child in furs AN ALASKA CHILD. THIS face is not like yours, but more like some of the young folks of Alaska. Of course you want to know a bit about the boys and girls away off there. Here it is from Mrs. Cady, who was there not long ago: “Mr. Austin, the missionary, and these boys dragged all the timber by ropes to build the first house. “The Sabbath evening service was opened by a fine anthem, these boys and girls being among the singers. Mr. Austin read a Psalm in English, which was interpreted by a boy fourteen years old. “He asked a girl twelve years old to offer the closing prayer, and she expressed it beautifully in English. “They are very polite. If a boy taps at the door his hat is off before the door is opened. Their table manners are good. One boy is head waiter. “He can offer thanks or call upon some other boy to do so, or sing a blessing.” Of course you ought to know just how the grandmothers of these bright Alaska children look. Our picture will enable you to judge somewhat of their appearance. L. women sitting on ground at door of hut ALASKAN WOMEN. double line