Abbot of Canterbury and K. John, 155 Actions, six, against one man, 171 Adikaramas beheaded, 151 Aet-kanda Leniya or Lihiniya = Rukh or Garu?a, 291, 296; Aewariyakka Mulakka, story of, 320, 321 Adoption of child by birds, 121, 124, 125, 127, 128 Alvarez, Father Francis, exorcised locusts, 43 Amu, a small grain, 72 Amuna, measure of 5·7 bushels, 55, 295 Anga, a Gangetic kingdom, 39, 40 Animals bought by Prince, 278, 301; Appa, light rice cake, 78 Appearances not to be trusted, 232 Arabian Nights, 33 Araksha, protective written spells and diagrams, 15, 147 Ashes offered for sale, 106 Ass-driver miscounts asses, 259 Asuras, superior to Gods, 47, 50 A?asil, eight precepts of Buddha, kept by lay devotees (Upasakas), 354 Ayiya, elder brother, honorific suffix or address, 21, 68, 69, 80, 83, 85, 221, 222, 235 Bali, or Vali, K., his five sons, 40 Bali Tiyanna, priest for planetary services, 18 Banga, or Vanga, a Gangetic kingdom, 40–42 Barbet, its call, 3 Barter, 21; Bathing in boiling water, 60; Bear and youth, 298; Beating converts old women into girls, 109–111 Bed of glass, 61 Bell rung to call absent King, 133 Bell worship, 352 Berawa caste, tom-tom beaters and weavers, 28, 249, 252 ff. Betel, leaves presented to sooth-sayer, 180, 182; Bharunda bird = Rukh, 300 Bhuta, frightened by man, 149; Bihangama = Rukh, 300; Bird and eggs, 201, 204; Bird-lime, 179 Birds adopt child:—Crows, 125; Birds bring presents for girl, 121, 124, 125, 127 Birth signal:—Chain, iron or silver, shaken, 131 Black storks, 7; Blindness caused by father, 130; Blue clothes of Princesses, 271 Blue lotus in river, 117–119; Boar and jackal, 359; Boars kill and eat Rakshasa, 371; Bola, 69, 73, 77, etc.; Borrowing clothes by litigant, 322, 327, 331 Boy and leopard, 357; Brahma?a carried jackal, 347, 348; Brer Rabbit and Brer Tarrypin, 244 Bridegroom and parents fetch bride, 58 Bridge, 138 Broom, a demon scarer, 50 Brothers, seven marry seven sisters, 100 Buddhas, becoming a thousand, 232, 241 Buddhist creed, 14; Buffalo, bathing, 7; Bullock’s skull protective, 11 Bulls offer to marry women, 113 Bull, stone, controlled by nail in head, 168 Bum-bum the tom-tom beater, 351 Buttresses on trees, 5 Cakes, of snakes’ eggs turn Queen into cobra, 132; Calf borne by bull, 233 Call to temple service, 14 Camels’ flesh as food, 176 Campa, capital of Anga state, 40 Carving figure by Princess, 98 Castes in folk-tales, 27–30 Cat assists gambler, 175, 177; Cattle-fold, 12, 102, 191, 192 Celestial bodies near house tops, 50 Centre of country, or earth, 150, 153, 154 Chain shaken as birth signal, 131 Character of kings, 36 Charcoal, magical, creates fire, 68, 70; Charms against dreams, 15; Chena, 2; Che??i caste, 30 Child, abandoned, 120, 124–126, 173, 191; Cleverest animals, hare and turtle, 35 Club to turn old women into girls, 109–111 Cobra assumes human form, 132; Cobra Stone, brilliance, 266, 269; Cock, jewelled golden, 67–70; Coins:—Kahawa?a, 33; Consent of parents or guardians necessary before marriage, 63, 102, 127 Cookery, by Princess or Queen, 33, 98, 161, 270, 271, 279, 291; Cormorant and crab, 346 Corn store, 10, 55, 78, 109, 110, 368 Corpse set up and killed, 103 Counting incident:—Ass driver, ten asses, 259; Courtesan assisted by cat, 175; Cow-dung, 10; Cowry brings guilty snake, 91 Cow, magic, of jogi, 276; Creation legend, 47; Crab and crane, 345; Crane and crab, 345; Creed, Buddhist, 