatured, 262, 263.
Bonaparte, EugÉnie, caricatured, 234, 238.
Bonaparte, Louis, burlesqued, 235, 238.
Bonaparte, L. N., caricatured, 233, 238, 250, 252, 255.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, developed through George III., 153;
suppressed caricature, 208;
caricatures of, 210, 268, 269.
Boston described, 301.
Box, Dame, anecdote of, 117.
Bradlaugh, Charles, in a caricature, 297.
Brandt, Sebastian, his "Ship of Fools," 60, 180.
Brougham, Lord, caricatured in Punch, 287, 289.
Browne, Hablot K., criticised by Thackeray, 223.
Burke, Edmund, in Gillray's caricatures, 154;
quoted, upon the French Revolution, 163;
caricature, 164.
Burnet, Bishop, describes an altar-piece, 48.
Bute, Lord, a favorite of George III., 150;
caricatured, 152, 153.
Butler, B. F., upon war envelopes, 324.
Button, Daniel, his coffee-house, 135.


Cairo never swept, 22.
Calvin, Jean, his origin, 82;
caricatures of, 83-85.
CambacÉrÈs, Jean-Jacques Regis de, a portrait of, 213.
Canning, Mr., not offended by caricature, 289.
Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, upon the French, 162, 163.
Cathedrals, decorations of, 40-43;
explained, 48.
Centinel, the, a parody from, 314.
Chambers, William, quoted, upon his early time, 272.
Cham, caricatures by, 185, 228, 232.
Champfleury, Jules, quoted, on pigmies, 18;
on cathedral decoration, 43, 46, 53;
gives a burlesque Paternoster, 61;
upon midnight masses, 61;
upon burlesque decoration of manuscripts, 67;
caricature from, 161, 162, 211;
quoted, 212, 220.
Charivari, Le, its course, 218, 220.
Charles II., caricature of, 103, 106.
Charles X. dethroned, 216.
Charlotte, Queen, caricatured, 154.
Charteris, Colonel Francis, epitaph upon, 136.
Chatham, Lord, caricatured, 156; disliked by George III., 157.
Chatto, W. A., quoted, upon an old caricature, 64, 97.
Chesterfield, Lord, quoted, upon women, 185.
China, caricatures of, 191.
Chiron burlesqued, 29.
Christians, Roman caricature of, 25;
Roman opinion of, 26.
Cicero divorces his wife, 178.
Clement VII. ridiculed by Luther, 76;
pasquinade upon, 258.
Clergy, the, dissolute in the early ages, 68;
anecdotes of, 68;
rob and plunder, 69.
Coalition, the, caricatured, 157, 158.
Collier, Payne, writes out Punch, 266.
Commune, the, caricatures of, 235.
Cranach, Lucas, caricaturist of the Reformation, 77.
Cranmer, Bishop, his martyrdom, 87.
Cris-cross rhymes, specimen of, 105.
Cromwell, Elizabeth, caricatured, 107.
Cromwell, Oliver, caricatured, 104;
his funeral and disinterment, 106.
Cromwell, Richard, in caricature, 107.
Crozat, Antoine, sells Louisiana trade, 125.
Cruikshank, George, his caricature of crinoline, 181;
of school-girls, 189;
draws Punch, 265;
his career, 268;
pictures by, 270, 271, 273;
his family, 269.
Cruikshank, Isaac, his career, 273.
Cuba, comic art in, 256.


Dance of Death, in Art of Middle Ages, 57-59.
Dangeau, Marquis de, quoted, upon Louis XV., 159.
Daumier, M., his caricatures, 180, 219, 235.
Davus satirizes Horace, 25.
Death-crier, picture of, 56.
"Decameron," the, its effect upon contemporaries, 70.
Devil, the, traditional character of, 51; caricatured, 52-55;
modified by time, 65.
Devonshire, Duchess of, caricatured, 153.
Dickens, Charles, his "Pickwick," 23;
origin of his "Bill Stumps," 146;
Pickwick suggested by Seymour, 280;
described by Willis, 282.
Disraeli, Benjamin, caricatured, 289.
D'Israeli, Isaac, quoted, upon Punch, 265.
Dodington, Bubb, quoted, upon early life of George III., 148, 149.
"Don Quixote," one secret of its charm, 23;
quoted, 56.
DorÉ, Gustave, caricature by, 231, 232.
Doyle, John, his caricatures, 275.
Doyle, Richard, his Wedding Breakfast, 281;
leaves Punch for conscience' sake, 299.
Du Maurier, Mr., his pictures of children, 294, 297.
Durand, M., his interpretation of a cathedral, 48.
DÜrer, Albert, describes a procession, 92.


