SEVERAL years ago, an effort was made to collect all the chimney-sweepers in the city of Dublin, for the purpose of education. Amongst others came a little fellow who was asked if he knew his letters. "O yes, sir," was the reply. "Do you spell?" "O yes, sir," was again the answer. "Do you read?" "O yes, sir." "And what book did you learn from?" continued his interrogator. "O, I never had a book in my life, sir," said the manly little fellow. "And who was your schoolmaster?" "O, I never was at school." Here was a singular case. A boy could read and spell without a book or master. But what was the fact? Why, another little sweep, a little older than himself, had taught him to read by showing him the letters over the shop doors which they passed as they went through the city. His teacher, then, was another little sweep like himself, and his book the sign-boards on the houses. What may not be done by trying? ROUND THE FAMILY LAMP