The kindergarten way I I N a perfumed orange grove, ajacent to Cordova, I taught the English Grammar unto a lady gay; The verb "to osculate" I taught to conjugate, Corporeally depicted, in kindergarten way. But by eavesdropping trick, A caballero quick, With lapse of condescension,— But where I may not mention,— In dexter handed flick, The Spanish verb to "stick" Corporeally inflicted, in kindergarten way. The verb "to do," he did it, For Spanish laws forbid it; To translate free, Corporeallee, The verb "to love," and practice it, Upon the pupil, 'tis unfit, To illustrate, Its active state, When passive hate, Behind a gate, Doth lie in wait, To teach the verb "to suffer," In kindergarten way; He taught the verb "to suffer," By impromt sword display, I learnt the verb "to suffer!" And would not, could not stay, So left upon that day, My fee he did not pay, His ingrate, Spanish way! curtain |