Egyptians, art among, 32, 33;
their habits, 34, 56.
Elizabeth, Queen, celebration of her birthday, 110.
England, caricature in, 267.
Erasmus, quoted, upon the monks, 66, 71;
detested by Luther, 75;
satirizes women, 181, 182.
Evelyn, John, quoted, upon law, 124.
Extinguishers, family of the, 214.
Eytinge, Sol, picture by, 331.


Fairholt, F. W., upon Gog and Magog, 50.
Fanning the Grave—a Chinese poem, 193.
Feuillet, Octave, misrepresents, 172.
"Figaro, Marriage of," quoted, 161, 162.
Fleury, Cardinal, tutor of Louis XV., 159.
Fox, Charles James, in Gillray's caricatures, 153, 154, 157;
disliked by George III., 157;
caricatured by Isaac Cruikshank, 274.
France, caricature of, 208.
Franklin, Benjamin, his caricature of the Colonies Reduced, 147;
quoted, upon George III., 151;
burlesques English policy, 155;
quoted, 185;
his early use of pictures, 300, 304;
his early lampoons, 302;
his love of humor, 301, 303;
his Scalp Hoax, 306.
Frederic II. snubs Pompadour, 160.
French Revolution, caricatures of, 161-170.
Fry, William H., his use of Juvenal, 23.


Galas, General, caricature of, 115.
Gallatin, Albert, good financier, 124.
Ganesa, his character in Hindoo theology, 36.
Gardiner, Bishop, his martyrdom, 86, 87.
Gautier, ThÉophile, quoted, upon Gavarni, 224.
Gavarni, his caricatures of women, 171, 176, 187, 188;
his only political caricatures, 216;
social caricatures by, 223, 224, 226;
portrait of, 236.
Gegeef, his caricatures, 297.
Geiler, Jacob, satirizes the monks, 71.
George III., his early life, 148;
compared with Louis XV., 159;
caricature of, 209, 269.
George IV., anecdote of, 151;
in Gillray's caricatures, 154.
Germany, comic art in, 242.
Gerry, Elbridge, in the affair of the Gerry-mander, 317.
Gerry-mander, the picture of, 316.
Gibbon, Edward, quoted, upon rise of Christianity, 47, 54.
"Gil Blas," secret of its charm, 23.
Gillray, James, his works described, 153, 154;
caricatures Napoleon, 209;
his portrait, 267.
Gin, law to diminish use of, 143.
Girin, a caricature from, 179.
Godfrey, Sir Edmundsbury, assassinated, 109-111.
Godiva, remark upon, 183.
Goethe, J. W., quoted, upon housekeeping, 177.
Gog and Magog, pictures of, 50.
Gondomar, Count, complains of a caricature, 96, 97.
Greeks, art among, 28.
Griswold, Roger, assaulted by Lyon, 312.


Hamilton, Alexander, talked well on finance, 124.
Harper's Weekly, during war, 326;
pictures from, 318-332.
Herculaneum, how discovered, 21.
Hindoos, the, art among, 36;
their domestic code, 175.
Hogarth, William, his career, 120, 133;
caricatures by, 134, 137, 138;
his five days' peregrination, 137;
anecdote by, 138;
his burlesque dedication, 140;
procures act of Parliament, 141;
his last letter, 304.
Holbein, Hans, caricatures indulgences, 72, 73;
illustrates Erasmus and Brandt, 76;
his triumph of riches, 81.
Homer upon pigmies, 17.
Horace, quoted, upon slavery, 23;
upon a miser, 24;
upon the Saturnalia, 25.
Howard, Cardinal, personated, 111.
Howells, William D., upon San Carlo, 42, 47.
Huc, M., quoted, upon the Chinese, 191.
Huguenots, caricatures by, 118.
Humbert, AimÉ, his work upon Japan, 198;
a caricature from, 206.
Humpty Dumpty, antiquity of, 23.


