F FRANCE is “sunny.” It loves shade-trees, fans and fountains. Laplanders must need have furs and fire and fat food. Of course you know why. Those Lapp faces would look equally well as Mr. William’s, if they were to exchange dresses, putting a Lapp where the Emperor now sits so loftily. Give the Lapp the very same chance, and maybe he would make just as wise a ruler of Prussia. People are not so unlike, after all. When God would raise up the greatest Prophet that ever appeared on the earth, he found him in the despised Nazareth. Maybe he is nursing a little child of one of these Lapps who will one day be as great as young Master Wilhelm of Prussia. L. three people in Lapp dress INTERESTING FACES. double line Although the printing presses at Beirut are working night and day they cannot supply the demand for the Arabic Bible. double line