To carefully read the extraordinary premium offers made on the following pages. We have selected a few of our most attractive premiums, and have made special offers, for the summer months only, to those sending us clubs. Should you desire to obtain any article not on our list of premiums, write to us fully about it, and we will cheerfully answer all your inquiries. If you wish to earn a book, a toy, a game, a stamp or mineral collection, or anything dear to the heart of a boy or girl, write to us about it and we will make such arrangements as will enable you to secure the desired article by obtaining subscriptions for our magazines. hand pointing rightIf you do not care to secure any of the premiums we offer, will you kindly call the attention of your friends to the suggestions we have made, thereby obliging us, and perhaps doing them a great favor? A specimen set of our magazines will be sent to any boy or girl wishing sample copies to show, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address all inquiries and orders to D. LOTHROP & CO., Publishers, Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston. YOUNG PEOPLE ATTENTION! VACATION IS COMING!! Read the following extraordinary Premium Offers, and learn how to obtain, without expense, articles that will add greatly to your vacation pleasures. READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The premiums are given only to subscribers to any of our magazines, with this exception: ANY person may work for the premiums by sending one more subscriber to any of the magazines than the premium calls for. 2. The full subscription price must be paid for each subscription, as follows: Wide Awake, $3.00; The Pansy, $1.00; Our Little Men and Women, $1.00; Babyland, 50 cents. No premiums will be given to any person sending his own name as a new subscriber; nor can his name count as one of a club sent for premiums. 3. Send your subscriptions as you get them. Always send the payment for each subscription with the name. 4. You can send for a premium when you send us the names of new subscribers, or you can complete your list and then select your premiums, as you may prefer. 5. Those working for this special list of premiums can have until August 1st., in which to complete their list. 6. The premiums we offer are given FOR new subscribers, NOT TO new subscribers. 7. Two new subscriptions for six months will count as one yearly subscription. 8. The names and full subscription price must be sent to D. Lothrop & Co., and not through any agent or Subscription Agency. 9. The volumes of the magazines begin as follows: Wide Awake, with the December and June numbers; The Pansy, with the November number; Our Little Men and Women, with the January number; Babyland, with the January number. Always specify the date you wish the subscriptions to begin with. Subscriptions may begin with any number. GUNS FOR THE BOYS. The Guns described below are all especially adapted to "Fourth of July" sports, from the fact that with them torpedos can be thrown with great accuracy and, exploding as they strike, make a very loud report. What is known as the small "American" torpedo is the best. These Guns are especially suitable for drilling purposes. Any boy will find it a very easy matter to secure enough subscriptions to earn the guns that may be needed for his company. "DOCTOR CARVER" GUN. Given for one new subscription to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women; or, given for one new subscription to Babyland and 20 cents cash additional. It has an adjustable tension that can be regulated to suit the strength of any boy. This is a new gun, made on a new principle, and is the best arrangement for target shooting ever seen. It shoots with great force and accuracy. Three arrows go with each gun. It will also fire marbles, bullets, sticks or paper wads. The gun is nicely finished in all parts and is painted a bright red that will not fade, which makes it very handsome. It is three feet long, strong and durable, easy to adjust and load, and does not get out of order. Price 50 cents. Sent postage paid in the United States. THE "LITTLE GEM." Given for one new subscription to Babyland. This is a new gun, well finished and very effective. It possesses part of the patented features of the celebrated "Doctor Carver" gun, but is not as powerful. It is lighter and somewhat smaller than the "Doctor Carver" gun. Price 25 cents. Postage paid in the United States. "WINCHESTER RIFLE." Given for one new subscription to The Pansy, or Our Little Men and Women. Or, given for one new subscription to Babyland and 25 cents cash additional. A new double-barrel gun. It has the patent "oscillating yoke" or yielding stop, same as