Ipswich noted in Puritan period, 97.
Isaac the Jew, caricatured, 63.
Italy, caricature in, 257.


Jackson, Andrew, in caricature, 320, 322.
"Jade Chaplet," the, a poem from, 193.
Japan, comic art in, 198, 206.
Jefferson, Thomas, quoted, upon the hereditary principle, 147;
upon Scott's novels, 184;
upon the freedom of the press, 218;
caricatured, 313.
Jerome, St., his portrait, 47.
Jews, the, position and character of, in Middle Ages, 62.
Jupiter, caricature of, 29, 30.
Juvenal, quoted, upon slavery, 23;
upon the toilette, 24;
upon the Greeks, 31;
upon learned women, 179.


Kenrick, J., quoted, upon Theban remains, 33.
Krishna, in Hindoo theology, 36-38.


Langlois, E. H., quoted, upon the Death-crier, 56.
Laud, Archbishop, caricatured, 98, 100-102.
Law, John, his career, 120, 123-132.
Leech, John, his comic pictures, 284-286;
his portrait, 285.
Leighton, Dr. Alexander, persecuted, 98.
Lent and Shrovetide, tilt of, 107, 108.
Leo X., pasquinade upon, 258.
Lincoln, Abraham, in Punch, 290, 291.
London, its antiquity, 22.
Longfellow, H. W., quoted, upon Dance of Death, 59.
Louisiana, scheme for settling, 125;
old map of, 126.
Louis Philippe, his reign, 216, 217;
caricatured, 218, 321.
Louis XIV., caricatured, 115, 116, 118;
his finances, 121.
Louis XV., his education, 159;
anecdote of, 161.
Louis XVI. caricatured, 166, 167.
Louis XVIII., his character and reign, 212, 213.
Lucian, quoted, upon Jupiter, 30.
Luther, Martin, his aversion to Jews, 63;
caricature of, 64;
upon the devil, 65;
disliked Erasmus, 75;
used caricature in the Reformation, 76;
his marriage, 78;
his credulity, 93.
Luxembourg, Duc de, anecdote of, 116.
Lyon, Matthew, his assault upon Griswold, 312;
fined and imprisoned, 313.


Macaire, Robert, burlesques so called, 221.
Malcolm, J. P., quoted, upon grotesque decoration, 44-46;
picture from, 90, 95, 196, 197.
Marcelin, M., dedicates loose pictures to his mother, 231.
Marcus Aurelius, quoted, upon Christians, 26.
Maria Theresa civil to Pompadour, 160.
Marie Antoinette caricatured, 169, 170.
Mary, Queen, her prayer-book, 46, 53, 54.
Masks worn by ancient actors, 22.
Mather, Cotton, quoted, upon the Franklins, 301, 302.
Mather, Increase, quoted, upon the press, 302.
Matrimony, caricature of, 173, 177;
in China, 192.
Melanchthon, Philip, upon Luther's marriage, 79.
Menius, Dr., anecdote of, 63.
Mercury burlesqued, 29, 30.
MÉrimÉe, M., quoted, on the devil, 53.
Middle Ages, caricature of, 40, 50.
Midnight masses, gayety of, in France, 61.
Mingotti, Signora, caricature of, 143.
Mirabeau, Gabriel, Comte de, caricature of, 162.
Mitford, A. W., quoted, upon Japanese preaching, 198.
Mokke, Mosse, caricatured, 63.
Moor, Major Edward, quoted, upon Hindoo art, 36.
Morellet, AbbÉ, quoted, upon Franklin, 306.
Morgan, Matt, a caricature by, 299.
Morris, Robert, caricatured, 309.


Nareda, in Hindoo mythology, 38.
Nast, Thomas, portrait of, 318;
caricatures by, 319, 320, 328, 329;
his career, 326.
Nilus, St., quoted, upon grotesque decoration, 46.
Nonius Maximus caricatured at Pompeii, 16.
North, Lord, caricatured, 157;
disapproves policy of George III., 158.
Norton, Charles Eliot, quoted, upon art in Italy, 260, 262.
Norwich, great dragon of, 51.
Notables, the, caricatured, 161.
Nucerians, the, their contest with the people of Pompeii, 17.