14 Crickets assist Prince, 300, 301 Crocodile, 5; Crops in chena, 3 Crow, pious, 354; Crying tom-tom beaters and weavers, 260, 261 Cultivation, chena, 17; Custom on arrival of strangers, 139 Danavas obstruct creation, 49 Darter (Plotus), 6 Days, unlucky, 18 Dead cow revived by wand, 102 Deaf persons, two, 136; Death in thumb, 157 Death, payment for causing, 103 Deities, Indian, rarely mentioned, 37 Deity, gives information to animals, 19; Demon and pandit, 215; Demons inhabit north, 13 Deer and girl, 284; Departure, manner of, 15 Depth of sea, 154 Destruction of world, 49 Devas, 150 Devatawa, godling, dwelt in tree, 158; Devil and husbandman, their division of crops, 324 Difficulty of killing hero, 193, 299 Diribari-Laka, keeps gambling-house, 174; Dog, demon, 297; Doh?a karanawa, to give poisonous bite, 157 Dola pi?eni, small square frames made of plantain stems, on which offerings to demons are placed, 147 Dream causes abandonment of journey, 16, 260; Ducks, pair of, beheaded to revive Princess, 269 Durayas, porter caste, 29, 348; Eagle, white-tailed, 6; Edan?a, foot-bridge of tree trunk, 104, 305 Effect of Yaka’s attack on man, 146 Elephant, 3; Emal bisawa, 125 Escape while arrows are fetched, 96, 99; Evils, all due to evil spirits, 16 Evil eye, bullock’s skull against, 11; Evil mouth, 15 Exorcism of flies, 18; Eyes plucked out, 130, 272, 276, 277; Fakir changes letter, 276, 277 Fan shaken to call Prince, 133 Farmer’s wife and tiger, 215 Father’s name remembered on performing difficult feat, 140 Feather dress, removable, 310, 311 Female quail and its egg, 201 Fever, treatment for, 338 Field, rice, 6 Figure carved, 98; Figurine, injury through, 167, 168 Finger-nail, food carried under, 53, 101; Fire kills Rakshasa, 70, 71, 290 First cooking, 22; Fish, sun-dried, speaks, 86; Five hundred carts, 192; Flies, exorcism of, 18 Flight through air, 59, 60, 64, 66 Flower, floating, comes into hand, 118, 119; Fly killed on head, 259, 319, 321 Folk-tales contain picture of ancient village life, 35 Food, Indian, 176; Foolish Brahma?a, 263, 347; Forest, animals in, 3, 4, 173, 175; Fortune from mouse, 197; Fortune-telling, 23, 101, 173, 289 Four tasks of Prince, 295–298, 301; Frame for cooking pots, 10, 338; Frere, Sir Bartle, on cookery by King’s family, 33; Frog Prince, 67 Gala, a fold for cattle or goats, 2, 102, 230, 367, 368 Galgamuwa tank, in N.-W. Prov., 375 Gama-gaeni, wife of Gamarala, 319, 336; Gama-mahage, wife of Gamarala, 124, 219, 328, 329, 284; Gama-mahayiya, wife of Gamarala, 125 Gama-puta, son of Gamarala, 319, 336–338; Gama-rahami = Gamarala, 326, 327 Gamarala, 78, 126, 129, 284; Gamarala and foolish son, 319, 320; Gamarala’s cakes, 219–223; Gamaya, village headman, 201–204, 208 Gambling, 22, 30, 174, 177, 178 Gambler assisted by cat, 175, 177 Gara Yaka, 318 Garu?a in Ceylon, 251, 300; Gem, contained sand, 140; Gifts, magic, 68, 71; Giants accompany Prince, 161; Gilding woman’s body, 290 Girl, at Rakshasa’s house, 121, 124, 125, 163–165; Glass Princess, 57–65; Goat and jackal, 361, 362; Gods give son, 336; Golden branches, 269; Goods given away, 306 Goonetilleke, W., on folk-tales, 31 Goonewardene, E. G., folk-tales by, 197, 199 Grateful animals, 295, 296; Guard, Chinese, counted articles, 259 Guardian deity, 222, 223; Guru Paramarta and disciples count themselves, 259 Gypsies, 22–24; Hair, cuts iron tree, 64; Hare