the celebrated "Doctor Carver" gun and has a well-finished stock of proper shape. Price 50 cents. Postage 10 cents additional when purchased or sent as a premium. THE WILCOX TARGET GUN, WITH BAYONET. Given for two new subscriptions to The Pansy, or Our Little Men and Women. Or, given for one new subscription to The Pansy, or Our Little Men and Women, and 50 cents cash additional. Two Babyland subscriptions will be equivalent to one Pansy subscription. For One new subscriber to WIDE AWAKE, two of any of the guns will be given as a premium. It shoots with precision, is simple in construction, and finely finished. The bayonet is of wood, bronzed to imitate steel. Each gun is provided in the breech with a small pocket, in which will be found, 5 metal-head arrows, and 2 paper targets. For drilling purposes, it can be readily changed to the form of an ordinary rifle. Price $1.00. Postage prepaid. UNION WEB HAMMOCKS GIVEN AS PREMIUMS FOR NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS. girl in hammock We are pleased to announce that we have made such arrangements as will enable us to offer these superior hammocks for a smaller number of subscriptions than ever before. Every hammock is warranted by the manufacturers; and nothing but the best material and workmanship enter into their construction. Each grade is tested at a given number of pounds. They are warranted, when colored, not to soil the finest fabric. THE HERCULES. Given for one new subscription to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women, and 40 cents cash additional. This is the strongest hammock made, warranted to hold 1100 lbs. It is made of very heavy cord. Length, 13 feet; length of bed, 6 feet. Price $1.15. Postage and packing 30 cents additional. CHILD'S HAMMOCK. Given for one new subscription to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women. This is a nice hammock for the little ones. It has variegated colors in ends and body. Has a miniature Horseshoe for the fastening at the ends and safety cords at the sides. It is perfectly reliable and far preferable to a crib or cradle. Length, 7 feet; length of body, 3 feet. Price $.75. Postage and packing 15 cents additional. B B HAMMOCK. Given for one new subscription to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women, and 25 cents cash additional. This hammock is made better than ever before. The web is of extra heavy cord, and bright colors which are warranted fast. It is a splendid hammock. Length 11 feet; length of bed, 61/3 feet. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 20 cents additional. THE BOSTON. Given for one new subscription to Wide Awake, or for two new subscriptions to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women and 40 cents cash additional. A double web hammock that is very popular. Length, 121/2 feet; length of bed, 7 feet. Price $1.75. Postage and packing 20 cents additional. pointing hand Two BABYLAND subscriptions will be equivalent to one PANSY subscription. upside down hand BOY'S FISHING OUTFIT, WITH JOINTED ROD. boy fishing in rain Given for two new subscriptions to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women, or for one new subscription to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women and 50 cents cash additional. This outfit is put up especially for our use, and we can recommend it to the boys who enjoy fishing as a very good outfit for the price asked. It consists of a 12 foot jointed rod with brass tips and ferules, 1 bob, 2 sinkers, 1 36 foot line, 1 dozen hooks assorted, 2 flies, 1 bait-box, 1 trolling hook for pickerel, and 2 hooks ganged (i. e., with hair or gut snell.) Postage prepaid. Price $1.00. Two Babyland subscriptions will be equivalent to one Pansy subscription. THE AMERICAN FOOT BALL, NO. 2. Looks like a basketball Given for two new subscriptions to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women. Or for one new subscription to either magazine and 60 cents cash additional. The American Foot Ball is made of heavy canvas, thoroughly saturated with rubber, very strong, so as to be blown up with a key which goes with each one. It is 22 inches in circumference. Price $1.50. We also include in this offer the American College Rules of Foot Ball. Price 15 cents. Two Babyland subscriptions will be equivalent to one Pansy subscription. A GOOD MICROSCOPE. Given for one new subscription to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women; or for one new subscription to Babyland and 20 cents cash additional. No one need be without a microscope. We have made special arrangements by which we can offer a Combination Microscope (or Floroscope), 2 inches in length. It has in addition to a powerful microscope