? The actual sizes of ferns are not given in the illustrations. For this information see the corresponding description. PLATE | | PAGE | I. | Sensitive Fern, | Onoclea sensibilis, | 57 | II. | Ostrich Fern, | Onoclea Struthiopteris, | 59 | III. | Cinnamon Fern, | Osmunda cinnamomea, | 61 | IV. | Curly Grass, | SchizÆa pusilla, | 65 | V. | Royal Fern, | Osmunda regalis, | 69 | VI. | Interrupted Fern, | Osmunda Claytoniana, | 73 | VII. | Adder's Tongue, | Ophioglossum vulgatum, | 79 | VIII. | Ternate Grape Fern, | Botrychium ternatum, | 83 | IX. | Moonwort, | Botrychium Lunaria, | 85 | | Lance-leaved Grape Fern, | Botrychium lanceolatum, | 85 | X. | Purple Cliff Brake, | PellÆa atropurpurea, | 91 | XI. | Narrow-leaved Spleenwort, | Asplenium angustifolium, | 99 | XII. | Net-veined Chain Fern, | Woodwardia angustifolia, | 103 | XIII. | Hairy Lip Fern, | Cheilanthes vestita, | 113 | XIV. | Hay-scented Fern, | Dicksonia pilosiuscula, | 115 | XV. | Lady Fern, | Asplenium Filix-foemina, | 121 | XVI. | Silvery Spleenwort, | Asplenium thelypteroides, | 125 | XVII. | Rue Spleenwort, | Asplenium Ruta-muraria | 127 | XVIII. | Mountain Spleenwort, | Asplenium montanum, | 131 | XIX. | Ebony Spleenwort, | Asplenium ebeneum, | 135 | XX. | Green Spleenwort, | Asplenium viride, | 139 | XXI. | Scott's Spleenwort, | Asplenium ebenoides, | 141 | XXII. | Pinnatifid Spleenwort, | Asplenium pinnatifidum, | 143 | XXIII. | Bradley's Spleenwort, | Asplenium Bradleyi, | 145 | XXIV. | Virginia Chain Fern, | Woodwardia Virginica, | 157 | XXV. | New York Fern, | Aspidium Noveboracense, | 161 | XXVI. | Marsh Fern, | Aspidium Thelypteris, | 163 | XXVII. | Spinulose Wood Fern, | Aspidium spinulosum, var. intermedium, | 165 | XXVIII. | Boott's Shield Fern, | Aspidium Boottii, | 167 | XXIX. | Crested Shield Fern, | Aspidium cristatum, | 169 | XXX. | Clinton's Wood Fern, | Aspidium cristatum, var. Clintonianum, | 171 | XXXI. | Goldie's Fern, | Aspidium Goldianum, | 173 | XXXII. | Evergreen Wood Fern, | Aspidium marginale, | 175 | XXXIII. | Fragrant Shield Fern, | Aspidium fragrans, | 179 | XXXIV. | Braun's Holly Fern, | Aspidium aculeatum, var. Braunii, | 183 | XXXV. | Broad Beech Fern, | Phegopteris hexagonoptera, | 189 | XXXVI. | Oak Fern, | Phegopteris Dryopteris, | 191 | XXXVII. | Bulblet Bladder Fern, | Cystopteris bulbifera, | 195 | XXXVIII. | Fragile Bladder Fern, | Cystopteris fragilis, | 197 | XXXIX. | Rusty Woodsia, | Woodsia Ilvensis, | 199 | XL. | Blunt-lobed Woodsia, | Woodsia obtusa, | 201 | XLI. | Northern Woodsia, | Woodsia hyperborea, | 205 | XLII. | Smooth Woodsia, | Woodsia glabella, | 207 |