and jackal, 209 ff.; Hay, Drummond, on poisonous snakes’ biting charmers, 24 Headmen, Kandian, grades and duties, 27 Heaven, visit to, 76, 106, 301 Heron and crab, 342; He??iya or Se??iya, man of Che??i caste, 30, 82–89, 139–145, 287–288 Hidden Prince, 69; Hides, cattle, not bought, 104 Hokkiye, cry of jackal, 316 Horse, borne by oil-mill, 229, 233; House burnt, 106, 108; Hunchback and robin, 207 Husbandman and devil, division of crops, 324 Huts, of gypsies, 22; Hyaena and hare, 233 Idiots, twenty-five, 318 Imgig, lion-headed eagle, emblem of Lagash, 300 Immortality through eating golden peacock, 71 Improvisation of stanzas, 28 Incense box, 308 Indra, 223; Infanticide, 36, 101, 120, 124–126, 173 Iron house against Yaka, 137, 145 Iron tree cut by hair, 60, 64, 66 Jacana, 7 Jackal, 204; Jacket made by Princess, 94 Jak fruit, eating taught by Indra, 51 Janel SiÑÑa, Mr., 278; Jayawardana, D. A., legends of primitive times, 50 Jogi, white cow of, 276; Journey abandoned through dream, 16, 260 Jungle and forest, appearance of, 1–4 Jungle-fowl, 4, 204, 322, 349, 353 Kaccale = Ground Cuckoo, 349 Ka?ambawa men and bush, 257; Kaekiri, a small cucumber, 3, 117, 120, 125, 126, 140, 365; Kattaepahuwa, story of origin of name, 376 Kalinga, Indian kingdom, 37, 40–43; Kandian castes in folk-tales, 27 ff.; Kayiya, a party of labourers assisting a person without pay, 52 Ke?ala, aquatic plant, 235, 381 Kettledrum, double, used at temples, 14, 238 Kettle with twelve spouts, 87 King carries off Princess, 94; Kings in folk-tales are Parumakas, 34; Kinnara, 30, 95, 98; Kitten assists Prince, 301 Kitul seeds, story of, 197 Knife run through fruits, 355, 358 Kohomba deity, 317 Kokka, large wading bird, 234 Kulebaka flowers cure blindness, 173, 177; Kuppayama, Ro?iya hamlet, 30 Kurmarsha, 243 Kuweni and Wijaya, 167 Lagash, lion-headed eagle the emblem of, 300 Lal?a, a district of Vanga, 41 Lan?ka, or Lakdiva, name of Ceylon, 38 Lawsuits, 21; Leniya or Lihiniya, Aet-kanda = Rukh, 291–293, 296, 297, 299; Leopard, 3; Letter changed by Fakir, 276, 277; Life index:—Barley plant, 165; Life concealed in bees, 166, 167; Lightning unlucky, 174, 227, 313, 359, 360 Lion, 35; Lion-throne, 152 Lizard, 3, 19; Loku-amma, step-mother, 116–118, 130–133; Loku-mama, eldest uncle, 102 Longing of pregnancy, 116–118, 130, 284, 285 Lotus, blue, 117–119, 298; Lucky hour for beginning works, 18 Lynx and tiger, 215 MaccocalingÆ and ModogalingÆ, Gangetic tribes, of Pliny, 40 Madahapola, P. B., folk-tale by, 350 Ma?uwa, an open shed, 8 Magadha, 39 Magic, cow, 276; Mahadeo and jackal, 56, 251, 381 Mahage, well-to-do village woman, 129 Maha-Muda, Yaksani, marries Prince, 176 Maharajani, form of addressing king, 199, 200 Man and crocodile, 339–341; Mango in exchange for child, 302; Mara, Death, imprisoned in bottle, 33 Margosa tree planted for king, 334 Mariyada Raman, stories of, 37 Marriage customs, 238, 240, 308; Masurama (coin), 33, 62, 189, 191–193, 228–230, 278, 279, 294–296, 313, 315; Matalange Loku-appu, 108 Midula, open ground in front of house, 10, 73, 74, 130, 163, 209 Millet Trader, 72 ff. Mini-ge?i, hawk’s-bell, 352 Mini Ran Kukul?a, jewelled golden cock, 67 Minister, Chief, 154; Mi-pae?ikki, young mouse or rat, 308 Money, 33; Monk and Yaka, 375; Monkey and crocodile, 381; Moon as a man, legend, 52; Mouse, dead, fortune from, 197; Mouse maiden, cooks food, 309; Mouse-deer, 4, 