lens, a mineral glass for examining plants, minerals, etc. It is very convenient. It can be put into a vest pocket, and yet is as serviceable as many more expensive microscopes. Price 50 cents. BOY'S COMPOUND MICROSCOPE, NO. 655. Given for one new subscription to Wide Awake or for four new subscriptions to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women. Two Babyland subscriptions will be equivalent to one Pansy subscription. This instrument will show satisfactorily the larger animalcules in pond water, the scales from a butterfly's wing, etc. The stand is of polished brass, handsomely lacquered, with one eye-piece and one object-glass, magnifying, when combined, about 40 diameters or 1600 times. One prepared object, two glass slips and a pair of brass forceps, are furnished with it; the whole is packed in a neat polished walnut-wood case. Price $2.50. Postage paid. ALL THE BOYS AND GIRLS WANT A ROGERS' SCROLL SAW. Our latest Special Premium given to any subscriber sending us SIX NEW subscriptions to Our Little Men and Women or The Pansy (at $1.00 each); or for FOUR NEW subscriptions to Our Little Men and Women or The Pansy (at $1.00 each) and $1.00 cash additional; or for TWO NEW subscriptions to above magazines (at $1.00 each) and $2.00 cash additional. Two Babyland subscriptions equivalent to one Pansy. The entire framework is made from Iron, painted and Japanned black, and ornamented with red and gilt stripes. All parts made to interchange. 1. The Bearings to the Arms are carefully sized to bring them in perfect line. (This is a vital point in the construction of any Jig Saw.) 2. Each machine is provided with a Dust Blower, which is a very great advantage. 3. Our machine has a jointed Stretcher Rod, which allows the operator to throw the upper arm out of the way when adjusting his work or saw. This joint also permits the machine to work much more freely than with a straight iron rod. 4. Our clamps have a hinged jaw which overcomes the disagreeable raking overthrow of the blade, which is unavoidable when the saws are secured rigidly to the arms. Saw blades are not nearly so liable to break when clamps have this joint. Thus a large percentage of the expense of running the saw is saved. Besides this the saw runs much easier, the swing coming at the hinge instead of bending the blade with each stroke of the saw. 5. The Balance wheel is 41/4 inches in diameter, with a handsome spoke centre and Rim of Solid Emery. 6. The attachment for Drilling is on the Right Hand Side of the machine, which, for convenience, is an obvious advantage. 7. No Pins are used in the construction of this machine, as we prefer the durability of nicely fitted screws and bolts in securing each part. While the New Rogers' Saw is very rich, though not gaudy in appearance, it has been more especially our object to make, for the least possible money, a saw characterized for its Compactness, Strength, and durability, ease of action, and firmness when in operation. With each machine we give six Saw Blades, Wrench, Sheet of Designs and three Drill Points. The Saw alone weighs 25 lbs.; Saw and Box together, 36 lbs. Price of No. 2 Rogers' Saw, $4.00. This Saw is provided with a polished Tilting Table, heavily nickel-plated. Receiver to pay express or freight charges. D. LOTHROP & CO., Franklin and Hawley Sts., Boston.
Exclesior press HAND-INKING PRESS. Having made special arrangements with the manufacturers we are enabled to offer the celebrated Excelsior Printing-press Outfits as premiums for new subscriptions. The premiums are given to present subscribers to any of our magazines sending us new subscribers to Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women, and Babyland, at full subscription rates. The following special inducements are limited to Aug. 15th, 1886.
Or, for NEW subscriptions amounting to $6.00 and $1.20 cash additional. Or, for NEW subscriptions amounting to $4.00 and $2.00 cash additional. A SELF-INKING PRESS will be substituted in any of the above offers for additional subscriptions amounting to $2.00.
(With a Self-inking Press, price $1.00 additional.)
Or, for NEW subscriptions amounting to $10.00 and $2.50 cash additional. Or, for NEW subscriptions amounting to $6.00 and $4.50 cash additional. A SELF-INKING PRESS will be substituted in any of the above offers for additional subscriptions amounting to $5.00.
(With a Self-inking Press, price $3.00 additional.) This outfit will do work from the size of postal card down.
Or, for NEW subscriptions amounting to $20.00 and $5.00 cash additional. Or, for NEW subscriptions amounting to $12.00 and $10.00 cash additional. A SELF-INKING PRESS will be substituted for additional subscriptions amounting to $10.00.