Oates, Titus, denounces Popish plot, 109.
Old masters, Hogarth upon, 138;
burlesque of, 139.
Olympiodorus, St. Nilus to, on decoration, 46.
Opimius burlesqued by Horace, 24.
Orange, Prince of, anecdote of, 116.
Orleans, Duc de, Regent of France, 122.
Osiris, in Egyptian art, 33.
Oudinot, General, caricatured, 260, 261.


Paine, Thomas, caricatured by Gillray, 154;
in a caricature, 297.
Palladas, his epigram upon marriage, 177.
Palmerston, Lord, in Punch, 289, 290.
Parrhasius, anecdote of, 28.
Pasquino, account of, 257, 259.
Pergamus, unswept hall of, 28.
Petre, Father, caricature of, 109.
Philipon, Charles, portrait of, 218;
his Charivari, 220;
his trial, 220.
Pigmies, Pompeian pictures of, 15, 17-19;
described by Pliny, 17;
uses of, 18.
Pike, Luke Owen, a caricature from, 63;
quoted, upon clerical robbers, 69.
Pirlone, Il Don, caricatures from, 259-263.
Pitt, William, antagonist of Napoleon, 158;
caricatured by Isaac Cruikshank, 274.
Pius VI., pasquinade upon, 258.
Pius IX. caricatured, 263.
Pliny the Elder describes pigmies, 17;
upon Greek art, 28.
Pliny the Younger, quoted, upon Christians, 26.
Pocahontas, anecdote of, 175.
Pole, Cardinal, caricatured, 86.
"Politician Outwitted," quoted, 307.
Pompadour, Madame de, anecdotes of, 159-161.
Pompeii, chalk caricatures from, 15, 17;
pigmy pugilists from, 15;
described, 16;
its amphitheatre closed, 17;
how discovered, 21.
"Poor Richard," the comic almanac of its day, 303.
Pope, Alexander, speculates in shares, 128;
in a caricature, 136;
quoted, upon Walpole, 142;
women, 184.
Popish plot, terror of, 109.
Processions, remarks upon, 91;
in honor of Virgin Mary, 92;
upon birthday of Queen Elizabeth, 110.
Proverbs satirizing women, 185.
Prynne, Lawyer, loses his ears, 99;
his triumphal return to London, 99.
Puck, a burlesque from, 197.
Punch, antiquity of the legend, 31;
in Calcutta, 39;
in China, 191;
at Cairo, 264;
origin of, 265.
Punch, 284.
Puritan period, caricatures of, 90;
terror of, 93, 94, 98, 105, 106.


Quaker meeting, caricature of, 116.
Queen of James II., caricature of, 109.
Quincampoix, scenes in the street so named, 127, 129.


Rabelais, FranÇois, his influence, 85, 86.
Randon, M., his caricatures, 227, 230.
Rationalism, caricature of, 298.
Reformation, the, caricatures of, 76;
abolished processions, 93.
"Reynard the Fox," its effect, 70.
Rheims, its cathedral, 40.
Richard II., his psalter, 45.
Richter, Ludwig, caricature by, 248.
Rochefoucauld, Duc de, quoted, upon women, 184.
Roman Catholic Church, remark upon, 46.
Rome, actors of, 22.
Roundhead, the nickname, retorted, 104.
Rupert, Prince, caricature of, 102.
Russell, Benjamin, his allegory, 310.
Russell, Earl, quoted, upon George III., 157;
upon a caricature of himself, 284.


