Little girl BESSIE. I AM a very little girl, I can't say much, but I know Christ is died and gone to Heaven Many hundred years ago. And he suffered, here on earth, All his weary long life through, That our sins might be forgiven, And we go to Heaven too. And I know how he was born, In a hornÈd ox's crib; Wasn't that a dreadful place For a little babe to live? Muvver told me all about it, 'Bout the Shepherd, and the star; And the blessed angels, singing Way up in the sky, so far. And He came to die for children, Just as much as grown-up men; And if I am good and holy, I shall go to Heaven, then. I have 'membered it so nicely, That I thought I'd tell you all; And you'd listen, and be ready When you hear the Saviour call. Belle Waldron. double line decoration |