(With a Self-inking Press, price $6.00 additional.) This outfit is an excellent one, as it will do for bill-heads, note-sheets, etc. press with decorative scrolls around illustration box SELF-INKING PRESS. The mechanical plan of the SELF-INKING PRESS is the same as with the hand inker except that inking rollers are added to work by the stroke of a lever. The advantage of a self inker over a hand inker is mainly in speed, which is increased because both hands are left free, one to feed paper and one to work lever. ALL EXCELSIOR PRESSES use ordinary printers' type, as made in any part of the world. No Excelsior Press is cheaply made, but has steel bearings, best of screws, etc. All presses print within 1/8 inch of full size of chase as screws are used to lock up the forms. Every Excelsior Press is fully warranted in every respect. With every press we send out is included full printed instructions on every point, by which any purchaser can manage type-setting, press-work, etc., successfully and satisfactorily. The Outfits must be sent by Express at receiver's expense. D. LOTHROP & CO., Publishers, Franklin and Hawley Sts., Boston. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. Remittances should be made by Post-office order; by registered letter; by express money order; or by bank check. These four ways are safe. The American Express Money Orders are very cheap and perfectly safe. Obtain one when possible. Remittances for small amounts may be made by postal notes, but not at our risk. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston. FREE! THE HOUSEHOLD RECEIPT BOOK for a 2-cent stamp. THE HOUSEHOLD GAME BOOK for two 2-cent stamps. THE HOUSEHOLD PRIMER for a 2-cent stamp. Send to D. Lothrop & Co., 32 Franklin St., Boston, for them. AN UNSURPASSED PREMIUM OFFER. This beautiful and instructive set of minerals will be sent to any subscriber to one of our magazines who will send us one new subscriber to The Pansy, or Our Little Men and Women, or for two new subscribers to Babyland. We will send three of the Cabinets to any subscriber who will send us one new subscriber to Wide Awake. Read the conditions on second page of this list if you are not a subscriber. Young people are born naturalists. Their first inquiries are in regard to the attractive objects of nature around them; and their future mental activity—or stupidity—depends largely upon the answers they receive. Parents and teachers should, therefore, be able to encourage and satisfy the first cravings of their inquiring minds. To aid in this, and to afford abundant entertainment more pleasing than toys, far cheaper and more instructive than mere amusement, we have secured a large quantity of the Rocky Mountain Cabinets expressly for our special premium use. Each Juvenile Cabinet contains 4 specimens of gold, 3 of silver, 1 zinc, 1 lead, 3 iron, 2 copper ores—each a different variety—1 agate (surface polished), opalized wood, rock crystal, silicified wood, molydenum, Iceland spar, topaz, 2 jaspers, dendrite, tourmaline, opal agate, arragonite, milky quartz, sulphur, selenite, Amazon stone, feldspar, fluorspar, variscite, chalcedony, petrified wood, alabaster, mica, wavellite, etc. The specimens in this cabinet are in a strong pasteboard box, divided into 40 sections (size 8-1/2 by 6-1/2 inches) in which the objects are affixed. A descriptive manual is sent with each cabinet, giving the history, properties and uses of the different minerals and gems. Price 85 cents postpaid. Address all orders to D. Lothrop & Co., Boston. FIELD BOTANY. Given to any subscriber sending one new subscriber to Babyland and 10 cents cash additional, before Aug. 1st. A Handbook for the Collector, containing Instructions for gathering and preserving Plants and the formation of Herbarium. Also complete Instructions in leaf Photography, Plant Printing and the Skeletonizing of Leaves. By Walter P. Manton. Illustrated. Price, 50 cents. From the first page to the last it is practical, and tells the young botanist exactly what it is most desirable to know. Two of the above books given to any subscriber sending us one new subscription to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women. A BOY'S WORKSHOP. Given to any subscriber sending one new subscriber to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women before Aug. 1st. By A Boy and His Friends. With an introduction by Henry Randall Waite. A fascinating little volume full of practical ideas for the benefit of boys who are getting their first training in the use of tools. Price, $1.00. TAXIDERMY WITHOUT A TEACHER. Given to any subscriber sending one new subscriber to Babyland and 10 cents cash additional, before Aug. 1st. Comprising a complete Manual of Instruction for preparing and preserving Birds, Animals and Fishes; with a chapter on Hunting and Hygiene; together with Instructions for preserving Eggs and making Skeletons, and a number of valuable recipes. By Walter P. Manton. Illustrated. Price 50 cents. INSECTS. Given to any subscriber sending one new subscriber to Babyland and 10 cts. cash additional before Aug. 1st. How to catch and how to prepare them for the Cabinet, Comprising a Manual of Instruction for the Field-Naturalist. By Walter P. Manton. Cloth, illustrated. Price, 50 cents. The young naturalist will seize this book with avidity and study it with an earnestness proportioned to his delight in bug-catching. COOKERY FOR BEGINNERS. Cookery fo Beginners Given to any subscriber sending one new subscriber to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women before Aug. 1st. Or, to any subscriber sending two new subscriptions to Babyland and 15c. cash additional. By Marion Harland, author of "Common Sense in the Household," etc. Plain, practical lessons for girls and young housekeepers of small means. Its directions are to be relied upon, and its results are invariably delicate, wholesome and delicious. It possesses the advantage of being perfectly adapted to the needs of beginners. Mothers cannot give their daughters a more sensible and useful present than this volume. It is one of our most valuable premiums in the sense of real worth. Price, $1.00. Subscriptions to the Magazines given as Premiums. These Special Offers are good only to Aug. 1st. We will send Wide Awake one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of the four magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $6.00. We will send The Pansy one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of the four magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $2.00. We will send Our Little Men and Women one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of the four magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $2.00. We will send Babyland one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of our magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $1.00. D. LOTHROP & COMPANY, Publishers, Franklin and Hawley Sts., Boston.