35; MÜller-Hess, Prof., inscriptions translated, 38 Mun?, a small pulse grown in chenas, 3, 295, 296 Mun-ae?a Guruwa, 169; Murders, frequent and unpunished, 36 Murunga tree, 79, 88, 123, 124, 126, 323, 328 Musical instruments, 238 Naga or Nagaya, 157; Nagul-Munna, 169 Nari-nayide, 230, 231, 239, 316, 340 Nayide, artificers’ caste, 28 New Year, 22; Nikini, story, 284; North, inhabited by demons, 13 Number of stars, 150, 153, 154 Oath, 158, 195; Obeisance, claims to, by Brahma?as, 263; Obstacles created, three, 68, 70; O?ra State, 40 Offering, human, to cobra guarding pool, 58; Office through eating bird, 90, 91 Ogre = Rakshasa, 34; Oil-mill gives birth to horse, 229, 233 Olinda game at New Year, 22 Owl, call thought to be cry of demons, 13 Paddy, legend of, as woman, 52; Pandit and demon, 215; Paramour, 73, 157, 221, 287, 289 Parrot, 14, 121–127; Parrots, 14; Parumaka, early Chief, termed King in folk-tales, 34 Pa?aliputta, capital of Magadha, 39 Panams, gold, 259 Peacock, golden, 70, 71; Pelican and crab, 345 Peraeli-basa, 368 Pereda, 75 Pied Robin and its song, 206 Pigs saved by Prince assist him, 295; Pious cat, 349–354; Planets, influence of, 18 Poison by powdered glass, antidote, 300 Polygamy, 36, 64, 145, 176, 177, 186, 262, 272 Pond heron, 7; Pool guarded by cobra, 58 Portents, 16:— Portrait displayed, 99; Possession, 181, 182, 184; Pots, cooking, stand for, 10, 338; Potters’ caste, 28 Poya day, 14 Preceptor, leopard’s, 213; Presents, magical, 68, 71; Proud jackal, 316 Prince abandons kingdom for wife, 93; Princess alters letter, 195, 275, 276; Princesses, Naga, 267; Princesses, seven, 270, 281; Puberty custom, 294 PuÑci-Amma, step-mother, 89; Pu??ra State, 40 Purohita Brahma?a, 151 Python seizes boy, 373 Queen becomes cobra, 132; Queens eat children, 187, 272, 276, 277; Quail and its egg, 201 Quartering and hanging at city gates, 86, 89 Questions, two, 154; Race:—Brer Rabbit and Brer Tarrypin, 244; Rahu, Asura Chief, assists in Creation, 47; Rajagaha, capital of Magadha, 39 Raja Gurunnanse, 151 Rakshasa = ogre, 34; Rakshasi, 67; Ran oncillawa, golden swing, 129 Rasaya, Rasi = Rakshasa (m. and f.), 34, 67 Ra?emahatmayas, principal district chiefs, 27; Ra?ewissa, 327 Rat and cat, 351–353; Rats come when thought of, 60, 61; Rewards given by Kings, 67, 90, 185, 266, 267, 315 Rice cultivation, 17; Ring cools boiling water, 63; Road tax, 21 Robin, pied, 206 Ro?iya, 29, 30, 372; Roll of cotton, 364 Rukh, 291–300 = Aet-kanda Leniya or Lihiniya, 291; Sack, man tied in, 104, 106, 110 Saestara, 179 Sahadeo, father of Siva, 56, 251 Sahasa-Malla, K., 38 Sakra appears as man, 51, 157; Samadama, 98 Sand of sea, King’s journey for, 285; Sannyasi changes letter, 276; Sapu-flowers’ Minister = leopard, 367 Scarecrow, 230 Scavengers cheated by jackal, 251 Sea, depth of, 154; Seed collected after sowing, 296, 300, 301 Self-acting bill-hook, 337; Senasura, deity, appears as old man, 55; Se??iya or He??iya, 30, 82 ff., 139 ff., 287, 288 Seven baskets, 122; Shed, road-side, for travellers (ambalama), 9, 61, 62, 63, 64, 94, 95, 138, 278, 279, 312 Sickle gets fever, 338 Sigiris SiÑÑo, the giant, 312, 313; Siha-Bahu, K., 41 Silver cock, flower, and tree, 264, 268, 269 Sinhapura or Sihapura, 37–43 Sister kills sister, 114 Siva cheated by jackal, 56, 251, 381 Sivalinga, God, 287–289 Skin dresses:—Dove, jackal, monkey, mouse, tortoise-shell, woman, 310, 311 