Advances in other sciences, 153 Ægidius, 077 ÆsclepiadÆ, 011 Æsculapius, 007 Ætius, 049 Age of foundation, 012 Age of renovation, 012 Age of transition, 012 Agnew, D. Hayes, 295 Akenside, 213 Albiuus, 164 Albucassis, 063 Alchemists and charlatans, the, 187 Alchemy, 141 Alexander of Tralles, 050 Alexandria, library of, 031 school of, 032 Alkindus, 060 Ambulant physicians, 017 Amendment in medical affairs, 151 American teaching of to-dav, 298 Amphitheatres, dissecting, 111 Amussat, 269 AnÆsthesia, history of, 300 Anatomic period, 012, 030 Anatomy and physiology of Galen, 039 Anatomy, chairs of, 111 Andral, 245 Andry, 177 Anel, 215 Animalculists, 183 Animism, 196 Animists, 183 Antiseptics, history of, 317 Antyllus, 051 Arabic period, 012, 057 review of the, 097 Archiaters, 053 AretÆus, 034 Argentier, John, 0146 Aristotle, 028 Arlt, 253 Arnold de Villeneuve, 088 Asclepiades of Bytlunia, 044 Aselli, 160 Astrology, 141 Astruc, 138, 214 Aubrey, 183 Auscultation, 262 Avenbrugger, Leopold, 210 Avenzoar, 064 AverroËs, 064 Avicenna, 061 Bache, Franklin, 287 Baclitischua, 059 Bacon, Lord, 153 Bacon, Roger, 068 Baglivi, 162, 172 Baillie, 213, 224 Barba, 165 Barthez, 201 Bartholin, 115 Fidelis, on legal medicine, 167 Filkin, 217 First hospitals in United States, 283 First medical schools in the United States, 281 Flint, Austin, 288 Fothergill, John, 212 Francis, John W., 286 Frank, J. P., 212 FrÈre Come, 214 FrÈre Jacques, 177 Frick, 290 Fuchs, 253 Functions of the spinal nerves, discovery of the, 248 Gaddesden, John, 087 Galen, anatomy and physiology of, 039 Galen, Claudius, 036 Galen's, influence, 043 theories, 039 Gardiner, 199 Garengeot, 213 Gaub, 195 Gerard of Cremona, 090 Gerdy, 270 Germicides, internal use of, 329 Germ-theory of disease, 259 what it means, 323 Gibson, William, 263 Gilbert, of England, 087 Gimbernat, 215 Glisson, 163, 183 Goerter, 163 Goode, John Mason, 247 Goodwin, 160 Goursaud, 177 Graves, Robert, 248 Gray, John P., 290 Greece, medicine of, 016 Greek period, 012, 049 Gregory, 199 Griesinger, 254 Gross, Samuel P., 294 Guillemeau, Jacob, 131 Gunn, Moses, 295 Guthrie, 273 Guttenberg, 100 Guy de Chauliac, 093 Gymnasia, the, 018 Gymnasiarch, 018 Gymnast, 018 Hahn, 229 Hahnemann, 241 Haller, 160, 162, 163, 220 Ilaly-Abbas, 061 Hamilton, Frank H., 293 Harvey, Gideon, 175 J. William, 155 Hasheesh, 301 Hasner, 253 Havers, 183 Heberden, 212 Hebra, 253 Hebrews, medicine of the, 162, 184 School of rational medicine, 254 Scientific societies and journals, origin of, 151 Scultetus, 180 Seminalism, 259 Serapion, 060 Servetus, Michael, 112, 155 Severino, 119, 176 Shoeffer, 100 Shot wounds, the new teaching of ParÉ concerning, 132 Siegemundin, Justine, 182 Sigmund, 253 Simpson, Sir James Y., 274 Sims, J. Marion, 296 Skoda, 251 Smellie, William, 220 Smellie's modification of the obstetrical forceps, 166 Smith, Nathan R., 292 Societies and academies, foundation of, 235 Soemmering, 162, 222 Sol id ism, 198 Spontaneous generation of life disproven, 321 St. Come, College of, 92, 122 Stahl, 195 Stahl's pietistic system, 195 Steno, Nicholas, 159 Steno's duct, 159 Stethoscope, 262 Stimolo and contrastimolo, 240 Stoerck, 200 Stokes, William, 248 Stoll, 200 Student-life during the 15th and 16th centuries, 148 Surgery, achievements of, 263 reasons for neglect of, 120 Swammerdam, 153, 183 Sydenham, 152, 165, 173 Sylvius, 167 Syme, James, 274 Syphilis, wide-spread outbreak of, 136 Teeth, substitutes for human, 335 Telescope, invention of the, 099 Tenon, 215 Thaer, 199 Themison, 011 Theory of excitement, 210 Theosophy, 111 Thermometer, discovery of the, 171 Thoth, 002 Tourniquet, invention of, 176 Tourniquet, screw, invention of, 213 Transfusion of blood in man, the first, 176 Travers, Benjamin, 248, 273 Treatment of the insane, improvement in, 228 Troja, 228 Trotula, 079 Trousseau, 247 TÜrck, 253 Tyrrel, |