Merriest and Wisest of all magazines for young folks is WiDE AWAKE with a thousand quarto pages a year of literature by best authors, and half a thousand pictures by best artists. A FEW OF THE ATTRACTIONS FOR '86: A Midshipman at Large and The Cruise of the Casabianca, two yachting (serial) stories by Charles Remington Talbot; A Girl and a Jewel (serial), by Harriet Prescott Spofford; Dilly and the Captain and Peggy (serials), by Margaret Sidney; and a six months' story by Charles Egbert Craddock. Also, Royal Girls and Royal Courts (12) by Mrs. John Sherwood; A Cycle of Children (12 historic holidays), by Elbridge S. Brooks; Stories of American Wars (12), In Peril (12 Adventures), Youth in Twelve Centuries (24 Costume and Race Studies), etc.(Full Prospectus Free.) Only $3.00 a year. Send 10 cents for specimen number (regular price 25 cents). FOR THE YOUNGER BOYS AND GIRLS, AND THE BABIES: Little girl in bonnet sitting on chair WHEN GRANDMA WAS A GIRL BABYLAND Never fails to carry delight to the babies and rest to the mammas, with its large beautiful pictures, its merry stories and jingles, in large type on heavy paper. 50 cents a year. OUR LITTLE MEN AND WOMEN With its seventy-five full-page pictures a year, and numberless smaller, and its delightful stories and poems, is most admirable for the youngest readers in homes and schools. $1.00 a year. THE PANSY Edited by the famous author of the "Pansy Books," is equally charming and suitable for week-day and Sunday reading. Always contains a serial by "Pansy." $1.00 a year. Bound volumes of all the magazines for previous years can be supplied. Also thousands of beautiful illustrated books, in colors and in black and white—for little folks, boys and girls, and the family. Catalogue free. right pointing hand Send for specimen copies of the magazines, circulars, catalogues of books, etc., to the Publishers. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston, Mass., U. S. A. EVERY BOY AND EVERY GIRL CAN EARN A GOOD WATCH AND CHAIN. The Waterbury Watch (and Chain) given for Four New Subscriptions to either The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women; or for Two New Subscriptions and $1.30 cash additional; or, given for one new subscriber to Wide Awake, and 65 cts. cash additional ($3.65 in all), if sent before August 1st, 1886. Two Babyland subscriptions will be equivalent to one Pansy subscription. "The Waterbury." watch back NEW ENGRAVED CASE (BACK). We make this special offer only to present subscribers who send us new subscriptions. Full rates must be paid for each subscription (no club rates being allowed) and the order must be sent to us direct, not through an agent. The subscriptions must be secured between April 10th, 1886, and Aug. 1st, 1886. (Premium credits not taken up cannot be used for this special offer.) The above amount includes postage. If the watch is to be registered (and we do not assume responsibility of safe delivery otherwise), 10 cents should be added. The Waterbury Watch will be found a marvel of accuracy and cheapness. Accurate, because it will run 24 hours, and keep time equal to the better grade of watches. Cheap, because it will wear for years, and is offered at a price within the reach of everybody. Every watch is perfect before leaving the factory and is tested a few days in our office before being sent away. The price of the watch is $3.50. Remember, the Waterbury Watch is not a toy, but a real watch, having less than one half the number of parts to be found in any other going watch in the world. It is a stem winder. Remittances may be made by Money Order, Draft, Bank Check or American Express Money Order, at our risk. D. LOTHROP AND COMPANY, Publishers, Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston. LAWN TENNIS RACQUET, No. 2. tennis racquet Given for two new subscriptions to The Pansy or Our Little Men and Women and 10 cts. cash additional Or, Given for four new subscriptions to Babyland and 10 cents cash additional. TWO RACQUETS will be given for one new subscription to Wide Awake and 50 cts. cash additional. This is a good light Racquet, very suitable for the boys and girls. It is well made, with maple or sweet gum throat, and redwood handle. The handle is finished with round corners. Lawn tennis is fast becoming the most popular game in this country, as it provides pleasant and healthful outdoor exercise for both boys and girls. Price of the