A PATIENT was arguing with his doctor the necessity of his taking a stimulant. He urged that he was weak and needed it. Said he: "But, doctor, I must have some kind of a stimulant. I am cold, and it warms me." "Precisely," came the doctor's crusty answer. "See here, this stick is cold," taking up a stick of wood from the box beside the hearth and tossing it into the fire, "now it is warm; but is the stick benefited?" The sick man watched the wood first send out little puffs of smoke, and then burst into flame, and replied: "Of course not: it is burning itself!" "And so are you when you warm yourself with alcohol; you are literally burning up the delicate tissues of your stomach and brain." Yes, alcohol will warm you, but who finds the fuel? When you take food, that is fuel, and as it burns out, you keep warm. But when you take alcohol to warm you, you are like a man who sets his house on fire and warms his fingers by it as it burns.—Temperance Banner. double line decoration fox approaching farm yard A MOST UNWELCOME VISITOR. double line decoration Volume 13, Number 21. Copyright, 1886, by D. Lothrop & Co. March 27, 1886. THE PANSY. wrought-iron portal into garden PATIO OF A PRIVATE HOUSE, CORDOVA, SPAIN. |