Sky, near house-tops, 50 Sleeping, lying east and west, 13 Slaves branded when freed, 177; Small Lion, title of jackal, 316 Smith makes bow and arrows, 273 Snake and man, 341; South, abode of Yama, 13 Sovereignty through eating bird, cock, fruit, maina, mango, sheldrake, 90, 91; Speaking horse, 199 Spell, against Yaka, 146, 147, 171; Squirrel, small, its cry, 352 Stars, number of, 150, 153, 154; States of Lower Ganges, 39 Statue displayed as bait, 98 Step-mother, cruel, 79, 90, 91, 130, 132 Sticks thrown into river, 108, 319 Storks, 7; Stories brought from India, 38, 176 Story told in sections, 88, 91 Strangers give name for child, 303; Subha, K., 153 Subhadra, Q., 37 Suitor’s tasks, 60, 295; Sumitta, K., 41 Sun legend, as man, 52; Sunga, son of Vali, 40 Swar?amula mountain, breeding place of Rukhs, 300 Swing, golden, 129 Sword contains life of Prince, 164–167; Tales accord with village experience or traditions, 36; Talla, reservoir, 298 Tamalitta, Gangetic State and port, 40, 42 Tamarind ?ikka, 100; Tambi, Muhammedan trader or pedlar, 110, 221 Tamil King, 313–315 Tank, village, 4; Tasks given:—One, 189, 274, 276, 277; Tax, road, 21 Terms of relationship are conciliatory and honorific, 21, 68, 69, 80, 83, 85, 174, 276, 277, 298, 364 Thorn or pin, magic, 68–71; Thousand articles, 281, 282; Thread, charmed, 15; Three questions, 150; Thieves, two:—Clothes and horse borrowed, 331; Threshing floor, 20, 120; Tiger and farmer’s wife, 215; Timber for house building, 323, 328 Tokkama, 350; Tom-tom beaters and bull, 254; Tom-toms, say words, 29, 238, 303; Tortoise Prince, 71; Transformation:—Frog into Prince 67, 70; Transmission of tales from India, 38, 176 Travellers’ shed (ambalama) on road-side, 8, 61–64, 94, 95, 138, 278, 279, 312 Treasure of cobra, 64; Tree, buttresses, 5; Trickery approved, 36 Trikalinga, 40 Trumpets, 238 Tummal Kitti, jungle hen, 349 Tun-iri Mudiyanse, small squirrel, 351 Tunnel dug, by pigs, 370, 371; Turtle, tank, 6, 113 ff.; Turtle dove, 79; Tusk-elephant mountain, 291 Udayagiri, mountain of Dawn, 71 Unlucky days, 18 Unnanse namak, 320 Untruthfulness, 36 Vaedda, 202–204; Vali, K., and his five sons, 40 Vanaspati rice, 277 Vanga, Gangetic kingdom, 40 Vedarala or Veda, demon expeller, 147, 171; Vessels, Gangetic, their voyages, 42, 43 Vibhisana, K. in Ceylon, 251 Victim’s escape, enemies take his place, 105, 106, 110, 112 Village, Kandian, 6; Vishnu, 227; Wager for life, 158 Wand, magic white, revives dead buffalo, 102 Waragan, 182 Warnings by animals, etc., 14, 15, 19, 97, 122–124, 126, 297–299, 300, 356 Washerman, caste, 28; Watch hut in chena, 2, 72, 73, 169, 170 Water not drunk while eating, 12 Waterpot, foreign, 306 Weaver-bird and monkey, 247 Weavers count themselves, 259; Whale’s fat brought, 301 Wife exchanged for bullock, 36, 337; Wimali, 302; Wijaya, K., 38–41, 167; Woodpecker’s cry, 3; Woman, body gilded (?), 290; Work, all, begun at lucky hour, 18, 22 Worship of Gods for a child, 336 Writing style, 93 Yabbaelli, f. Demon Hound, 297 Yama, God of Death, in south, 13 Yaka, afraid of man, 148, 149; Yako, a form of address, 287 Yaksani, female Yaka, built palace, 189; Yaksa Vedarala, practitioner against demons, 147, 171 Yasalalaka-Tissa, K., deposition, 153 Youth accompanied by young animals, 297–300; Youth, foolish, and gruel, 320; Yugas, four, 49 Butler & Tanner The Selwood Printing Works Frome and London |