I. | The Sabbath-school | 7 | II. | History and Progress | 10 | III. | Conventions | 23 | IV. | Institutes | 31 | V. | The Superintendent | 39 | VI. | The Library and Librarian | 53 | VII. | The Secretary | 59 | VIII. | The Teacher | 61 | IX. | Preparation | 63 | X. | The Teacher Teaching | 70 | XI. | Illustrative Teaching | 87 | XII. | Pictorial Teaching | 94 | XIII. | Object-Teaching | 103 | XIV. | The Blackboard | 112 | XV. | The Infant-school | 124 | XVI. | Young Men and Women's Bible-Classes | 145 | XVII. | The Art of Securing Attention | 157 | XVIII. | The Art of Questioning | 163 | XIX. | The Teachers' Meeting | 174 | XX. | Visiting the Scholars | 184 | XXI. | Systematic District Christian Visitation | 188 | XXII. | New Mission-schools | 192 | XXIII. | The Conversion and Culture of Children. —Children's Prayer-meetings, etc. | 200 | XXIV. | Preaching To Children | 208 | XXV. | Children's Meetings and Monthly Concerts | 212 | XXVI. | Auxiliary Associations. —Temperance Societies. —Missionary Associations | 215 | XXVII. | Sabbath-school Music | 221 | XXVIII. | Means and Measures. —Anniversaries.—Excursions and Exhibitions.—Premiums and Rewards. —Benevolent Contributions.—Catechisms. —Two Sessions.—Constitution and By-Laws | 224 | XXIX. | Sabbath-school Guardians. —Parents.—Pastors.—The Church. —The Community | 230 | XXX. | Missionary Agencies. —Neighborhood Prayer Meetings. —Bible Readers.—Industrial Schools. —Boys' Meetings | 237 | XXI. | The Question Box. —The Answer Box | 240 | XXXII. | Mistakes of Teachers | 248 | XXXIII. | Helps for Teachers. —
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