on the death of MR. CHARLES SAVORY. |
  When fortune smil’d, his friendly care Was to relieve distress; And ease the wretched in dispair, Or make their troubles less. When to him misfortune stray’d, No brothers gave relief; To assist the man each seem’d afraid, Or ease the brow of grief. A trifling pittance neighbours say, The elder B---r sent; Not half enough in life’s decay, To pay his nurse and rent. From his misfortunes well its known, Their anger did increase; He wish’d his friend would make it known, He died with all at peace. Within the church beside his wife, My friend’s remains are laid; Remov’d from all the pangs of life, Or B---s to upbraid. Benevolence came forth with speed, While pity went before; Holding J. Barber’s hand to aid, The man that’s now no more. Oh Barber! such a heart as thine, Are seldom found in man; Thy generous deeds to endless time, Will prove sweet comforts plan. What proof thou gives of friendly care, To take his orphan girl; And dry the child’s fresh starting tear, And from her grief to hurl. Oh daughter of my late lov’d friend, Religious guide pursue; Till your last moments here do end, Or tomb encompass you.