UP GARRET. ( More about A Sevenfold Trouble. ) CHAPTER I. Mrs. C. M. Livingston. T NEW BOOKS. ( Published by D. Lothrop Company. )
BROWN'S FRENCH DRESSING, The Original! Beware of Imitations! AWARDED HIGHEST PRIZE AND ONLY PARIS EXPOSITION, 1878. Highest Award New Orleans Exposition. The Great American Tea Company GOOD NEWS TO LADIES. Greatest inducements ever offered. Now's your time to get up orders for our celebrated Teas and Coffees and secure a beautiful Gold Band or Moss Rose China Tea Set, or Handsome Decorated Gold Band Moss Rose Dinner Set, or Gold Band Moss Decorated Toilet Set. For full particulars address THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., P. O. Box 289. 31 and 33 Vesey St., New York.
OLD GOLD! In every household old-fashioned and worn jewelry and plate accumulate, becoming “food” for burglars or petty thieves. If the readers of Babyland will get out their old gold, old silver, old jewelry, and send it by mail or express to me, I will send them by return mail a certified check for full value thereof. J. H. JOHNSTON, 150 Bowery, Cor. Broome St., N. Y. DIAMOND DYES. diamond FOR SILK, WOOL, COTTON, and all Fabrics and Fancy Articles. Any one can use them. Anything can be colored. 32 COLORS—10 CENTS EACH. —————— Remember, these are the only Pure, Harmless and Unadulterated Dyes. Beware of other Dyes, because often Poisonous, Adulterated, Weak and Worthless. —————— We warrant these Dyes to color more goods, package for package, than any other Dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors.
For gilding Fancy Baskets, Frames, Lamps, Chandeliers, and for all kinds of ornamental work. Equal to any of the high priced kinds and only 10 cts. a package. Also Artists’ Black for Ebonizing. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Send postal for Sample Card and directions for coloring Photographs and doing fancy work. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt.
Sold at all Drug and Book Stores. Estab’d 50 Years. A Taking Novelty! MRS. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND’S Portrait painted in life-like color on a 1½ x 2-inch Cameo mounted on a rolled gold plate easel, 4 inches high; a beautiful keepsake and ornament to any parlor. Nothing ever seen like it before, and it only costs 30 cents, post paid, inclosed in a neat box for protection. Send now as our stock is limited, to EDMANDS ART SUPPLY STORE, 12 Bromfield St., Boston.
Volume 15, Number 5. Copyright, 1887, by D. Lothrop Company December 3, 1887. THE PANSY. Boy sitting by fire with head on hand CHARLIE IS DISCOURAGED. |