THE idea has been transmitted from generation to generation, that happiness is one large and beautiful precious stone, a single gem so rare that all search after it is vain, all effort for it hopeless. It is not so. Happiness is a mosaic, composed of many smaller stones. Each taken apart and viewed singly, may be of little value, but when all are grouped together and judiciously combined and set, they form a pleasing and graceful whole—a costly jewel. Trample not under foot, then, the little pleasures which a gracious Providence scatters in the daily path, and which, in eager search after some great and exciting joy, we are apt to overlook. Why should we keep our eyes fixed on the distant horizon, while there are so many lovely roses in the garden in which we are permitted to walk? The very ardor of our chase after happiness may be the reason she so often eludes our grasp. We pantingly strain after her when she has been graciously brought nigh unto us. double line decoration Girl look at cat on floor DID YOU DO IT, KITTY? double line decoration Volume 13, Number 19. Copyright, 1886, by D. Lothrop & Co. March 13, 1886. THE PANSY. portrait NETTIE. |