
Note Page
1. 409. Horologe of Flora.
2. 410. Gravity and centrifugal force.
3. 411. Velocity of light.
4. 412. Velocity of falling bodies.
5. 412. Hydromancy.
6. 414. Coins and medals.
7. 421. Why bodies revolve on the shorter axis.
-- 421. Vis inertiÆ.
8. 422. Mechanical powers.
9. 423. Centre of gravity.
10. 423. The Indian blow-pipe.
11. 425. Springs.
12. 427. Elastic chairs and beds.
13. 428. Duck and drake.
14. 428. Vegetable elasticity.
15. 428. A simple orrery.
16. 429. Conic sections.
17. 429. Earthquake of Lisbon.
18. 429. Geology applied to agriculture.
19. 430. Buckland’s researches.
20. 436. The rifle.
21. 438. Centre of percussion.
22. 438. Spinning of the top.
23. 439. The mechanical powers.
24. 446. The cycloid.
25. 447. Billiards.
26. 448. Collision of bodies.
27. 450. Druidical remains.
28. 456. Animal suction.
29. 459. Accidental discoveries.
30. 461. Weight of the superincumbent ocean.
31. 462. Pecunia; its derivation.
32. 462. Cause of iridescence.
33. 463. Vegetable barometers.
34. 463. St. Swithin.
35. 464. The whale.

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