Sacheverell, Dr., caricatured, 116, 117.
Sachs, Hans, his picture described, 78.
Saint-Simon, Duc de, quoted, upon the French Government, 125.
Satan, traditional character of, 51.
Saturnalia, the, at Rome, 24.
Saxe-Weimar, Duke of, quoted, upon American manners, 277.
Scalp Hoax, the, described, 305.
Scott, Sir Walter, Jefferson upon his novels, 184.
Secession War, caricatures of, 324-326.
Servetus, Michael, burned, 83, 84.
Seymour, Robert, suggests "Pickwick," 280.
Shakspeare, William, his death, 95.
Sheridan, R. B., in Gillray's caricatures, 154;
anecdote of, 165.
Sherman, Roger, upon title of the President, 309.
"Ship of Fools" described and quoted, 60, 180.
Shrovetide and Lent, caricatures of, 107, 108.
Silenus, the legend of, 23.
Sleeping Congregation, the, Hogarth's picture of, 134.
Smart, Rev. Peter, persecuted, 98.
Smith, William, burlesqued, 316.
Socrates burlesqued by Aristophanes, 31.
South Sea Scheme described, 128;
caricatures of, 135.
Spain, proverbs of, 185;
comic art in, 249.
Spayne and Rome defeated, picture of, 95.
StaËl, Madame de, Napoleon afraid of, 208.
Stent, G. C., quoted, upon the Chinese, 192.
Stone, S. J., caricature by, 298.
Story, W. W., quoted, upon Pasquino, 258, 259.
Strafford, Earl of, caricatured, 99, 100.
Strasburg, its cathedral, 41.


Talleyrand, Prince de, caricatures of, 209, 211;
quoted, upon Napoleon, 212;
caricatured, 268.
Tammany Ring, spoliations of, 328.
Taylor, W. B., collects war envelopes, 324, 325.
Temptation, the, picture of, 55.
Tench, drum-maker, his fÊte, 106.
Tenniel, John, his pictures in Punch, 286, 289, 290;
portrait of, 295.
Terence, quoted, upon women, 179.
Tertullian, quoted, upon Last Judgment, 54.
Thackeray, W. M., his caricature of Louis XIV., 119;
quoted, upon Hogarth, 137;
upon Louis Philippe, 219, 220;
commends Daumier, 223.
Thebes, antiquities of, 33, 35.
Titian burlesques the LaocoÖn, 89.
Tomes, Robert, quoted, upon Rheims Cathedral, 40.
Training Day, burlesque of, 308.
Trajan to Pliny, upon the Christians, 27.
Trollope, Mrs., her burlesques of American women, 183, 186, 276, 277, 279;
burlesqued, 323.
Tweed, William, caricatured, 319, 320, 328.
Tyrolese, the, scandalize their priests, 69.


Van Buren, John, anecdote of, 320.
Van Buren, Martin, in caricature, 320, 322.
VÉlocipÈde IV. See Bonaparte, Louis.
Viollet-le-duc, M., quoted, upon burlesque decoration, 64.
Virgil, quoted, upon Æneas, 20.
Virginia Pausing, caricature, 326.
Virgin Mary, her festival, 92.
Voltaire, quoted, upon Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 94.


Wade, Mr., burlesque of, 196, 197.
Waldegrave, Lord, quoted, upon George III., 150, 157.
Wales, Prince of, caricatured, 299.
Wales, Princess of, quoted, upon George III., 148;
caricatured, 152.
Wall Street, scenes in, during inflation, 121.
Walpole, Horace, quoted, upon a caricature, 144;
upon mother of George III., 148.
Walpole, Sir Robert, in South Sea speculations, 128;
bribes, 141, 142;
caricatured, 144, 145;
downfall, 145.
Ward, Samuel, his caricature, 96, 97.
Washington, George, the picture of his crossing the Delaware, 21;
caricatured, 309.
Weather-cock, order of the, 214.
Wilkes, John, Franklin upon, 151.
Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, quoted, upon Egyptian remains, 34, 35.
William and Mary, caricatures during their reign, 115.
William IV. caricatured by Doyle, 276.
Williams, S. W., a Chinese caricature from, 191.
Willis, N. P., his interview with Dickens, 282.
Winchester, its cathedral, 43.
Wine among the Egyptians, 33, 34;
among the monks, 68.
Women and matrimony, caricatures of, 171-190.
Worms, altar-piece at, 49.
Wright, Thomas, gives caricature of Irish warrior, 61;
quoted, 70.


Xenophon, quoted, upon marriage, 177.


Zeuxis, anecdote of, 28.


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