Racquet, $1.75. Postage and packing 15 cents when sent as a premium. More expensive Racquets will be furnished at proportionate rates. D. LOTHROP AND COMPANY, Publishers, Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston. TO ALL YOUNG PEOPLE. NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY THE FOUNDATION OF A LIBRARY OF YOUR OWN. Read the very liberal Premium Offers we make, and improve the best opportunity you will ever have. A little earnest endeavor will bring you a valuable reward. A Book for the Little Folks, a Book for the Young Folks, and a Book for the Older Young Folks, given with a handsome three-shelf Book-rack (No. 322), to any present subscriber to one of our magazines who will send us one new subscriber to Wide Awake (at $3.00) and 20 cents cash additional (total, $3.20). The book for the little folks may be selected from the following list: "Alice's Alphabet," beautifully printed in colors; "Art in the Nursery;" "Outline Drawings for Little Paint Brushes;" "Nursery Tiles;" "Little Folks' Bible Pictures and Stories." Fully illustrated. Price, 50 cents each. For the young folks select one from the following list: "In No-Man's Land," a wonder-story. Price, 75 cents; "The Story of Puff," a lovely story of bird-life. Price, 60 cents; "In the Woods and Out," by Pansy. Price, $1.00. For the older young folks select one from the following list: "Five Little Peppers, and how They Grew," price, $1.50; "Two young Homesteaders," price, $1.50; "Cooking Club of Tu-Whit Hollow," price, $1.00; "Half Year at Bronckton," a story of schoolboy life, price, $1.25; "Boy Life in the U. S. Navy," price, $1.50. The books and book-rack will be sent in one package by express, charges to be paid by the receiver. This Offer is limited to Aug. 15, 1886. STUDENT'S BOOK-RACK, NO. 222. bookcase
This book-rack has two shelves 22 inches long, will hold thirty volumes of suitable size for student's use, and can be put in a small trunk or large valise. Price, 65 cents. Receiver to pay express charges on the book-rack. These book-racks are light and ornamental. FAMILY BOOK-RACK, NO. 322. bookcase
This book-rack has three shelves 22 inches long, with capacity for holding 60 volumes of ordinary size, and when packed for removal will occupy a space of 7 by 30 inches and about 2 inches deep and weighs only 4 pounds. Price, $1.15. Receiver to pay express charges. BOOK-RACKS FOR EVERY HOME. These Book-racks are something entirely new; something which everybody needs. Many people having a taste for reading, are prevented from purchasing book-cases on account of their high cost. Consequently their books will lie around on tables, on the floor or in closets until they become soiled or destroyed. This difficulty in keeping books from being injured can be obviated by obtaining the "Lock Shelf Book-rack," an article both beautiful and useful. The simplicity of their construction will enable any one to take them apart and put them up again in a moment's time. They are made to hang on the wall from strong screw hooks which are furnished with each rack. (Put hooks close to the uprights.) Can also stand on the floor. D. LOTHROP & COMPANY, Publishers, Franklin and Hawley Sts., Boston. ![]() A GOOD SUGGESTION. Economy, as wise folks say, Is wealth pronounced another way, So while "hard times" the people cry, The Toilet Soaps they should not buy, Let all who buy such Soaps take care To weigh the cake exact and fair, And find the pay in figures round A dollar, more or less, per pound. What course should people then pursue? In short, the only thing to do, Though rich in bonds, or worldly poor, The "Ivory Soap" they should procure, Which may be bought from coast to coast, At sixteen cents per pound at most, And does more satisfaction grant Than all the Toilet Soaps extant. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the 'Ivory';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright 1886, by Procter & Gamble. Transcriber's Notes: Punctuation errors repaired. Page 284, "cany" changed to "candy" (candy-pull, early) Page 296, "propogation" changed to "propagation" (the propagation of then) Page 299, "misdeanor" changed to "misdemeanor" (a boy's misdemeanor) Page 311, "it" changed to "in" (in the midst of) Page 5, "tryung" changed to "trying" (just how trying) Page 7, word "of" added to text (large lot of old toys) Page 15, "supplied also" changed to "supplied. Also" (be supplied. Also thousands) |